Torri wrote :
Truth is an idea, and the whole truth is an concept of abstract objective that science is aiming to attain. Yet to be abstract it must exist in someone's mind, however, if it is in the mind, then shouldn't it be subjective?
Then again truth is an idea that conforms between reality and a claim. so what is the difference between subjective truth and objective truth? Is it such that subjective truth is what is true about a subject and an objective truth is that what is true about an object? If so, then aren't subjects some special kind of objects, and therefore, are all truth really objective?
BHANU PADMO : Identity of Truth (1).
Truth is reality – past, current and potential.
All three forms of truth exist physically. The past remains embedded under the current as latter*s cause when the potential is still afloat as neuronal entity (incorporated idea) in the form of a subjective feeling.
The ultimate source of the past and the current reality is the potential reality or subjective thinking. The potential truth is heuristic, initially tentative but coalescing into sustainable idea. Conceptualization is the psychological process in which potential reality is manufactured. The ingredients are perceptional memories and lesser ideas.
The subjective truth (potential reality) precipitates as objective truth (past and current reality) through exercise of physical ability of the respective entity.
Thus, truth has multiple sources and is procured through multiple agencies. Since the multiple sources of truth in the form of entities are amalgamated into one universe out of their own dreams and discretions, all truths would be focused in integrative universal evolution.