The Half Blood Prince (WARNING: SPOILERS!)

Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 09:07 am
But Snape is the "half blood prince" so he's a mudblood too or did I miss something?

Did he try to kill Harry in the other books?

When I was reading this one I realized how much of the other's I've forgotten. I need to reread them as one long story before the last one comes out!
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 02:09 pm
Snape is the 'Half Blood Prince' because one parent was of the magic world and one was a muggle; both of Lily's parents were muggles. My vote's still for the love angle.
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who are you
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 03:06 pm
i dont see how it is possible for harry to be one of the horcruxes?
if that is true then what is the point of the books...why would it be so difficult for voldemort to retrieve it, and why does the prophecy state that harry is the only one who can defeat the lord?

as for snape , i believe he is on harry's side
...in one of Rowlings interviews, there was a question wheter Snape has ever been loved by anyone, and Rowling said YES, and that thatt makes him very different from Voldemort.

and if dumbledore trusts snape , then i do too

Does anybody think that Wormtail will have anything to do with helping harry defeat Voldemort?? After all, Harry saved Wormatails life, and i suppose that means something.........and how come Wormtail isnt close to Voldemort anymore, wasnt he the one who actually did most of Voldemorts bindings>>?? IS he spying on SNape??
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2005 05:00 pm
who are you: the point of the books is to tell the story of Harry Potter; if Harry turns out to be a horcrux, then that's simply part of the story. Dumbledore, when they were talking about whether or not the snake could be a horcrux, said it was tricky and risky to put part of one's soul in something that already has a will of its own--tricky and risky, but not impossible. If Voldemort had placed a part of his soul into the infant Potter, that doesn't necessarily mean that he would have any actually power over him (but, as I mentioned earlier, it would go a long way to explaining why Harry's a Parseltongue and had a psychic connection to Voldemort). Also, though Voldemort may have been able to infuse Harry with a piece of his soul before his near destruction, he was nearly destroyed by the powerful 'love' magic of Lily. He was simply too weak to go after Harry. Also, Dumbledore had placed an ancient and powerful protection on No. 4 Privet Drive to keep Harry safe. And as for the prophecy--I don't see that it's incompatible with the 'Harry as horcrux' theory.
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Radical Edward
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2005 03:20 pm
Well... Voldemort kept trying to kill harry! Or did I invent some scenes? Confused (Especially a very long one at the end of the 4th book)... That's why I don't believe in the Horcrux theory. In addition to that, When would Voldemort have done this to Harry?

It would also be interesting to discover some of Dumbledore's memories, perfectly conserved in balls: It would confirm the Snape-is-a-good-guy-obeing-to Dumbledore's-orders theory, and maybe Harry would then realise his mistake...

Maybe it's a bit weird, or I'm too girly, but it's the Hermione-Ron relationship that I'm more eager to see in the next book. Laughing
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2005 03:54 pm
Radical Edward wrote:
Well... Voldemort kept trying to kill harry! Or did I invent some scenes? Confused (Especially a very long one at the end of the 4th book)... That's why I don't believe in the Horcrux theory. In addition to that, When would Voldemort have done this to Harry?

yeah, i remember voldemort trying to kill harry at the end of goblet of fire just after he came back. again, if he is a horcrux, why would voldemort try to kill him? and i thought he tried to kill harry when he lost all his powers and his body basically in the very beginning of the story and because lily had died for him voldemort was incapable of killing him and it backfired.

as far as snape loving lily, i can see that. i think i remember in one book harry was in a memory and saw lily chastising (sp?) james for picking on snape. and on top of that what if killing lily was a mistake? what if snape told voldemort the prophecy on the condition that lily was left alive so snape could run in and pick up her pieces having lost her husband and son? but instead she stepped in the way to save harry and got killed which then prevented harry from being killed, but also turned snape against voldemort? then snape may be even more resentful of harry because he might see it as his fault that lily is dead. hmmm, that concept brought up a lot of thoughts.

i think i would be very, very upset if harry dies in the last one. that would really tick me off. but i guess it isn't like rowling is going to lose faithful readers because the story is over.

as far as dumbledore, i thought the large phoenix shape flying over his tomb was faux. i would like to see dumbledore come back, but i am not so sure.
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who are you
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2005 04:10 pm
speaking of faux....what will happen to him now that Dumbledore is dead?
at the end of the book it looks like faux flies of to somewhere
as far as I kno faux belonged to Dumbledore not Hogwarts..
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Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 07:01 am
yeah i think faux did belong to dumbledore. i think he will make a come back in the last book as well to help harry who is ever faithful to dumbledore...
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Francisco DAnconia
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 11:17 pm
dragon49 wrote:
I think the locket was in the junk the kids cleaned out of Sirius' house that Kreacher stole and hid, and it will turn up there after a search.

