Big rabbit vs small pig, touchy and feely:
A drawer draws a picture for that rabbit Dandan.

It’s not that rabbit Dandan based on this picture. In opposite, actually this picture should base on that rabbit Dandan. If inappropriate method is employed or “based” on the drawer’s logic / psychology, the image of Dandan might appear like this

High five!
Even appropriate method is employed, the *ss of Dandan can’t be shown in the first picture. Any method of description is limited ability.
That prisoner of logic himself actually even can’t understand logic in scientific way. Just dream to replace G* all day.
But a real G* seems need not to go elsewhere to troll others to try to force others accept his view and CONTROL their consciousness, waste their time. G* just stays in the church and people would AUTOPILOTly go there to spend a lovely weekend with him.
(Note: Piggy is not trying to “instruct” that NO SAVE fool, but to reiterate my stance: Oh Lord, SCIENCE SHOULD NOT BE MISGUIDED BY THAT FOOL’S PSYCHOLOGY INTO HIS CAGE OF LOGIC.)