CalamityJane wrote:From the same source you have quoted (AGI USA)
Quote:Abortion is a common experience: At current rates, about one in three American women will have had an abortion by the time she reaches age 45. Moreover, a broad cross section of U.S. women have abortions. 56% of women having abortions are in their 20s; 61% have one or more children; 67% have never married; 57% are economically disadvantaged; 88% live in a metropolitan area; and 78% report a religious affiliation. No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority: 41% of women obtaining abortions are white non-Hispanic, 32% are black non-Hispanic, 20% are Hispanic and 7% are of other racial backgrounds.
No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority.....
Now let's examine your horror stories about abortion.
The facts are:
Quote:Vacuum aspiration (the suction method) is the most common type of abortion. It is a surgical procedure that involves anesthesia and can be performed within the first trimester of pregnancy. In vacuum aspiration, the cervix (bottom part of the uterus) is gently "dilated" (opened) about a quarter-inch, a narrow tube is inserted through the vagina and cervix to the uterus, and then contents of the uterine internal lining are vacuumed out. The procedure takes only a couple minutes and the woman can usually return home later in the day.
Abortions are more rare in the second trimester, which begins in the 13th week of pregnancy. In these procedures, a medication called prostaglandin is generally given in a clinic. This results in uterine contractions, which can last some hours, and usually is accompanied by some anesthesia. Many doctors who will perform first-trimester abortions will not perform them during second trimester; women may need referral to specialists with greater experience here.
Third-trimester abortions (after 24 weeks) are reserved for severely deformed fetuses or for when the mother's life is in danger.
The following statement is your opinion and you are
certainly entitled to it, however has no merit in a court
of law, gladly so, I might add.
Quote:The unborn obviously resides within the mother and is desparately dependent upon the mother for safety and well being, but the unborn is biologically not part of the mother's body.
No racial or ethnic group makes up a majority. True. Isn't that odd since it does not reflect the population at large? Abortion among minority women is much higher in proportion than the percentage of minority populace; while abortion among whites is much lower in proportion than the percentage of white populace.
You stated that the majority (in your experience) were white. You quoted statistics however which showed that this is not the case overall, which proves exactly what I had said, that your experience is atypical.
You quote verbiage giving details of vacuum aspiration abortions. Yes those occur. Are you trying to imply from this that saline abortions, D&C abortions or partial birth abortions do not occur? What exactly is your point? In all cases the unborn does not survive the procedure, so what exactly are you attempting to prove?
You mention the legal aspect of abortion and that you are glad it is legal. But I suspect you would support abortion if it was illegal as well, would you not?
If this is the case, let me ask: If abortion were illegal tomorrow and the unborn had the full protection of the law as a human being with rights under the Constitution, how would you justify breaking that law?
If you are proposing that a woman has rights which do not depend upon the recognition of the law, then how can you deny rights to the unborn simply on the basis that the law does not recognize those rights? Isn't that quite a contradiction?