Quote:The People are tired of the government operating the way it does.
Sentences that begin with "The people are tired of..." or "The people want..." are always suspect as they make a claim of absoluteness or broad consensus which are commonly quite false. For example, when Obama was first elected, the Dems had gained not only the White House but also majorities in the House and the Senate. And immediately following that, GOP political leaders claimed the Republican policies had to be enacted because that's what the People wanted. I'm not exaggerating. That is what happened.
Quote:The 1.7 Trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill was a final straw for some.
I think you are quoting somebody or somebodies here. For whom was this a final straw? How do you know? Were they moderates or maybe lefties previously but this turned them around? How do you know any of this? And on the other hand, what do you know about how this bill is being received by those who voted for Biden and Dems?
Quote:For you, it is merely a spectacle and you can come here and make witty comments about the party you don't like and the echo chamber will provide you with some good oo-mox.
I'm dying to know what "oo-mox" is. A spicy and assertive milk-based beverage?
For me, it is not merely a spectacle. America is important in the world. You might be operating under a presumption that the US cannot fail as a democracy. That's a delusion. And to the degree that American moves in the direction of far right governments in Israel or Brazil or Italy or Hungary etc, to that degree the entire world is in danger falling into levels of authoritarianism that you aren't going to like