Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Sat 18 Feb, 2023 05:01 am
And everyone here who supports them are Scooter Libby Republicans.

Says someone who consistently uses Republican talking points to criticize Democrats. Rolling Eyes Sure it's not H.R. Haldeman?
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 06:33 am
Scooter Libby is Kamala Harris’ Chief of Staff.
Scooter Libby was Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff.
There is no such thing as a democrat.
In America, there are two corporatist Republican parties.
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:03 am
I've met Jeremy Corbyn on more than one occasion, and the second time I met him he recognised me.

I voted Labour all the time he was leader and if he was my local MP I would still vote for him.

He screwed up on the antisemitism issue because he didn't look into it enough.

What finished him off was his comments on a piece of anti capitalist artwork/grafitti.

He assumed it was just that, but within it there were also antisemitic images.

He also assumed most of what was seen as antisemitism was actually legitimate criticism of Israel, mostly from Muslim members of the party.

He got it wrong, and I think Starmer's reaction is too heavy handed, but I'm still going to work for a Labour victory.

The last thing this country needs is another give years of Tory misrule.
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Region Philbis
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:07 am

Tina Flournoy was Harris' first CoS.

she left last year and was replaced by Lorraine Voles...

(educate yourself)
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:12 am
In America, there are two corporatist Republican parties.

No. The USA is a corporatist country and the two major parties, Democratic and Republican, reflect different ways of dealing with this reality. Democrats largely prefer regulated capitalism where laws and tax policy can be used to influence corporate behavior, such as with respect to the environment, monopolies, and consumer protection. Republicans prefer to give corporations much more freedom to maximize profit through low taxes, low wages, and minimal government regulation. It's true, neither of them are in favor of abolishing corporate power but that doesn't mean they're equivalent. Which party is in favor of overturning "Citizens United"? Which party favors raising the minimum wage? Which party supports public education and government-sponsored healthcare? It's fine to criticize the parties for their similarities but it's dumb to completely overlook their differences in order to make an ineffective rhetorical point.
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:15 am
Scooter Libby is Kamala Harris’ Chief of Staff.
Scooter Libby was Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff.

I know that. But why stop at Dick Cheney? Dick Nixon was even worse so I suggested Haldeman. Either way, it's a stupid claim.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:53 am
hightor wrote:

In America, there are two corporatist Republican parties.

No. The USA is a corporatist country and the two major parties, Democratic and Republican, reflect different ways of dealing with this reality. Democrats largely prefer regulated capitalism where laws and tax policy can be used to influence corporate behavior, such as with respect to the environment, monopolies, and consumer protection. Republicans prefer to give corporations much more freedom to maximize profit through low taxes, low wages, and minimal government regulation. It's true, neither of them are in favor of abolishing corporate power but that doesn't mean they're equivalent. Which party is in favor of overturning "Citizens United"? Which party favors raising the minimum wage? Which party supports public education and government-sponsored healthcare? It's fine to criticize the parties for their similarities but it's dumb to completely overlook their differences in order to make an ineffective rhetorical point.

Another brilliant post...among many, I might add.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:56 am
According to Wikipedia Kamala Harris' chiefs of staff were, Hartina Flournoy, 2021-2022 and Lorraine Voles 2022 to date.

No mention of Libby, who was pardoned by Trump, at all.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:56 am
hightor wrote:

In America, there are two corporatist Republican parties.

No. The USA is a corporatist country and the two major parties, Democratic and Republican, reflect different ways of dealing with this reality. Democrats largely prefer regulated capitalism where laws and tax policy can be used to influence corporate behavior, such as with respect to the environment, monopolies, and consumer protection. Republicans prefer to give corporations much more freedom to maximize profit through low taxes, low wages, and minimal government regulation. It's true, neither of them are in favor of abolishing corporate power but that doesn't mean they're equivalent. Which party is in favor of
overturning "Citizens United"? Which party favors raising the
minimum wage? Which party supports public education and government-sponsored healthcare? It's fine to criticize the parties for their similarities but it's dumb to completely overlook their differences in order to make an ineffective rhetorical point.

SUCH a good point - looking at how the two different parties work within the admittedly rotten corporate framework toward their parties’ ends. Bravo.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 09:27 am
In America, there are two corporatist Republican parties.

Somebody is, of course, quoting Chomsky. But very unlike Chomsky she utterly fails to differentiate the motivations and behaviors of the two parties along with the consequences that attend for American liberty, democracy and citizen well-being. But that is simply because she's a bad faith actor who has been consistently dishonest. We have never and will never hear her speak as Chomsky does in this short interview... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBJeBu0lBKQ
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 11:14 am
Along with the WP piece on the revelations springing from the release of internal communications at Fox re "stolen election" Vox has an excellent piece up as well. I'll just quote the last two graphs here because they isolate two important aspects...
Or take Fox’s coverage of Gov. Ron DeSantis, which has been so positive and frequent that it has helped push the Florida governor rather close to Trump in national polls of the 2024 presidential race, though DeSantis isn’t even running yet. Fox can’t take down Trump because its viewers simply wouldn’t accept such a blunt intervention. But it can build up a Trump alternative, portraying him in a way their viewers would eat up (as the culture war champion battling woke liberals). It’s a more subtle form of influence, but it is a real one.

