Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 01:29 pm
non-denom christian wrote:

An embryo is a life, is not an opinion. Life is simply a property that one possesses if it takes in food and receives energy from it. Simple enough. Not an opinion. No evangelizing needed. Did you ever notice the word evangelizing is centered around the word "angel"/ Very Happy
ps I studied human physiology.

By using the word "life" you are implying that it is a human life. You are also implying that in the early stages it is a totally different entity than the woman that it exists within. The fetus is just that, a fetus. It is not a human life. Yes, it's made up of organic tissue. So is a cancer cell. A cancer cell absorbs "food" and receives energy from it. It also reproduces. The early stage fetus should be considered no different.

And yeah, since Frank's not here I'll just keep repeating the same old schtick.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 01:41 pm
Hey, an honest syncophant - fancy that. He didn't imply human, or separateness - you inferred it. He simply said a life is not an opinion, but a fact. All the voodoo labels to prove the worthlessness of said life don't affect that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 01:50 pm
snood wrote:
Hey, an honest syncophant - fancy that. He didn't imply human, or separateness - you inferred it. He simply said a life is not an opinion, but a fact. All the voodoo labels to prove the worthlessness of said life don't affect that.

Ok, so I inferred it. If, then, he's not speaking of it as being alive in human terms then his argument is even more ludricis since the overall debate seems to be that destroying a fetus is murder. You can't murder a dog, or a cat, or a cow. Therefore, if I assume that non-denom has anything intelligent to add at all to this debate, then I would infer that he is speaking of a human life.

And Frank and I have rarely seen eye to eye. Except in this thread.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:34 pm
What do you mean you can't murder a dog or a cat or a cow?! Why, because there is no law against it? Well, I beg to differ with you. Killing cats and dogs around here is against the law! Cows are killed to feed people. Cats and dogs are murdered every day! I should know, I run a homeless cat shelter! I won't even have an abortion performed on a cat that is already pregnant! They are living creatures.

And, in my opinion, destroying a fetus is murder! That's my opinion. I have carried a child in my womb. I lost that child at five months and I grieved for years. I still do at times. I find the utter disregard for innocent children/lives just so unbelievable.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:42 pm
Questioner wrote:
non-denom christian wrote:

An embryo is a life, is not an opinion. Life is simply a property that one possesses if it takes in food and receives energy from it. Simple enough. Not an opinion. No evangelizing needed. Did you ever notice the word evangelizing is centered around the word "angel"/ Very Happy
ps I studied human physiology.

By using the word "life" you are implying that it is a human life. You are also implying that in the early stages it is a totally different entity than the woman that it exists within. The fetus is just that, a fetus. It is not a human life. Yes, it's made up of organic tissue. So is a cancer cell. A cancer cell absorbs "food" and receives energy from it. It also reproduces. The early stage fetus should be considered no different.

And yeah, since Frank's not here I'll just keep repeating the same old schtick.

If you are going to try and take over where Frank left off you will get the same answers as he got. His, and your, foolish contention that a cancer is also living is repugnant when it is considered that you are comparing a cancer to a living fetus. The fetus has a chance, if the abortionists don't get to do their job, of becoming a productive human being.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:45 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
What do you mean you can't murder a dog or a cat or a cow?! Why, because there is no law against it? Well, I beg to differ with you. Killing cats and dogs around here is against the law! Cows are killed to feed people. Cats and dogs are murdered every day!

mur·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mûrdr)
The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.

No, cats and dogs are killed every day. They are not murdered.

I should know, I run a homeless cat shelter! I won't even have an abortion performed on a cat that is already pregnant! They are living creatures.

So are ants. Bet you don't get so worked up when you walk across an ant bed.

And, in my opinion, destroying a fetus is murder! That's my opinion. I have carried a child in my womb. I lost that child at five months and I grieved for years. I still do at times. I find the utter disregard for innocent children/lives just so unbelievable.

Understood. Others think differently including, apparently, the government.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:45 pm
Questioner wrote:
snood wrote:
Hey, an honest syncophant - fancy that. He didn't imply human, or separateness - you inferred it. He simply said a life is not an opinion, but a fact. All the voodoo labels to prove the worthlessness of said life don't affect that.

Ok, so I inferred it. If, then, he's not speaking of it as being alive in human terms then his argument is even more ludricis since the overall debate seems to be that destroying a fetus is murder. You can't murder a dog, or a cat, or a cow. Therefore, if I assume that non-denom has anything intelligent to add at all to this debate, then I would infer that he is speaking of a human life.

And Frank and I have rarely seen eye to eye. Except in this thread.