Hrm, that reminds me. If it was something of Sirius', and Harry is now rightful owner, then there was another possibility of it being removed from his posession - a possibility that was highlighted rather strongly. Anybody else remember Harry making a big point of getting indignant that Mundungus Fletcher was 'nicking Sirius' stuff' and selling it?
Hahaha, stolen goods - among which, perhaps, was a wayward Horcrux?

By the way, I'm glad Ron finally saw some action, because I was starting to think he was gay. Laughing

Moreover, in an additional thought to add on to WhoAreYou's musings, where exactly has old Wormtail gotten himself into? Rowling likes to point to things coming up, even if they're only briefly touched upon...like the Polyjuice potion that everyone thought may have been being used. Although it was just a casual reminder to increase suspense, it's good to keep in mind that characters that have fallen off the radar, such as good old Wormtail, might be someone we've come to know and love, using polyjuice potion. Remember just how convinced we all were that Moody was really a good guy before we were shocked into waking up and realizing that it was Crouch using such potion?

Hm. I've got myself thinking now...
sorry for rambling, all Confused
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Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 05:53 pm
I think that Dumbledore isn't dead at all. I think the RAB person was the one that Snape blew off the roof that night disguised as Dumbledore with the polyjuice potion. It was all an elaborate hoax to trick Voldemort into thinking Dumbledor was dead and that Snape really was on his side. Snape saved Harry's life at the end and pretty much told him to just lay low. He wouldn't have done that if he wasn't in on something.

Whoever RAB was sacrificed himself to further the fight against Voldemort and place Dumbledor in hiding. Remember when Draco was hesitating and said he had to do it or Voldemort would kill his mom? Well Dumbldore told him they couldn't kill someone who was already dead, that they had ways of making it seem as if they were already killed.

By killing the Dumbledore on the roof (even a fake one) would uphold the unbreakable vow that Snape had to take. That way the world thinks Dumbledore is dead and Draco is spared. (I think he will go good as well-as good as his stuck up ego will allow, anyway).

The last book is going to be one big unraveling of many smaller subplots that I for one am eagerly awaiting. I just hope that it doesn't take 2 more years to get out. I bet that a lot of the witches and wizards that have been reported to be killed in the papers (Dumbledore included) are really alive and had their deaths faked to take the fight underground.

This is all just my opinion anyway.
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Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 08:01 pm
has anyone here noticed that in each of the books Neville Longbottom keeps getting much better and stronger. (except in the HBP.....he really didnt have too much of a story line in this book) but in all the other ones you see him and learn a lil more about him in each book and he also is getting WAY better at his magic skills. It's just a theory but i think he is going to play a big role in the last book.

I read somewhere (im not sure where) that the mirror that sirius gave harry was going to come back either in the 6th or 7th book...well it didnt show up in the 6th so maybe it will show up in the 7th....i dont know how or why but its just something i heard...has anyone else heard this?
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 11:08 am
I went back and reread the first book. At the end of the story Dumbledore explains to Harry that it was Quirrel who tried to kill him during and Snape who saved him (during the quiddich match).

Harry asks Dumbledore why Snape hates him and is told that Snape hated James because James saved his (Snape's) life and Snape is protecting Harry as pay-back; trying to even the score so that he can go back to hating James.

I can't recall reading in later books about James saving Snapes life. Have I forgotten something or has this not been explained yet?
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 12:02 pm
oh I hope Dumbledore isn't really dead

agree that Snape may not be bad - even if he's horrible!

I think Neville may actually be the 'chosen one' and Harry has been the red herring for Voldemort? I agree, he's gaining in confidence and ability all the time. There is that prophecy - did it say that one has to kill the other (Harry/Voldemort) or that only one can live? I forget. The actually wording could be crucial. If Harry is a Horcrux then it could be him killing the part of Voldemort that is inside him, him not dying and Neville kills Voldemort himself????

The theory that Snape loved Lily - yes, that makes a lot of sense.

