That’s a really heartbreaking, cruel bunch of propaganda that has dogged him most of his life. Lee Merritt, the attorney for the Arbery family and Shaun’s best friend, has known Shaun since high school, when Shaun was jumped and nearly beaten to death by a racist mob.
Anybody spending any time on Twitter during the last presidential campaigns has noted this type of character assassination of Shaun by the so-called KHIVE, brunch libs who moved from Hillary to Kamala—rather bitter due to their candidates’ rejections.
He’s a real man. He’s a light-skinned black man. Sorry to see snood bought that meanness as fact.
This is what happens to people who go against the national narrative. Character assassination.
Shaun King has never engaged in the sort of illegal immoral antics mudslingers throw at him. People who don't know better spread the lies instead of checking into it more.
I wonder if these baseless attacks on King would be misinformation or disinformation?
Please read this through to the end. It’s my heart.
99% of what I do in the world doesn’t make it to Instagram.
In January I decided I’d try to start posting every good thing I do for the world on here.
Every donation I made.
Every person I helped.
Every organization I supported.
Every candidate I backed and advised.
I’ve been a public leader for 25 years, literally, and that has never been my way, though.
Part of my religion/faith has been to do good work that only God and the people I help see. I get great inner fulfillment and peace doing it this way.
But when I started being really attacked online and off, I lost myself. Let me explain.
I foolishly thought if the world saw how much good work I do, from the time I wake up until I pass out at night, that the world would change how they think and talk about me. Intuitively I know that’s not how it works, but I hoped that the hate might slow down if millions of people actually knew the good I do.
But the past few months have changed me.
Death threats increased more than you know.
People showing up at our house happened more than you know.
And it required me to turn my whole life upside down to keep my family safe. You all have no idea what I’ve had to do these past few months.
And through it all, I found myself buckling under the accumulative effect of it. Not just of the past few months of pressure, but of a lifetime of pressure. My mental health and confidence deteriorated.
And through it all, as I try to be a good husband to @MrsRaiKing, a good son to my mother who has been in and out of the hospital, and a good dad to my 5 kids who are in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college - I’m still doing my good work.
And I don’t think it will change back.
I’m not going to post all of my good work on here. It betrays my heart to do so.
I don’t expect this world to ever respect me the way I used to hope it would. And I’ve stopped even yearning for that. It comes from an unhealthy place anyway.
I’m moving forward, but doing it my way.
Some work you will see. Most you won’t.
...and you think it would be that much different if it wasn't Biden when it comes to info manipulation? You think with Bernie Sanders the world would change with a magic wand?
The Industrialization of disinformation was always unavoidable.
Manipulation is not a new trade and its Industrialization steams from mass stupidity which always existed associated with technological development.
This has nothing to do with governments whatsoever as whoever gets to power is gridded by the system machinery...
You could have a Franciscan Priest at the head and things wouldn't change.
People from your age who were brought up in an old paradigm still tend to believe classicals institutions are in charge when in fact they are dinosaurs devoid of any real power at all.
That is very sad. Why can't people just let others be? Why do some always have to comment and judge? Those people are disgusting.
I don't know if that comment was directed at me I am an Ed friend here in the A2K, I am just speaking bluntly but without any animosity.
I stand by everything I said about the shyster Shaun King. You can believe whatever you want to. But since someone posted some testimonial from bereaved parents, I say do a search on what Tamir Rice’s mom thinks about Shaun King. Tamir Rice was a 12 year old black boy murdered by police.
There is ample information out there for someone to come to their own opinion about Shaun King. The only thing he has to show that he is actually black and not a white guy running a scam is a quote he produced from his mother. No birth records. Nothing to substantiate the existence of his “light-skinned black” father.
Lash and Edgar have a history of latching onto this or that supposedly sincere firebrand advocate for their views. Nina Turner. Cornel West. Susan Sarandon. Bernie the pure Sanders. Almost every time I open my mind and hear one of those “revolutionaries” out, their agenda shows itself. And it is has NEVER been this Polly-pure “for the people” shyt.
So call me whatever for doubting Shaun King. Never question how this selfless “servant of the people “ activist got rich. Never ask yourself where all the money he raised off the names of murdered black people really went. I won’t lose a moment’s repose.
There are some changes Bernie would have made that Biden refuses—but I agree with your larger point.
No, ABQ, sorry - I should have hit on Reply to edgar - it was in response to what he posted by Shaun King.
Edit: Whether snood's right or Lash and edgar are, nobody deserves hate mail, especially to the point as Shaun King describes how it's affected him.
You have to start with honesty. If the press and DNC supported a man like Sanders, who is not even the topic of the thread, I believe he would have coattails that would give him a majority in both houses. If people treated the prospect with respect, but they always invoke the pie in the sky lines, when what Bernie wants the majority of Americans always poll as also wanting.
No prob, I misunderstood that. Ty for clarification!
I know student loans would have been forgiven and he’d have been to West Virginia and Arizona over the infrastructure bill.
I am more or less familiarized with Bernie's proposals which in Europe would be perfectly reasonable both left n right.
My remark was just made in a broader sense regarding the idea that a good leader can make a hell of a difference when the vast majority of the populous it is so gullible.
Politics is the steward of the anonymous true power not the power itself.
We can only speculate about Bernie. In the meantime we have current events to ponder.
Shaun King was smeared by some far right persons and many people took the lies as truth and ran with it.
Mame wrote:
No, ABQ, sorry - I should have hit on Reply to edgar - it was in response to what he posted by Shaun King.
Edit: Whether snood's right or Lash and edgar are, nobody deserves hate mail, especially to the point as Shaun King describes how it's affected him.
But I see now the judge is allowing them to reconvene, giving the feds time to pressure for a plea acceptance.