Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2005 11:52 pm
Momma Angel, here is Prop. 73 in short form:

A YES vote on this measure means:
The California Constitution would be changed to require that a physician notify, with certain exceptions, a parent or legal guardian of a pregnant minor at least 48 hours before performing an abortion.

A NO vote on this measure means:
Minors would continue to receive abortion services to the same extent as adults. Physicians performing abortions for minors would not be subject to notification requirements.

California passed a NO vote with 51 %
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 9 Nov, 2005 11:54 pm
I think that is so sad Calamity Jane. Those poor young girls. I am sure they would want their parents with them and they probably would be if someone were to tell them.

I find that sad.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:01 am
Actually I find it sad too. I have a 10 year old daughter
and for her sake, I hope she never will be in a predicament
of having an unwanted pregnancy. However, we have an
open door policy and she's fully educated about the "birds and the bees" as well as pregnancies.

I believe that knowledge will give her better choices.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:04 am
I am glad that you have that kind of a relationship with your daughter. And I agree with you, that knowledge is power. Your daughter is blessed to have you for a mother.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:17 am
CalamityJane wrote:
real life wrote:
Your sneering comment about Christian people supposedly not thinking for themselves is quite ironic, given your background.

When you worked at Planned Parenthood and counseled women regarding abortion, why didn't you just tell them, "Go home and think for yourself ! "

real life,
my comment was directed at "so called Christians" who use their
religious affiliation to pressure others in accepting their doctrines. Being Christian, and being religious is and should be something private.

Planned Parenthood primarily serves women in medical needs and
prenatal choices for a very small amount, and more often free of charge.
These services include pap smears, annual exams, treatment of STD's,
HIV testing, contraceptives, and prenatal care. Out of all these services
Planned Parenthood also offers termination of pregnancy.

Counselors don't ever TELL these women what to do, they merely
counsel them of their options which range from prenatal care, adoption
and different forms of pregnancy termination, depending on how far along they're in their pregnancy. That's all, and ultimately the decision has to be made by every woman individually. No counselor, no physician
and no other person at Planned Parenthood will tell them what to do.

I also can tell you that of ca. 100 women visiting Planned Parenthood,
maybe 10 seek the option of terminating their pregnancy. The majority
uses their services for medical needs, as they cannot afford other
healthcare providers.

Really? If being a Christian is something that should be private, then why isn't the same standard applied to Planned Parenthood counsellors?

Why is it only Christians that you seem to think need to sit down and shut up? Freedom of speech for you , but not for others, right?

Planned Parenthood has been very adept in using the force of law to make others accept their doctrines, even to the extent of using RICO laws, which were designed to fight the Mafia, as a tool to bankrupt pro-life organizations which perform political protests.

Freedom of speech for you, but not for others, right?


Planned Parenthood sells abortion services for a tidy fee. They are not quite the altruistic bunch that you may want us to believe. Just because they may con you or other counsellors into working for free doesn't mean that everybody does.

Lots of money is in this business, CalamityJane and we all know that. Planned Parenthood is a multi million dollar organization (much of it tax money).

They have a vested financial interest in keeping abortions happening. Let's tell it how it is, CJ. It's a business.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 12:45 am
Thank you Momma Angel Smile

real life,

Planned Parenthood offers services for women - they can
take it or leave it, it is their choice.

Christians don't want to extend a choice, they force their
beliefs onto others - big difference here.

This is the definition of RICO I have
RICO or the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States law which provides for extended penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. It was enacted as Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.

Planned Parenthood does not perform criminal acts.

Planned Parenthood sells abortion services for a tidy fee. They are not quite the altruistic bunch that you may want us to believe. Just because they may con you or other counsellors into working for free doesn't mean that everybody does.

True, abortions are not free of charge, but many other
Planned Parenthood services available to women are free
of charge, and these services provided by PP generate
the bulk of PP's existence, as I stated already previously.