Still, the Dominion suit overall shows the limits of Fox’s powers. Viewers aren’t locked in with Fox — Fox is locked in with them.
You'll find it here
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 07:45 pm
Don’t know how to, or if it’s possible to share a tik tok video here, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. 4 cop cars to tell some guys (black of course) that they can’t play basketball on a public court. Yes. FOUR FVCKING COP CARS. What a deplorable sh!thole the US has become.
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 08:47 pm
Isn't it more likely that it is either:
- all police in an area listen to the same radio, and they just turned up because they were free at that time, without discussing it first?
- Or, perhaps it is an unsafe neighbourhood for police, who suffer high injury rates, and multiple car crews is the only way to reduce injuries?
- or, the basbetballers had been accused by a female of sexually assaulting her, and multiple crews were required in they all tried to run in different directions prior to the suspect being identified?
(these were off the top of my head. there could be other reasons)

Were the basketballers polite and the police rude?
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 09:37 pm
vikorr wrote:

Were the basketballers polite and the police rude?

Yep. No accusations of crimes. No violence. They just claimed that since they weren’t local residents, they were not able to play on that public court. You can try to tie yourself in knots for justification, and there isn’t any. If they were white, it wouldn’t have happened. The FACT is that the United States, a violent, racist cesspool. Many US citizens, and especially on the right, have this rose coloured glasses view of the US being the bastion of freedom and democracy. It’s fvcking bullsh!t. Every year it will get worse, and those of us outside will keep shoving the evidence in your faces. And we’ll be ignored until the day none of you are responding on sites like this, because you’ll no longer be able to.
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 09:57 pm
If you do not want the police to mass in large numbers every time they they confront minorities then you should not lynch police officers when they end up having to use force against a minority.
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 10:11 pm
Does it trip you out that someone ALWAYS tries to justify ANYTHING that the police do? Does it boggle your mind?
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 10:33 pm
FBI rescues 28 children, arrests 59 pedophiles in a massive child trafficking/abuse crackdown in Texas.

Included in the arrests are 2 Christian church leaders, 1 Republican leader who proposed allowing driving while "a little drunk", and 0 drag queens
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2023 10:35 pm
It should come as no surprise that I always side with the party that is in the right.

I am one of the good guys after all.
0 Replies
Sun 19 Feb, 2023 06:21 am
Note sure why you are getting upset with me:
- you provided no link, but gave a generic story
- so I gave generic responses / reasons that things can happen
- and phrased it as a question to you, seeking further information
- and you appear to have expected me to know exactly the incident that you were talking about, and got upset with me for that

It appears to me to be a very unreasonable response by you

It would still be interesting if you could provide a link to what you were talking about
0 Replies
Sun 19 Feb, 2023 06:26 am
Republican leaders are recognizing that the sight of Republican lawmakers heckling the president of the United States didn’t do their party any favors.

It not only called attention to their behavior, it prompted many news outlets to fact-check President Biden’s claim that Republicans had called for cuts to Social Security and Medicare or even called to get rid of them. Those outlets noted that while Republicans have repeatedly said they have no intention of cutting those programs, what Biden said was true: Republican leaders have repeatedly suggested such cuts, or even the elimination of those programs, in speeches, news interviews, and written proposals.

Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) told Alexander Bolton of The Hill that Republicans should stick to “reasonable and enduring policy” proposals. “I think we’re missing an opportunity to differentiate,” he said. “Focus on policy. If you get that done, it will age well.”

But therein lies the Republican Party’s problem. What ARE its reasonable and enduring policies? One of the reasons Biden keeps pressuring the party to release its budget is that it’s not at all clear what the party stands for.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to issue any plans before the 2022 midterm election, and in 2020, for the first time in its history, the party refused to write a party platform. The Republican National Committee simply resolved that if its party platform committee had met, it “would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Party's strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration.” So, it resolved that “the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President's America-first agenda.”

Cutting Social Security is a centerpiece of the ideology the party adopted in the 1980s: that the government in place since 1933 was stunting the economy and should be privatized as much as possible.

In place of using the federal government to regulate business, provide a basic social safety net, protect civil rights, and promote infrastructure, Reagan Republicans promised that cutting taxes and regulation would free up capital, which investors would then plow into new businesses, creating new jobs and moving everybody upward. Americans could have low taxes and services both, they promised, for “supply-side economics” would create such economic growth that lower tax rates would still produce high enough revenues to keep the debt low and maintain services.

