non-denom christian
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:08 am
One who does not know, questions. One who understands, knows. Just as you can not pour a gallon of water into a 1 oz. container, you can not teach someone who refuses to learn.
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non-denom christian
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:21 am
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1
God created man on the sixth day and God saw everything that he made and it was very good.
It is to my knowledge that the earth wasn't here very long before man was created.
Next Exclamation
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:28 am
Eorl Wrote:

Yes I understand that YOU believe a foetus of any age is a child....what I don't accept is your refusal to understand that many other people do not share that belief, and that they may be right. See, you have your faith that makes you certain you are right. How can you see that you may be wrong? You can't. Bloody dangerous, that.

Eorl, I have said this before. I had this stance on abortion BEFORE I became a Christian. I understand you and others do not share that belief. It wasn't my faith that made me know I was right about it being a living child. It was the fact that I was carrying that living child that I knew it was a child. So, can you understand how I may feel those pro-choice are dangerous? To me, they are dangerous to innocent children.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:11 pm
thunder_runner32 wrote:

Do retarted people have a concept of what hands and feet are? Babies?

Retarded "people" have been born and exist outside of the womb.

Again, what does understanding have to do with what it actually is?

If the argument is continually made that "the fetus should also have a choice", understanding becomes rather important.

Apples and oranges would be comparing humans to dogs.

Actually, in the context I used that phrase it was comparing people (supposedly representing a fetus) living on the Earth (supposedly representing a pregnant woman).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:15 pm
Simply put so that even a child can understand: An embryo is alive. That means it is living, even as a 30 year old is living. Idea

Yes, nice and simple. Now that you've stated your simple opinion, perhaps you can provide a decent argument as to why you hold that opinion.

Oh, that's right. This is generally the point where you start evangelizing and praying for my soul instead of showing signs of actual reason.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 07:44 pm
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Lash wrote:
It is not twisted to hate for a human child to be treated in a way that is illegal to treat a dog.

Again with the "human child" definition already decided there Lash ?

How can anyone argue with such an obvious statement?

Thing is, we are talking about an 8 week old foetus, not a human child.

Hi Eorl,

Let's talk medical facts for a moment instead of your opinion.

At 8 weeks, the unborn has a heartbeat, her DNA is distinct from her mother's marking her as an individual and not as part of the mother's body, and brainwaves (which have been measured as early as 6 weeks) can be in evidence as well.

Which one of these things would indicate to you that the unborn is NOT a living human being, Eorl?

No problem, let's drop my opinion from the equation.

Wiki says:

A fetus (also foetus) is an unborn vertebrate offspring after the embryonary stage.

In humans, a fetus develops from the end of the 8th week of pregnancy (when the major structures have formed), until birth. Fetus, in Latin, literally means 'young one'. When speaking in the most rational of terms, a fetus is an organism, as yet undeveloped, in the process of becoming a functional individual of a species.

The circulatory system of a human fetus works differently from that of born humans, mainly because the lungs are not in use: the fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord.

In addition to differences in circulation, the developing fetus also employs a different type of oxygen transport molecule than adults (adults use adult hemoglobin). Fetal hemoglobin enhances the fetus' ability to draw oxygen from the placenta.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 08:38 pm
Eorl wrote:
real life wrote:
Eorl wrote:
Lash wrote:
It is not twisted to hate for a human child to be treated in a way that is illegal to treat a dog.

Again with the "human child" definition already decided there Lash ?

How can anyone argue with such an obvious statement?

Thing is, we are talking about an 8 week old foetus, not a human child.

Hi Eorl,

Let's talk medical facts for a moment instead of your opinion.

At 8 weeks, the unborn has a heartbeat, her DNA is distinct from her mother's marking her as an individual and not as part of the mother's body, and brainwaves (which have been measured as early as 6 weeks) can be in evidence as well.

Which one of these things would indicate to you that the unborn is NOT a living human being, Eorl?

No problem, let's drop my opinion from the equation.

Wiki says:

A fetus (also foetus) is an unborn vertebrate offspring after the embryonary stage.