Semantics! OK - replace the word murder with killing. You can kill a dog. You can kill a cat. You can kill a cow. You can kill a living fetus. You destroy germs...not a fetus.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:47 pm
If you intentionally and with malice in your heart kill a cat or a dog, you murdered the cat or dog. I don't care what the dictionary defines it as. It is murder, plain and simple.

And I do my best not to walk on ant beds. We have red ants here in Louisiana and if you walk on their ant bed they attack!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 02:59 pm
Intrepid wrote:

If you are going to try and take over where Frank left off you will get the same answers as he got. His, and your, foolish contention that a cancer is also living is repugnant when it is considered that you are comparing a cancer to a living fetus. The fetus has a chance, if the abortionists don't get to do their job, of becoming a productive human being.

I question the validity of the statement that a fetus is a living human. Period. Your side insists that if something is living it must therefore be held sacred. My argument to you is that a cancer is living, and we most certainly do not hold IT sacred. The fool, sir, is thee.

Over the progression of this thread I believe that I've had a change of heart. Originally I began as being in the middle of the fence where abortion is concerned. I stated that abortion was, for the most part, an injustice in my eyes. The notable exceptions being in regards to rape etc.

I still feel that this is mostly an accurate appraisal of my inclinations. However I do note that the arguments comeing from the pro-choice side are stagnant and repitive while the arguments for the pro-life side are blatant name calling and consistant guilt-inducing vomit.

IF a fetus can be successfully labeled as a human, then abortion is wrong. So far, nothing from the pro-life section has done much in the way of influencing my notion that noone has a clue.

Someone made mention that was it best that if we don't know we should err on the side of caution?

Yes, perhaps we should.

Likewise, the US (i speak of the US since that is my home) is a land driven by individual liberties and freedoms. In such a land, can we respectfully take away the freedomand liberties a woman cherishes with her own body in favor of a fetus who's citizenship or even humanity has yet to be adequately determined?

I argue pro-choice for the above reason, though I could just as easilly argue pro-life as well.

The bottom line is I'm fortunate never to have to make that choice.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:02 pm
Intrepid wrote:

Semantics! OK - replace the word murder with killing. You can kill a dog. You can kill a cat. You can kill a cow. You can kill a living fetus. You destroy germs...not a fetus.

I was called out on semantics, so semantics I'll use.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:05 pm
Questioner Wrote:

I still feel that this is mostly an accurate appraisal of my inclinations. However I do note that the arguments comeing from the pro-choice side are stagnant and repitive while the arguments for the pro-life side are blatant name calling and consistant guilt-inducing vomit.

Could you please point some instances of this out? I have read many posts with differing views on why there should be choice, just as I have read many posts that say there should be no choice. But, who in the world has done blatant namecalling and consistent guilt-inducing vomit arguments? What have I missed?

Usually, you will find me one of the first to say, hey, let's not do the namecalling, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:08 pm
That is the Question, isn't it Momma Angel.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:14 pm
Funny how some think that battle lines should be drawn and the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other. I guess that is why there was a civil war in the U.S. Problem is, nobody can tell who the good and bad guys are. People forget what they are fighting about and ignore the real issue. I'm surprised that somebody hasn't said that a fetus might be a WMD and should be eliminated at all costs. Some have an open heart that cries that a life should be ended before it has a chance to experience life. Some have stone cold hearts that almost seem to revel in the butchery that takes place. Some look at it as a way to stick it to Christians while not realizing that it is not only Christians who have hearts. Semantic and rhetoric seem to rule the day.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:40 pm
MA, to answer your question, here is a prime example.

Intrepid wrote:
Some have an open heart that cries that a life should be ended before it has a chance to experience life. Some have stone cold hearts that almost seem to revel in the butchery that takes place. .

And Intrepid, talk about drawing battle lines?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 04:15 pm
Questioner wrote:
MA, to answer your question, here is a prime example.

Intrepid wrote:
Some have an open heart that cries that a life should be ended before it has a chance to experience life. Some have stone cold hearts that almost seem to revel in the butchery that takes place. .

And Intrepid, talk about drawing battle lines?

I hope that you, Sir, do not live in a glass house.

Questioner wrote to Intrepid:
question the validity of the statement that a fetus is a living human. Period. Your side insists that if something is living it must therefore be held sacred. My argument to you is that a cancer is living, and we most certainly do not hold IT sacred. The fool, sir, is thee.
<emphasis are mine>
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 05:09 pm
I infer the vast, I say overwhelming, yes, insurmountable majority of those pro choice people here are quite satisfied with their parent's choice to permit them to have progressed from zygote to fetus to neonate.

And beyond.