I think Ginny will have a large part to play in the defeat of Voldemort

2 years - oh dear that's too long.
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 02:11 pm
Vivien wrote:
There is that prophecy - did it say that one has to kill the other (Harry/Voldemort) or that only one can live? I forget. The actually wording could be crucial. If Harry is a Horcrux then it could be him killing the part of Voldemort that is inside him, him not dying and Neville kills Voldemort himself????

i think it said only one can live. i think voldemort just decided since harry was a baby, now was the time to kill him because then he be assured he would live. i don't remember however, how they figured out it was harry that the prophecy was talking about.

hmm, i hope dumbledore isn't dead either, but if it was RAB, why would he drink the potion from the cave completely knowing the actual horcrux wasn't there?

and wormtail is staying with snape i think, at least that was the case when draco's mom went to make the unbreakable vow. maybe snape and dumbledore convinced wormtail to redeem himself and he was the one posed at dumbledore? not likely but i thought i'd throw that out there...
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 08:17 pm
the prophecy did say only one can live. it didnt say one had to kill the other. neville isnt the chosen one becasue dumbledore said that voldemort didnt know which child it was, so by him picking harry and going after harry he made harry become the one the prophecy was talking about. but i think definatley think harry dies and the neville will eventually be the one to kill voldemort. but thats just my theory
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rhythm synergy
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 11:26 am
I'm new here. So forgive me if I digress to ideas discussed earlier on this topic.

I have a strong feeling that Dumbledor is not dead for the following reasons:

1) J.K Rowling said once that Tolkien (Lord of Rings) and C.S Lewis were some of her favorite authors. The undeniable similarities between Gandalf and Dumbledor COULD be a foreshadowing of a supernatural resurrection.

2) In the series J.K Rowling uses symbols to enhance and foreshadow characteristics and events (if you don't believe this, google it. Numerous books from acclaimed professors have discussed the symbols in HP). Notice that Dumbledor's pet, confidant and (from what i heard somewhere, though i've never read it) patronum is a Phoenix, an animal that resurrects from its own dust.

However, I'm assuming that Dumbledor has some power to overcome death. A counter-argument i read from an early post states that Dumbledor can't be resurrected because no other character in the series has done so. But, has anyone in Lord of the Rings resurrected prior to Gandalf's? Or how about Aslan's? I'm just being open to the idea.

Another possible way Dumbledor lived is a theory that Aldistar pointed out, which I find very creative and interesting.

think that Dumbledore isn't dead at all. I think the RAB person was the one that Snape blew off the roof that night disguised as Dumbledore with the polyjuice potion. It was all an elaborate hoax to trick Voldemort into thinking Dumbledor was dead and that Snape really was on his side. Snape saved Harry's life at the end and pretty much told him to just lay low. He wouldn't have done that if he wasn't in on something.

Whoever RAB was sacrificed himself to further the fight against Voldemort and place Dumbledor in hiding. Remember when Draco was hesitating and said he had to do it or Voldemort would kill his mom? Well Dumbldore told him they couldn't kill someone who was already dead, that they had ways of making it seem as if they were already killed.

By killing the Dumbledore on the roof (even a fake one) would uphold the unbreakable vow that Snape had to take. That way the world thinks Dumbledore is dead and Draco is spared. (I think he will go good as well-as good as his stuck up ego will allow, anyway).

I'm not saying dumbledor is dead. But I won't believe that he is until Rowling herself says so (just like when she said Sirius is dead for sure).

Finally concerning Snape: Maybe he knew that by telling Vold abt the prophesy, he knew that the would bring abt his demise. I'm saying that he 'slipped' to vold a bit abt the prophesy on purpose to kill him.

Another prediction from mills75 that Draco will switch sides...
Shocked what an interesting idea!
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Francisco DAnconia
Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 12:03 pm
I'm thinking double- or triple-twist.
Just imagine, you go through the entire series to learn that Neville was the one who kills the Dark Lord...

...and then find out that you've been tricked again, and that it was Harry! ...somehow. Rowling could pull that off.

Or, hey, did anyone notice that the prophecy states that one cannot live while the other survives? Okay, that's great, but we've all been assuming that Harry (or Neville, for that matter) is destined to kill Voldemort. I'd find it interesting if Rowling went the other way, and made Voldemort just blow the utter crap out of Harry in their climactic final scene. I would find this hilarious, crack up, and then burn my copies of all the books in the series. Some mighty fine kindling there.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 01:28 pm
i had heard rumor that she was contemplating killing harry, but alas rumors are rumors.

yeah i didn't think the prophecy stipulated that harry kill voldemort or vice versa. funny though in the last two books amazingly, both are alive...hmmm how do you accomplish that if one cannot live while the other survives?
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 04:20 pm
maybe Voldemort isn't really alive and what he requires to truly life is unattainable while Harry survives...
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2005 06:52 pm
I think the prophecy means that Harry can never live a normal life until Voldemort is dead and Voldemort can not live the way he wants to while Harry is still alive. (Dumbeldore mentions this in a talk with Harry.)

They both live in fear until the other is dead. Voldemort has destroyed every good thing in Harry's life. Harry's fear is that Voldemort will take more and Voldemort's fear is Harry's revenge.
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