In humans, a fetus develops from the end of the 8th week of pregnancy (when the major structures have formed), until birth. Fetus, in Latin, literally means 'young one'. When speaking in the most rational of terms, a fetus is an organism, as yet undeveloped, in the process of becoming a functional individual of a species.

The circulatory system of a human fetus works differently from that of born humans, mainly because the lungs are not in use: the fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord.

In addition to differences in circulation, the developing fetus also employs a different type of oxygen transport molecule than adults (adults use adult hemoglobin). Fetal hemoglobin enhances the fetus' ability to draw oxygen from the placenta.

And your point is..............................?

From what you posted, is there anything that indicates that the unborn is NOT a living human being? Not a thing.

The article indicates that the unborn is not fully developed (DOH!) and dependent on the mother for sustenance (DOH! again ) but nothing to indicate that the unborn is not living, or not a human being.

Even after birth , the child is still going to be not fully developed and dependent -- 100% dependent for quite a long time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:00 pm
"a fetus is an organism, as yet undeveloped, in the process of becoming a functional individual of a species."

If you are defining a "living human being" as a member of the species homo sapiens then clearly by the above definition a foetus does not conform.

It is not a human is an organism in the process of becoming one.

What part of that is difficult for you to grasp?

Like I've been saying...this debate is all about words...and rhetoric...not the realistic situation.

Once we can drop the rhetoric perhaps then we can discuss the situation in a rational way.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:01 pm
Realistic in your opinion, Eorl. When I was pregnant, it was NOT an organism I was pregnant with. I was pregnant with a child, a living child.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:09 pm
Momma, just because you felt that way does not mean it is true.

Those are just the words you choose to describe how you felt.

I'm sorry Momma, this must be difficult for you to discuss so openly, and you have my respect for your honesty and candour.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:11 pm
Eorl wrote:
Momma, just because you felt that way does not not mean it is true.

Those are just the words you choose to describe how you felt.

I'm sorry Momma, this must be difficult for you to discuss so openly, and you have my respect for your honesty and candour.


I appreciate your sentiment. It's very kind of you. But, it's not just the way I felt. It's just something that you know when you are pregnant. It's one of those things you just cannot explain with mere words.

My experiences in life are a lesson. They have taught me much. And if, in sharing them, I can help anyone, then that's what I do. I will always grieve the loss of that child, but I can now speak of it without the pain I once had.
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real life
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:22 pm
Eorl wrote:
"a fetus is an organism, as yet undeveloped, in the process of becoming a functional individual of a species."

If you are defining a "living human being" as a member of the species homo sapiens then clearly by the above definition a foetus does not conform.

It is not a human is an organism in the process of becoming one.

What part of that is difficult for you to grasp?

Like I've been saying...this debate is all about words...and rhetoric...not the realistic situation.

Once we can drop the rhetoric perhaps then we can discuss the situation in a rational way.

So anything that is still developing (infants, young children, etc) and has not finished the process of development is not yet human?

Oh, I see. If all else fails, then punt to the semantic dodge.

So a fetus is not a human because they are two different words.

One of my favorite passages from The Devoted Friend[/i] as the Miller and his family discuss the plight of their neighbor :

Oscar Wilde wrote:

"'But could we not ask little Hans up here?' said the Miller's youngest son. 'If poor Hans is in trouble I will give him half my porridge, and show him my white rabbits.'

"'What a silly boy you are'! cried the Miller; 'I really don't know what is the use of sending you to school. You seem not to learn anything. Why, if little Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, and our good supper, and our great cask of red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody's nature. I certainly will not allow Hans' nature to be spoiled. I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him, and see that he is not led into any temptations. Besides, if Hans came here, he might ask me to let him have some flour on credit, and that I could not do. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they should not be confused. Why, the words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things. Everybody can see that.'

"'How well you talk'! said the Miller's Wife, pouring herself out a large glass of warm ale; 'really I feel quite drowsy. It is just like being in church.'

