Since he has less money, being cheap is the responsible thing to do.
Would you feel better if he was racking up serious credit card debt?
Like lots of people who come through here, you're falling into an all or nothing mindset. If his full time job lets him start work late, then he's just taking advantage of a perk. If not, then yeah, he may be dangling like a thread there. There's no law that says you can't ask him when his work day starts.
Also - there's no law against you hiking on your own, or with friends. Couples don't have to be joined at the hip 24/7, and they don't have to have the same interests.
So see if he'll get up with you once a week to do something fun or at least different. But all 7 days? No, just no.
Also, he might be staying up late and getting up late because his mom could very well be enabling his behavior. If she's doing his wash, etc., then yeah, she probably is. People who have chores to do just plain don't have the time to stay up late and play hour after hour of World of Warcraft (or whatever), and they don't have the time to sleep a good chunk of the day away. He doesn't have to be constantly busy (no one should be). But if he's happily letting his mom wait on him hand and foot, you may want to rethink the entire relationship. Because you may be the next person he happily lets wait on him hand and foot.
Not everyone is driven, ambitious, with a Type A personality. Again, life doesn't have to be all or nothing. He can be a more laid back person but still do okay.
The question isn't so much what he'll be satisfied with, but what
you will be satisfied with. Do you want children (they're expensive)? Do you want to be a homeowner? Do you want fancy clothes and other trappings of money? You don't have to sit on a gold toilet to have serious bucks. Or even not so serious bucks. But it sure is nice to not have to struggle. Think about if you'll be struggling in the future if you stay with him. If you will, then rethink things.
Oh, and massages and nice vacations are lovely, but you know what's really awesome? Having a significant retirement nest egg, being able to afford a down payment on a home, and, as I said, not struggling. Your boyfriend may seem cheap to you. But to me, you seem to be wasting money - money that you'll wish you had in the future.