But constructing an economy that favored the “supply side” rather than the “demand side”—those ordinary Americans who would spend more money in their daily lives—did not, in fact, produce great economic growth or produce tax revenues high enough to keep paying expenses. In January 1981, President Ronald Reagan called the federal deficit, then almost $74 billion, “out of control.” Within two years, he had increased it to $208 billion. The debt, too, nearly tripled during Reagan’s term, from $930 billion to $2.6 trillion. The Republican solution was to cut taxes and slash the government even further.

As early as his 1978 congressional race, George W. Bush called for fixing Social Security’s finances by permitting people to invest their payroll tax themselves. In his second term as president in 2005, he called for it again. When Republican senator Rick Scott of Florida proposed an 11-point (which he later changed to a 12 points) “Plan to Rescue America” last year, vowing to “sunset” all laws automatically after five years, the idea reflected that Republican vision. It permitted the cutting of Social Security without attaching those cuts to any one person or party.

But American voters like Social Security and Medicare and, just as they refused Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security, recoiled from Scott’s plan. Yesterday, under pressure from voters and from other Republicans who recognized the political damage being done, Scott wrote an op-ed saying his plan was “obviously not intended to include entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security—programs that hard-working people have paid into their entire lives—or the funds dedicated to our national security.” (The online version of the plan remains unchanged as of Saturday morning.)

Scott attacked Biden for suggesting otherwise, but he also attacked Mitch McConnell, who also condemned Scott’s plan, accusing them of engaging in “shallow gotcha politics, which is what Washington does.” He also accused “Washington politicians” for “lying to you every chance they get.” Scott’s venom illustrated the growing rift in the Republican Party.

Since the 1990s, Republicans have had an ideological problem: voters don’t actually like their economic vision, which has cut services and neglected infrastructure even as it has dramatically moved wealth upward. So to keep voters behind them, Republicans hammered on social and cultural issues, portraying those who liked the active government as godless socialists who were catering to minorities and women. “There is a religious war going on in this country,” Republican Pat Buchanan told the Republican National Convention in 1992. “It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we shall be as was the Cold War itself, for this war is for the soul of America.”

A generation later, that culture war has joined with the economic vision of the older party to create a new ideology. More than half of Republicans now reject the idea of a democracy based in the rule of law and instead support Christian nationalism, insisting that the United States is a Christian nation and that our society and our laws should be based in evangelical Christian values. Forty percent of the strongest adherents of Christian nationalism think “true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country,” while 22% of sympathizers agree with that position.

Scott released his 11-point plan because, he said, “Americans deserve to know what we will do when given the chance,” and his plan reflected the new Republicans. Sunsetting laws and tax cuts were only part of the plan. He promised to cut government jobs by 25% over the next five years, “sell off all non-essential government assets, buildings and land, and use the proceeds to pay down our national debt,” get rid of all federal programs that local governments can take over, cut taxes, “grow America’s economy,” and “stop Socialism.”

But it also reflected the turn toward Christian nationalism, centering Christianity and “Judeo-Christian values” by investing in religious schools, adoption agencies, and social services and calling for an end to abortion, gender-affirming care, and diversity training. It explicitly puts religion above the law, saying “Americans will not be required to go against their core values and beliefs in order to conform to culture or government.”

The document warned that “[a]n infestation of old, corrupt Washington insiders and immature radical socialists is tearing America apart. Their bizarre policies are intentionally destroying our values, our culture, and the beliefs that hold us together as a nation.” “Is this the beginning of the end of America?” it asks. “Only if we allow it to be.”

That new worldview overlaps with the extremist wing that is trying to take over the Republican Party. It was at the heart of the far-right challenge to House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). It informs Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s abandonment of small-government Republicanism in favor of using the power of the state government to enforce a “Christian” vision, including on businesses.

It was also behind Scott’s challenge to McConnell for the position of Senate majority leader. McConnell kept his position and then removed Scott and another extremist who backed Scott, Mike Lee (R-UT), from the Senate Commerce Committee. Scott, anyway, is apparently not backing down.

The struggle between those two factions is showing up at the Munich Security Conference on global security this week. In the U.S. the extremists have called for cutting our support for the Ukrainians as they try to fight off Russia’s 2022 invasion.

Their hatred of the liberal democracy that demands equality for all people has put those extremists on the side of authoritarians like Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, both of whom have made attacking LGBTQ people a key feature of their championing of their “traditional values,” a cause the extremists like.

But the United States has traditionally backed democracies against autocracies. Today in Munich, Vice President Kamala Harris talked of the war crimes and atrocities the Russians have committed in Ukraine and said: “We have examined the evidence, we know the legal standards, and there is no doubt: These are crimes against humanity.”

Mitch McConnell, who does not usually travel to foreign meetings, went to Munich this year along with more than 50 other lawmakers, the largest delegation the U.S. has ever sent, designed to demonstrate U.S. commitment to global affairs. At a private breakfast on Friday, McConnell promised that the Republicans would not abandon Ukraine. One person there told Jack Detsch and Robbie Gramer of Foreign Policy, “To me, the subtext was clear: We’re not the crazies like the small handful of House Republicans you see in the headlines so often.”


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