maxdancona wrote:The Bible is not anywhere close to accurate back to 900BC.
The historians and archaeologists say otherwise.
maxdancona wrote:The Bible mentions kings and kingdoms, but it gets the order wrong.
What order do you contend is wrong?
maxdancona wrote:They mention battles that never happened.
I doubt that you can prove that a given battle never happened. But, what battles are you referring to?
maxdancona wrote:The Bible claims that Esther is famous in this histories of the kings of Persia (she isn't). The Bible contradicts itself in the chronology of Mordecai.
You are referring to events after the collapse of the Israeli kingdoms I think. Such stories would be unrelated to the history of those kingdoms.
maxdancona wrote:These are myths and stories to prop up a political agenda.
The same applies to all ancient historical writings.
Historians know this and are capable of analyzing the writings to learn from them.
maxdancona wrote:They aren't historically accurate at all.
The historians and archaeologists say that you're wrong.