PP does not solicit abortions, it is an institution where abortion is also available among many other gynecological
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 07:16 am
women should be allowed to have abortions

plain and simple

???........great debate tactic Rolling Eyes

Christians don't want to extend a choice, they force their
beliefs onto others - big difference here.

You people don't seem to understand the fact that we take a stand against things we think to be immoral.

Why is it only Christians that you seem to think need to sit down and shut up? Freedom of speech for you , but not for others, right?

Why is it that christianity is the only religion that seems to get attacked by civil rights groups and such?
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 07:16 am
women should be allowed to have abortions

plain and simple

???........great debate tactic Rolling Eyes

Christians don't want to extend a choice, they force their
beliefs onto others - big difference here.

You people don't seem to understand the fact that we take a stand against things we think to be immoral.

Why is it only Christians that you seem to think need to sit down and shut up? Freedom of speech for you , but not for others, right?

Why is it that christianity is the only religion that seems to get attacked by civil rights groups and such?
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 07:17 am
women should be allowed to have abortions

plain and simple

???........great debate tactic

Christians don't want to extend a choice, they force their
beliefs onto others - big difference here.

You people don't seem to understand the fact that we take a stand against things we think to be immoral.

Why is it only Christians that you seem to think need to sit down and shut up? Freedom of speech for you , but not for others, right?

Why is it that christianity is the only religion that seems to get attacked by civil rights groups and such?
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 07:19 am
oops...sorry about the multi post, it reported an error and so I tried to post it again, apparently it posted the first two times.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 09:35 am
real life wrote:

Really? If being a Christian is something that should be private, then why isn't the same standard applied to Planned Parenthood counsellors?

Why is it only Christians that you seem to think need to sit down and shut up? Freedom of speech for you , but not for others, right?

I think the biggest difference is that people seek out the Planned Parenthood counsellors advice.

Planned Parenthood sells abortion services for a tidy fee. They are not quite the altruistic bunch that you may want us to believe. Just because they may con you or other counsellors into working for free doesn't mean that everybody does.

How odd. The Church ALSO collects a tidy fee, are not the altruistic bunch that you may want us to believe. They also manage to con elders and deacons into working for free while the preacher gets to drive his porche 2 blocks to his church-funded house and back.

Lots of money is in this business, CalamityJane and we all know that.

Lots of money in the church business isn't there?

Planned Parenthood is a multi million dollar organization (much of it tax money).

And church is a multi billion dollar organization, all of it tax free.

They have a vested financial interest in keeping abortions happening. Let's tell it how it is, CJ. It's a business.

The church has a vested financial interest in convering more and more people so that it may continue to fill it's coffers.

Tell it how it is, indeed. You're more similar than you know.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 09:39 am
Seems to be a major bug/problem on the board today. I wouldn't worry about the multi-post... It needed to be said. Maybe somebody will read it.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:38 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:38 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:38 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:39 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:39 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:40 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:44 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Nov, 2005 10:45 am
Well good morning everyone!

Let me just inject a pleasant note first thing this morning, ok? It is a beautiful day here in Louisiana and I am watching all these fuzzy little kittens play with their toys!

From reading lots of threads and posts, you can see different facets of the posters. Just as with the Old and New Testament, you have to read more than just one part of the Bible.

We have all lost our tempers at times and we have all probably said things in our frustration and anger. Let's just try to remember that this a very heated topic but that we have been doing remarkably well IMO of keeping it civil the majority of the time.

I thought Foxfyre had started us pretty well at a fresher understanding of things yesterday.

I try to remember that just as hard as it is Anti-Abortionists (like me) to understand just how deeply we believe the fetus is a child and that our Christian beliefs are very sacred to us and we will always stand up for them, it is just as hard for Pro-Choicers to understand that it is the unborn children we are trying to protect and not doing this to take away anyone's rights.

So everyone, please, let's not let our anger get out of hand today? I'm not saying it has already, I can just see the potential for it and I would hate to see it happen again.

And if dys happens to be watching, yes, now it's time for tea and cookies!
0 Replies

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