It is not apples and oranges...and you demanded a response to a hypothetical earlier which had me making decisions about a fetus I suppposedly fathered.
I had a vasectomy 25 years ago.
I did my best to respond to your hypothetical.
I was trying to understand your response to mine.
I wanted to know how you would advise a daughter...if you had one...if her life was in danger and doctors told you that an abortion would save her life.
That is the trouble with hypotheticals...and they should never be used.
But since I was responding to one of yours...I thought I would pose one to you to see how you responded.
As for Intrepid's hypothetical....
...I would not try to "save" either....because I cannot f******g swim one stroke.
How the hell else can I respond to that hypothetical?
Jesus H. Christ...I even gave him an opportunity to change the goddam hypothetical considering the problems with the first goddam hypothetical.
All said with a huge smile on my tanned face....and love in my heart for both of you poor, deluded fools.