On Tuesday before any results were in I made a prediction which has turned out to be very wrong.
Many GOP candidates, I thought, would follow this pattern...
Quote:if we lose, the election was fraudulent but if we win, it is valid
and I said this would be widely on display following the election
But that didn't happen. Losing GOP candidates, in almost all cases so far, have actually behaved in line with past norms. Further, such behavior as I expected hasn't even shown up (that I've seen at least) where I would have most expected it - right wing media such as Fox where it was pretty constant previously. So I'm trying to think through why my expectations were wrong.
Possibility: As the evening progressed and it became clear that the red wave was not happening and the Dems doing so much better than it was assumed, perhaps this had effects on candidates and conservative voices which set them back on their heels and ameliorated their aggressive patterns. Even Bannon, who for weeks/months had being promising an 89 or 100 seat majority in the House, was very subdued.
Or, related to the above, perhaps it was becoming increasingly apparent to all that the Trump model of behavior was actually a losing strategy. After all, we could see that consensus forming almost immediately (perhaps encouraged by how Trump had fucked up GOP chances in Georgia months ago).
Or something(s) else. If anyone has a good notion, let me know.
One more thing about the election that came to mind this morning is a factor I haven't seen anyone discuss though I'm sure some must have done so. To what degree was this election influenced by the Jan 6 hearings?