The admission from Snape about him being the Half Blood Prince was too brief & seemed to be over with pretty fast. It is only a matter of time before Potter dies.
Hi, New here
I am very impressed by what I have read in this thread so far. lots of interesting ideas. Heres a few of mine:
I don't believe that Harry can be a horcrux since at the end of the 4th book, Voldemort sets up an elaborate plan to capture him. The logical course of action would have been to use Harry, or the part of the soul in Harry, to resurrect himself rather than using one of his other ones. If Harry was one of the horcruxes, then Voldemort wouldn't have wanted to kill him off.
However, Horcruxes are created by the act of killing which tears the soul. Perhaps, the steps to creating the horcrux first involves prepping the victim. It might have been possible that Voldemort, afraid that the prophecy might come true, decided to make Harry, his last horcrux thereby ensuring that Harry could never kill him completely without killing himself. In the 5th book, during the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort, Voldemort states that there is nothing worse than dying, and dumbledore paries back, stating that there are things much worse than dying and that that was his greatest mistake. Perhaps, voldemort assumed that Harry, like him, would never sacrifice himself, thereby invalidating the prophecy. But since lily sacrificed herself to save harry, he was unable to kill Harry. since he has already "prepped" him, that act might be irreversible so Voldemort has to kill harry in order to create his 6th horcrux. The reason that voldemort has already died so much may be that he does not have 7 parts of his soul. Since 7 is the most powerful magical number, without the 6th horcrux, he can never be truly immortal. Voldemort would have to kill harry before creating his final horcrux which would in fact support that the prophecy since it states neither can live while the other survives (or something like that).
I don't believe that dumbledore is still alive, I am pretty sure he's dead simply because dumbledore's whole philosophy was that death is just another part of the journey. But he might still communicate with harry somehow. Not a ghost since nick had said very few wizards choose that path, but probably through the portrait in the headmaster's office. The patronas idea sounds good too.
I also like the idea that snape was in fact doing dumbledore a favor by killing him. He might have known that dumbledore was already dying and that it would be impossible to save him. The same thing might have happened to RAB. The contents of the cup might slowly kill the person who drinks it, perhaps over a few hours or perhaps the contents of the lake was a temprorary remedy to a deadly poison which once again only lasts a few hours. RAB might have known this and written the letter for this reason. The horcrux might have already been destroyed soon after the letter was written. Voldemort, probably thought that the only reason he would want to access the horcrux would be to resurrect himself which means he was already dead or dying at the point of recovering the horcrux and would have only needed a few hours to live after retrieving it. Snape probably knew all this and probably thought it was best to kill dumbledore right there to save himself and malfoy as well.
Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on my theories.
wow i would not be able to go so in depth as some of you guys really makes me think. I cannot wait to read the final book but its going to be a LONG wait.
Also if she kills of Harry or Ron, Hermoine, and Ginny I will be very ticked off along with many others and i will burn my book!
She will call them all. hahaha. It'd be kinda funny/annoying if she approaches it from a Shakespear tragedy point of view.
Let's hope not.
I think that Snape is pretending, and I can't believe that Dumbledore would trust him , if he is on the other side, outside of reason without taking any precautions... Oh, and will Draco turn to the right side? Let's hope he does eh?
Haha never thought it eh? Tough mr bully man draco is a sensitive 'lil boy.
I really doubt that Malfoy will ever do anything good. J.K really took their story line to a whole new level, very adult. I think he is capable of anything. Just to prove Harry wrong. I read 6 so fast I feel like I need to go back and read it again
Dumbledore and his Horcruxe...
1. Dumbledore surely knows that his death will mean a danger to Harry and the Order.
2. He is likely to have killed a Death Eater at some stage, thereby allowing him an opportunity to seal a Horcrux.
3. If he separated his soul, surely part of it would contain his remebrance of what a Horcrux is, and he might therefore have forgotten it.
While this may seem unlikely, the only reason I believe it could be true is because I want Dumbledore to live, and this is the only likely way.
Sorry to butt in and if this has already been discussed...but....does anyone think this Tonks-Lupin thing is good?
I despise Tonks (Don't ask me why) and love Lupin....y must they hook up? WAAAHHH!!!!
