The Half Blood Prince (WARNING: SPOILERS!)

Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 02:59 pm
Oh. I didn't recall them pointing out which one of Snape's parents was a muggle.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 03:08 pm
I believe it was in OotP that Harry saw that in Snape's memories (in addition to his own father acting like an a$$), though I don't recall whether or not it was in the pensieve (sp?) or that one instance when Harry was receiving an occulemency (sp?) lesson and somehow wound up looking into Snape's mind. We're told in HBP that Snape's mother had been a student at Hogwarts (a potions whiz herself).
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 03:17 pm
I just reached the part where he starts the lessons with Snape so I'll keep an eye peeled for reference to Snape's parents. His mother could have been a muggle and still gone to Hogwart's though -- like Hermione.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 03:40 pm
i think i remember in HBP though, where hermoine found a pic of a witch with the last name prince. and that turned out to be snape's mom. she was married to a muggle.

boomerang-i just noticed your avatar blinks...that caught me off guard...
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 04:46 pm
Mills75 wrote:
I believe it was in OotP that Harry saw that in Snape's memories (in addition to his own father acting like an a$$), though I don't recall whether or not it was in the pensieve (sp?) or that one instance when Harry was receiving an occulemency (sp?) lesson and somehow wound up looking into Snape's mind. We're told in HBP that Snape's mother had been a student at Hogwarts (a potions whiz herself).

I remember that Snape was known as Severus Snape here though, so I don't think he could have assumed that identity later in life. But it would make sense that maybe Snape helped get the horcrux. After all, he is a potions master so he would probably know what potion it was that was protecting the Horcrux and how to counter it.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 08:37 pm
boomerang wrote:
I just reached the part where he starts the lessons with Snape so I'll keep an eye peeled for reference to Snape's parents. His mother could have been a muggle and still gone to Hogwart's though -- like Hermione.

Boomerang, don't you just love the Occlumency scenes? Smile I love any part with more of Snape in it! He's so wonderfully snide and condescending, I love it!

Anyway, though, it was in HBP that we find out that Snape's dad was a muggle, Hermione reads it in an old issue of the Prophet. I don;t think it comes up in the Occclumency lessons.
Also, Hermione isn't a Muggle, she was just born to Muggles, so she isn't a pure blood; Muggles are completely non-magical people and can't be wizards or witches.

Is anyone else noticing how drab and dull real life is after finishing the book? Sad How can I wait two more years??!
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rhythm synergy
Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 11:09 am
dora17 wrote:
Is anyone else noticing how drab and dull real life is after finishing the book? Sad How can I wait two more years??!

Hehehe: we could make a petition to tell Rowling to speed up. But that's mean
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Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 05:32 pm
rhythm.synergy wrote:
dora17 wrote:
Is anyone else noticing how drab and dull real life is after finishing the book? Sad How can I wait two more years??!

I keep wishing I could use some of the charms. Like when I wake up in the middle of the night and walk into a wall, I think lumos would come in quite handy! Smile

Hehehe: we could make a petition to tell Rowling to speed up. But that's mean

HAHA I wish we could! But I think that's why her books are so good. She isn't letting herself write just for the sake of writing like many authors do. She's keeping her stuff quality and I commend her for that. But I do hate waiting anyway.haha Wink
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 10:26 am
My Thoughts
*spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler*

Personally- i believe that dumbledore is dead, like it or not...i dont really think JKR would fake a death that serious- but im just theorizing. However an interesting point that came up when i was reading through the second time was that every defense against the dark arts teacher hastnt lasted more than a year- cuz voldemort jynxed the job when he was denied it- that is why snape was denied the job- because dumbledore knew that if he gave it to him- he woulf loose snape later that year- so then i have to ask- why did big D give the job to him that year- he mustve known that snape would have to leave that year. Snape is proud to be half-blood prince his mother was a witch that married a muggle- but i dont think we know weather his mom was muggleborn or not.

