honey_rose_cr wrote:
I am so totally devestated that she's killed off my fave character- Sirius, and now Dumbledore!!!! WHY WHY WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!
Don't say that he's dead! I won't believe it!

But seriously, check this site out,
The guy who created this website list a lot of hints supporting the idea that Dumbledor is still alive!
Mills75 wrote:
think it's also necessary for Dumbledore to be out of the picture in order for Harry to really be the hero--Dumbledore is the only wizard Voldemort fears and probably the most powerful wizard until his demise; the story becomes more gripping and compelling with Dumbledore out of the way--the odds have been tilted in the bad guy's favor.
I totally agree Mills. Most of the Seventh book would require HP to work alone. Finishing off Voldermort is HP's responsibility. But I'm wondering, Harry has a long way to go before he's good enough to duel Voldermort. I mean c'mon, even snape can brush off his attacks.