Does anyone agree with this..or does everyone now think I'm mad?....
Also...what are your thoughts on R.A.B? I'm very much certain that that has been just tell me to shut up...or whatever.... :wink:
Re: Dumbledore and his Horcruxe...
knarf wrote:1. Dumbledore surely knows that his death will mean a danger to Harry and the Order.
2. He is likely to have killed a Death Eater at some stage, thereby allowing him an opportunity to seal a Horcrux.
3. If he separated his soul, surely part of it would contain his remebrance of what a Horcrux is, and he might therefore have forgotten it.
While this may seem unlikely, the only reason I believe it could be true is because I want Dumbledore to live, and this is the only likely way.
Don't be so silly. Remember, we didn't know about Horcruxes until this 6th book. It doesn't feel forced when it happens, but Rowling's created a world so far removed from our own that she can invent magic to suit her needs. If she decides that Dumbledore didn't really
die, then all she needs to do is allow the students to learn of an alternative magical life-protective measure, different from Horcruxes but the same in effect.
And, as stated before, there's a good chance that Rowling will go crazy with the surprise endings in this final book. The prophecy might be referring to Neville, not Harry. And, lest we forget, the prophecy might be fulfilled by Voldemort blowing the living hell out of Harry/Neville. Now that Dumbledore's [size=7]maybe[/size] gone, the students might now have what it takes to protect themselves. Certainly, if Dumbledore's really gone, Hogwarts won't be the haven we accept it to be.
Re: The Half Blood Prince (WARNING: SPOILERS!)
coachryan wrote:ok first off, who do you think RSB is?
I havnt read all this thread so i dont know what everyone's said. But i found this on a different thread.
The Pentacle Queen wrote:How about if the fake horcrux was originally found by regulas black, sirius's brother, and voldemort killed him ages ago because he found out that he was actually against him.
That would make sense because the initials were r.a.b, which could stand for regulas black.
Re: Dumbledore and his Horcruxe...
knarf wrote:2. [Dumbledore] is likely to have killed a Death Eater at some stage...
Do you think so? Dumbledore wasn't even trying to kill Voldemort when they dueled at the end of
Order of the Phoenix, so I don't know how likely it is that he's killed a Death Eater.
Nick17 wrote:I havnt read all this thread so i dont know what everyone's said. But i found this on a different thread.
The Pentacle Queen wrote:How about if the fake horcrux was originally found by regulas black, sirius's brother, and voldemort killed him ages ago because he found out that he was actually against him.
That would make sense because the initials were r.a.b, which could stand for regulas black.
I haven't read the entire thread either so maybe someone's already mentioned this, but the Regulus theory sounds good to me, especially because at the beginning of
Order of the Phoenix the kids find a locket (that nobody could figure out how to open) in Sirius's house.
Hi just so you know, im a HUGE HP fan...
Quote:Also...what are your thoughts on R.A.B? I'm very much certain that that has been just tell me to shut up...or whatever....
i dont know if this was said, but i read somewhere that when the book was translated to a differnt language( i believe Dutch or something), the Initials turned into RAZ, and "black" starts with a 'Z'. So I think that RAB is Regulas Black.
And im sorry to everyone about this, but J.K.R just announced that Dumbledore is really dead, and dont expect him to "pull a Gandalf".
The HP portion is a while in, she was there with others.
Italy16 wrote:And im sorry to everyone about this, but J.K.R just announced that Dumbledore is really dead, and dont expect him to "pull a Gandalf".
This website seems to be taking the news in stride, more or less:
Dumby is not dead! Did you ever actually SEE his body at his funeral? And also Snape is good. If he wasnt, Voldy wouldnt have had to go to the ministry in the 5th book, Snape would have just told him what was in the prophecy!
Hmm... we don't see Sirius's body either after he falls through the veil in Order of the Phoenix. Do you think there's a chance that he's still alive as well?

great ending, everyone comes back to life and has a party - narnia style (last battle)
Shapeless wrote:Hmm... we don't see Sirius's body either after he falls through the veil in Order of the Phoenix. Do you think there's a chance that he's still alive as well?
No. I dont think he will come back to life. Because that archway he fell through symbolizes death, and Dumby has already said that there is no way someone can come back from the dead, even with magic.