back to dumbledore though- i think he sensed his end was coming or he KNEW that his end was cuming...cuz he wanted to spend as much time with harry and tell him everytyhing he needed to know about defeting voldemort. ive thought and cried a lot over dumbledores death- especially over all the touching lines JKR put in- "dumbldores man through and through" "hell never be gone, as long as those that remain are loyal to him" " i'm not scared harry, im with you"- thats JKRs magic rite there... Confused Embarrassed

dumbledores portrait is up in the office- and harry should be able to talk to him- because all of the other headmasters/mistresses have beeen able to talk- phileaus, dippet etc...

same with siriuss' mirror- so far it has had NO role in the books- sirius gave it to him- harry put it in a sock in his suitcase- he wants to talk to sirius- cant get through- JKR wouldnt put the mirror in if it had absolutly no use whatsoever- it may come in handy sometime...

Ive come to really like Tonks over the last two books- just thought id put that in- i love her and lupin together and as for fleur and bill- i really dont know what to expect there! Very Happy

Percy however is still confusing- he still chooses the ministry over his parents- maybe hell play a larger role in the next book ...

Malfoy- i feel bad for Surprised Surprised sadly but i do, i cant forgive him for everything but i understand how voldemort had that power over him- he had to accomplish or voldemort would kill his family...

Also at the beginning with the unbreakable vow- it baisically said snape HAD to kill dumbledore if malfoy coudnt- or else he would die. Malfoy froze when it came to killing- did that force snape to have to kill him? why did snape take the unbreakable vow in the the first place?

Tfter reading the letter left in the locket- i first thought of regulus cause his first initials matched- but i dont know his middle name. his discription does fit. The person that wrote that letter was a death eater cuz they reffered to voldemort as "the dark lord" only death eaters do that- (snape did too..hm...) regulus was a death eater and Mr. and Mrs. Black were proud of it. It could have been that he was more like sirius than expected. he found out about the horcuxes and set out to destroy them- and he knew that he would die- thats what he said in his letter.

Neville, neville, neville- he has to fit in somewhere- i read somewhere and i agree that he is becoming a better wizard as the years pass- theres something hidden in the prophecy the concerns him- JKR has hidden stuff in all her books- the woman is sickly talented!!!! in a good way... Smile

By the looks of it- there might be less horcuxes left than expected with the help of RAB which may make harrys' task a little easier- i think the main horcux will be nangini the snake.

i cant wait till the next book and i am dying for a happy ending! even though it wouldnt be the most amazing ending- i want to remeber that book with a good ending cuz thats how ill remember the entire series- OMG IT CANT END NOoooo!! also waiting for the movie!!
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rhythm synergy
Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 11:10 am
Re: My Thoughts
fizzle wrote:

Personally- i believe that dumbledore is dead, like it or not...

Hi Fizzle, Welcome to the forum! Before you make any conclusions abt Dumbledore's well-being, check out http://www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com
(hahah I've quoted this site like 3 times in this forum cuz ppl don't want to look at previous entries)
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 11:45 am
the site is really interesting and does raise some questions- but im still curious about dumbledores hand- he was hurt and snape cured him. hmm i think his lack of a proper hand is important. I also understand why snape has to hate harry- but at the end there he still has a go at ahrrys dad and harry...i really have to think bout this now.. Confused
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rhythm synergy
Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 01:24 pm
Yeah.. i don't remember the HBP being specific abt how dumbledore messed up his hand. I remember reading somewhere that it was in an attempt to get 1 the horcrux- the ring I think. Only sketchy details were given of this.

