@bobsal u1553115,
Supply and demand dictates that if you have low supply and high demand, prices are high.
But look at the barrel price vs gallon price. Barrel supply is up, yet gallon supply is down.

This can only happen if you're tampering with the supply. Jesus, it's your own picture, and you haven't figured out the thing. Somehow you think the well has run dry and it's Ukraine's fault. No, it's entirely either making bad deals (trading with countries that withhold) or being in on extremely good ones (being the country that withholds).
The same way as when there is basically a monopoly on diamonds, and they are pretty common, yet because there is a monopoly, diamonds are withheld so stupid people who all want to get married, buying the same rock (Alexandrite has more interesting properties, so does fluorite) they pay at least a month's salary for it. And for what? This is dirty business, often creating war and bloodshed.
A government that runs to make money rather than govern the people is oppressive. A single housewife that has to drive her kids to school is suddenly short on money, and has to take a second job. Pretty soon, she barely gets to see her own kids, is exhausted and one day she collapses. The price at the pump is about 200% of what it went down to under Trump administration. I know this because we have signs saying Trump gas $2.00 Biden $4.00 (pretty soon they might adjust that to $6.00). What happens to living expenses when all transportation is more? Everything needing shipment also inflates. That single mom is not just paying for gas but all groceries. She's working her hardest and not making ends meet.
Btw, the liberal solution to this is raise minimum wage. Doesn't work. Retailers raise their prices, because they have to pay their workers more, resulting in family businesses making money (they basically aren't paying outside of themselves), but nobody else.
So yes, this greedy bastard is screwing over the lives of regular people, so that he can make a profit. Oil production is up, but he's paid them to hold off.