And that if the choice were left to any zygote after having thought about it for, lets say ten or 15 years, they would almost universally choose life.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 05:44 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Eorl wrote:

..... I am also troubled by the fact that you continue to put graduated levels of loss on people and animals. The loss of a child through miscarriage is no less heartbreaking than that of the 6 year old child.

It makes me wonder what has happened in your life for you to have such distorted views on life, the living, and the potential living.

This is where we differ Intrepid.

I have friends who have miscarried before 12 weeks. It happens so often (1 in 6) that most women don't tell anyone they are pregnant until after 12 weeks. Yes, there is serious grief.

I also had a friend who's baby died in utero at 8 months. The grief she felt and for that matter the grief I felt was GREATER BY FAR than if it happened earlier. (She had to go through with giving birth)

The idea that the loss of a 6 year old would not be FAR GREATER is just stupid. How insane are you that you say that? Do you have children? Worry all you like about my state of mind but seriously....a first term miscarriage is equal to the death of a six-year old???? NEVER.

This is entirely my point and one real life is also suddenly deciding he does not understand.

There IS a gradual development of a foetus from pre-dinner drinks through to 9 months. The POTENTIAL human being becoming gradually less potential and more actual along that path. To pretend a whole complete person exists on day one is just willful ignorance.

A dead six year old is equal to a first term miscarriage??? Shocked ....I'm appalled. You are stupid. There's no other way to see it.

To NOT see a "graduated loss of people and animals" is to risk being a monster through idealistic idiocy...and you say I have distorted views?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 06:12 pm
Eorl wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Eorl wrote:

..... I am also troubled by the fact that you continue to put graduated levels of loss on people and animals. The loss of a child through miscarriage is no less heartbreaking than that of the 6 year old child.

It makes me wonder what has happened in your life for you to have such distorted views on life, the living, and the potential living.

This is where we differ Intrepid.

I have friends who have miscarried before 12 weeks. It happens so often (1 in 6) that most women don't tell anyone they are pregnant until after 12 weeks. Yes, there is serious grief.

I also had a friend who's baby died in utero at 8 months. The grief she felt and for that matter the grief I felt was GREATER BY FAR than if it happened earlier. (She had to go through with giving birth)

The idea that the loss of a 6 year old would not be FAR GREATER is just stupid. How insane are you that you say that? Do you have children? Worry all you like about my state of mind but seriously....a first term miscarriage is equal to the death of a six-year old???? NEVER.

This is entirely my point and one real life is also suddenly deciding he does not understand.

There IS a gradual development of a foetus from pre-dinner drinks through to 9 months. The POTENTIAL human being becoming gradually less potential and more actual along that path. To pretend a whole complete person exists on day one is just willful ignorance.

A dead six year old is equal to a first term miscarriage??? Shocked ....I'm appalled. You are stupid. There's no other way to see it.

To NOT see a "graduated loss of people and animals" is to risk being a monster through idealistic idiocy...and you say I have distorted views?
HMMM. Using this realization, we could probably develop a rating scale for the relative humanity of developing zygotes.

Maybe something like this:

And using a 21 year old as a 10:

zygote = 1
1st trimester fetus = 2
2nd trimester = 3
3rd trimester = 4
pre birth (after start of labor) = 5
neonate =6
toddler before toilet training = 6.5
toddler after being trained = 7.5
6 year old = 8
12 year old = 9
mature adult = 10

At which point, of course , the relative humanity value would begin a steady decline until age 65, where it would dip into negative territory.

This would be an excellent guide for expected behavior at funerals or other observances of the loss of an aforementioned entity. I'm so happy Eorl has pointed it out.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 06:31 pm
Eorl wrote:

This is where we differ Intrepid.

The idea that the loss of a 6 year old would not be FAR GREATER is just stupid. How insane are you that you say that? Do you have children? Worry all you like about my state of mind but seriously....a first term miscarriage is equal to the death of a six-year old???? NEVER.

A dead six year old is equal to a first term miscarriage??? Shocked ....I'm appalled. You are stupid. There's no other way to see it.

Debating over who has more importance .... a first trimester child, being held lovingly in his/her mothers womb, OR a 6 year old, is not something you can decide. The boundries here are only limited by the mothers innate ability to love her offspring LONG before the child is ever born. And no one, except herself and God, truely knows the pain she suffers at the loss of her child. Loving your child at the moment you first become aware that new life is growing inside of you - does not stop if the child dies before birth. The love lives on in the heart ..... forever, and truely is no less painful for some women.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 07:16 pm
If that were the case, why do some women who think they already have too many kids have abortions?

Would it not be easier to knock one of her existing kids on the head?

I guess they don't because it's illegal?

Come on guys, seriously. No-one would find it difficult to choose between an early pregnancy and a six year old. Sad yes...comparable, no way.
0 Replies

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