For all we know, DD faked his hand being burnt to play the role of an old man losing his touch and dexterity. By faking his hand being burnt, the thought of Snape being able to kill Dumbledore becomes somewhat more believable to the DEs (because obviously Voldy had a hard time trying so). Because if you think abt it, fresh from the OoTP, it was obvious that Dumbledore is powerful. And in no way did he seem weakened by the fight with Voldy near the end of OoTP. Which makes us question if DD is getting weaker or is he playing a cunning game? Even his death seems questionable to us (not to the DEs and Voldy himself I might add)
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:18 pm
yea i agree- minor details on the hand...im also curious about neville- where does he come in?? cuz im pretty sure that he has some tie-in with the prophecy- even thogh voldemort chose harry it think neville is important. :wink:
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:40 pm
I have a feeling we're going to be learning in the 7th book how Dumbledore hurt his hand. Maybe his portrait will tell Harry the story.

I also don't think we've seen the end of Fawkes. I think maybe he'll come back again when Harry needs him the most.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 11:40 pm
boomerang wrote:
exohex wrote:

someone in the book(i think dumbledore)(i dont remember which book) tells harry that there is a spell on the dursleys house that protects harry and there is know way for the dark lord to get in...... something close to that. anyway it keeps harry safe when he's away from hogwarts because when you think about it what are the dursleys suppose to do if voldemort goes there??? and hogwarts is one of the safest places and i think they put the same protection on the dursleys house..

Yes. For sure there is a charm or something on the Dursley's. They do talk about it in the HBP but I've been rereading The...Phoenix and...

After Harry and Dudley are attacked by the dementors we find out that Petunia knows something about all this. Mr. Dursley starts ranting telling Harry that he has to leave and never come back. Petunia then gets a howler that says "Remember my last, Petunia" and she tell Mr. Dursley that Harry has to stay.

So. Who sent that howler and what is "my last"?

Any ideas?

k i didnt read any posts after this so sorry if this has been answered. the howler was sent by dumbledore it says so later on in the book im pretty sure. its reminding petunia of when dumdledore first put harry on her doorstep with the letter.. the letter must of told her of the protection charm that will last till harry comes of age and that he must stay in there house when hes away from hogwarts. again i am sorry if this has already been answered.
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Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 10:44 am
dumbledore said rememer my last to petuina to remind her that she is the reason that harry has stayed alive all of these years- ill explain more later but i g2g
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Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 11:16 am

I'm rereading the last book now and I'm trying to recall whether we have proof that Snape wrote the stuff in the potions book or whether he just says it was his book.

Earlier, at Christmas, Lupin tells Harry to look at how old the book is to get a clue as to who wrote the spells in it. Harry looks and discovers that the book is 50 years old -- from before the time that his dad and Snape went to Hogwarts.

Also, it has the spell for lifting someone up by the ankles and dangling them -- the spell that Harry saw his dad do to Snape in the Pensive. A couple of people tell Harry that spells are cyclical - that they come and go into fashion.

Is it possible that Snape came by the book in the same way Harry did and, even if he really is the half-blood prince, do we know for sure that he wrote the stuff in the book?
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rhythm synergy
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 01:53 pm
Maybe that potion booked was passed on to Snape 'cuz the Serumpt... (don't know how to spell it) spell, I'm assuming, is made by Snape. No part of the book contradicts with Snape's claim that he invented that spell.

With the HBP potion book, Harry's performance in potion's class improved. Notice that Slughorn compelements Harry by saying that he must have gotten his amazing potion skills from Harry's mother, Lily. So Lily must have been a top potions student. Also, it's evident that Snape loves potions as well. In the 1st book, he passionately describes potions. I'm trying to draw some connection b/n Lily and Snape. Maybe Lily contributed to some part of that potions book?
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Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 02:08 pm
Do you think the potions book might have started with Voldemort, then went to Snape, then went to Harry?

Or maybe it started with Dumbledore?

Why would Snape have left it behind if it was so important to him?

Could maybe the book be the thing that binds Dumbledore to Snape?

Could the "Half Blood Prince" be an honorific given to the person who posesses the book?

And yes, Lilly and potions figure big in the story. Why DOES that keep coming up?

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Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 04:10 pm
Oh.... one other thing....

Who are the Peverell family?

The Peverell coat of arms was on the ring that Dumbledore had at one point - the ring that Voldemort stole from Morfin.
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