"'Lots of people act well,' answered the Miller; 'but very few people talk well, which shows that talking is much the more difficult thing of the two, and much the finer thing also'; and he looked sternly across the table at his little son, who felt so ashamed of himself that he hung his head down, and grew quite scarlet, and began to cry into his tea. However, he was so young that you must excuse him."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:50 pm
Indeed you make my point quite succinctly real life.

When you start talking about the rights of defenseless human beings...we will now consider ourselves warned that you could be talking about various things other than human beings.

Still none of you have explained how we should deal with the miscarriage rate of one in six before 12 weeks. Should the whole town attend a funeral every time and be as distressed as though it was a 6 year old accidently killed? No? Why is that do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:51 pm
Now that Frank has gone to visit another forum, can we really have any fun here?

I've begged him to come back, but to no avail.
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real life
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:48 pm
Eorl wrote:
Indeed you make my point quite succinctly real life.

When you start talking about the rights of defenseless human beings...we will now consider ourselves warned that you could be talking about various things other than human beings.

Quite possibly you are the only one who knows what this means. The rest of us have been discussing abortion (among humans). You have occasionally noted that you consider dogs to be more valuable, so it's anybody's guess as to what you are trying to say. A confused mind begets confused speech.

Eorl wrote:
Still none of you have explained how we should deal with the miscarriage rate of one in six before 12 weeks. Should the whole town attend a funeral every time and be as distressed as though it was a 6 year old accidently killed? No? Why is that do you think?

In fact, some women will tell you that grief for a miscarriage is real, Eorl. Obviously it is more profound for some than others.
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non-denom christian
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 11:21 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Realistic in your opinion, Eorl. When I was pregnant, it was NOT an organism I was pregnant with. I was pregnant with a child, a living child.

Earl, Momma is right. She was preagnant with a human being. The fact of the matter is she did not give bith to a puppy or a turtle.

The embryo of a human will grow into a human, the embroy of a fish will grow into a fish.

That is not an opinion, but a scientific fact.

Why are you debating that, unless your being foolish to save your face.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 11:32 am
Somebody's gotta do it, I guess. Apisa ain't here.
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non-denom christian
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 11:45 am
Questioner wrote:
Simply put so that even a child can understand: An embryo is alive. That means it is living, even as a 30 year old is living. Idea

Yes, nice and simple. Now that you've stated your simple opinion, perhaps you can provide a decent argument as to why you hold that opinion.

Oh, that's right. This is generally the point where you start evangelizing and praying for my soul instead of showing signs of actual reason.

An embryo is a life, is not an opinion. Life is simply a property that one possesses if it takes in food and receives energy from it. Simple enough. Not an opinion. No evangelizing needed. Did you ever notice the word evangelizing is centered around the word "angel"/ Very Happy
ps I studied human physiology.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 12:36 pm
Eorl wrote:

Still none of you have explained how we should deal with the miscarriage rate of one in six before 12 weeks. Should the whole town attend a funeral every time and be as distressed as though it was a 6 year old accidently killed? No? Why is that do you think?

You seem to be having trouble getting across any sensible dialogue regarding abortion so now you have changed the topic to miscarriage.

Perhaps I should just take a moment here to educate you on the fact that a miscarriage is a situation that happens without intervention or forethought on the part of the mother. In fact, it is a very devastating thing to happen.

The loss and subsequent grief that arise from miscarriage is apparently not recognized and understood by you. Yet for the woman who carried the fetus, there is almost always a special meaning to the pregnancy. When it ends so abruptly and prematurely, the woman enters a time of grieving. The mother needs comfort and support.

I am really troubled by the fact that you consider a dogs life more precious than a babies life. I am also troubled by the fact that you continue to put graduated levels of loss on people and animals. The loss of a child through miscarriage is no less heartbreaking than that of the 6 year old child.

It makes me wonder what has happened in your life for you to have such distorted views on life, the living, and the potential living.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 01:26 pm
Know what? I bet if only white males got pregnant, abortion would be 100% iron-clad legal forevermore, amen. And that would be the end of all the debate.
0 Replies

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