I don’t have a c. Few people do, until recently it hasn’t warranted it. It only used to get really hot two or three weeks a year at the most.
I feel for ya. Hopefully it cools down enough at night to sleep.
We have had smoke from the west of us as well as from the east of us for 2 weeks. Haven't seen a blue sky, which Alberta is famous for, in all that time. We have health warnings out and it's still in the mid-20s and now, to make things worse, it's getting humid.
And I know I'm still very lucky. I don't live in Guantanamo, Syria, India, China, Hong Kong...Yesterday I read about a guy who has spent 19 years in Guantanamo without being charged. Incredible. Likely more than half his life. He makes art - miniature ships, actually - and has now been forbidden to display them. That place should be shut down. 19 years without a charge??
It's mild today, 88 degrees Fahrenheit (31.1 C) humidity is only 36%......that's practically bone dry in Maryland, especially near the water.
We are flirting with 100 degrees Fahrenheit every day this week, but we may get some cooler temps next week. The constant rains have dribbled off.
It's 15C tonight and windy. Chilly. Jeans and sweatshirt weather for sure. A little wierd for summer.
Same here in nw New Mexico. Anyway, a long sleeve shirt in the early morning. Using the car AC on most afternoons. Certainly weird for NM at the end of July.
bahstin is also a tad nippy -- 57°F at the moment, going up to 77...
And this morning it is absolutely beautiful! Same temp, but the sun is shining and there's no wind. I think I could live like this forever
25c at 8:30 a.m. A good temp, but so close, it's oppressive the moment you walk out the door. Takes a bit to acclimate. Relative humidity 89%
There will be no gardening today
Yesterday was a mere 15 degrees but today it's going to be 29. Ugh.
I liked it at 15

Nice break. At least we don't get your humidity.