Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 03:47 am
Ted Cruz was a dual citizen. He got so much flak for it that he dropped his Canadian citizenship. Can anyone point to one example where a U.S. lawmaker with dual citizenship actively worked to advance the interests of his other country? I've never known it to be a problem and it certainly hasn't been a factor in our arriving at where we are today.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 03:54 am
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 04:03 am
How dumb could your possibly be?


Read that back to yourself. Try that every time you post something.

Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 04:06 am


No, members of Congress don't have automatic dual citizenship with Israel

A long-running online rumor questions the loyalties of dozens of Congress members by saying they have dual citizenship with Israel.

A photo, posted Feb. 17 on the Facebook page "SMALL PEOPLE" AGAINST BIG GOVERNMENT said, "89 of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship (sic) with Israel."

Text accompanying the post says: "Imagine if they were Russian citizens, or Iranian; all hell would break loose. But Israelis in our US Congress? That’s fine, right?"

The story was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

The post sourced a June 22, 2018, story from Prepare For Change, a conspiracy site that says a massive upheaval of society is imminent. The moderator of that website told us the story’s content was pulled from an article by the Governmental Services Corporation Watch and a post from Reddit’s conspiracy page.

We noticed a discrepancy right away: The article’s headline reads "89" members of Congress hold dual citizenship. But the first sentence claims 89 percent of senators and congress hold dual citizenship.

It’s unclear where the 89 or 89 percent figure comes in. But the list is problematic for several reasons.

Before we get into specific flaws of the list, it's important to know that just because everyone on the list is Jewish does not mean they hold dual citizenship with Israel. The social media posts seem predicated on that.

None of the current members listed were born in Israel, so they wouldn’t be naturalized Israeli citizens. Sen. Michael Bennet was born in India. Everyone else? The United States. (We explained in a 2015 fact-check why American-born Jews, including Sen. Bernie Sanders, aren’t automatically granted dual citizenship, despite pervasive online lists.)

Some people may think American-born Jews have automatic dual citizenship due to a misinterpretation of the Israeli Law of Return. This is an immigration visa that "shall be granted to every Jew who has expressed his desire to settle in Israel," with some stipulations.

This is a visa someone must request; it is not automatic. Also, none of these named politicians have settled in Israel.

There are other reasons why the list is not credible.

Only 62 officials from Congress and the executive branch — mostly Democratic or independent — were listed in this article, and 40 were called current members of the 112th U.S. Congress. Note that Congress is in its 116th session, with 34 Jewish representatives. One listed, Frank Lautenberg, has been dead almost six years.

The list comes from a 2011 article published by the magazine Jewish Currents to highlight Jews in politics and point out Jewish liberalism. It did not say the politicians listed held dual citizenship. The order of the names in Jewish Currents matched Prepare For Change.

Aryeh Tuchman, associate director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said the list perpetuates the anti-Semitic trope of Jewish disloyalty. Prepare For Change’s article links to a page by the American Freedom Party, a white supremacist group.

"Jews have a long experience of being put on lists with very negative results," Tuchman said. "The implication that you are promoting is that these people are not loyal citizens of the country."

Such lists aren’t confined to the questioning of politicians, either. Lists of Jews in positions of power in Hollywood, banking and academia surface in many cases, Tuchman said, to paint Jews as disloyal to the country and harboring an agenda.

U.S. representatives must be U.S. citizens for seven years to qualify for office, and senators must be U.S. citizens for nine years, according to Article I of the Constitution.

A disclaimer at the bottom of Prepare For Change’s article says, "Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not."

We have a different take: This claim is Pants on Fire.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 04:08 am
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 04:23 am
You sure know how to pick 'em! Laughing Laughing Laughing

• Overall, Prepare for Change is a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery Level Pseudoscience website that rarely publishes factual or verified information.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 08:14 am
Quoting from your link...

Founded in 2013, Prepare for Change is a website/blog that according to their about page was created as a voice for the New Society Groups started at the New Society Conference in May 2013. Unfortunately, there aren’t any links regarding this. Further, it is very confusing as to what the EVENT is as they reference this EVENT multiple times without naming it. They do describe the event on the homepage as this: “It is a cosmic EVENT HORIZON created by big solar waves reaching the Earth from the Galactic Central causing the activation of “The Compression Breakthrough”, this is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle, that is on the surface of the planet.”

I’ll leave it at that.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 09:29 am
Boris Johnson had both British and Ametican nationalities. He was a cabinet minister when he dropped his American nationality for tax reasons.

Builder makes stuff up, he's delusional.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 11:44 am
Yes, I'm aware. I isolated that particular quote just because it is quite a dilly.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 12:17 pm
I don't mind the mad delusional stuff so much as the nasty hate speech.

The Saudi Crown Prince is Jewish acvording to Bhilder.

Spreading that sort of nonsense causes real harm.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 12:58 pm
That's just the thing builder thinks we unfairly beat him up over. We don't like his post and ask for citation, and then we kick snot over the crazy-assed dismal dark bark at the moon sources he digs up. We are just so mean because we don't accept his ****-cited ****-ball.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 12:58 pm
Iraq has just accused Turkey of a missile strike in Iraqi Kurdistan that killed nine people, mostly Iraqi tourists including children.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 02:30 pm
hightor wrote:

A total separation between mass media, religion, and politics, is what is required.

I agree with you there. But that's just a start.

and, big business (which rules Texas).......
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 03:05 pm
All that stuff is so intertwined in our culture that a total separation is probably impossible. Where would we begin? But some business regulation used to be accepted as beneficial and we used to have an establishment clause which helped to keep the public sphere separate from religion. Reigning in the media will be a challenge. Going after the money might be the first step.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 05:01 pm
True, true, true; but, if the right wants to bring all the **** back into politics that were safely tucked away, then the left can bring out these arguements..........
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 08:03 pm
Safely tucked away?
...Or swept under the rug?

If problems aren't solved, then by all means, people can bring them up again, at least until you hold yourself accountable and solve them.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 09:03 pm
Exactly how limited should the rights of Americans be? Is it still ok for women to vote or hold jobs, can women qualify for loans, will they still be able to buy a car (which I couldn't do when I was 19 unless my Dad was the title holder). What about widows? Should they be able to have utilities delivered to their homes after their husband dies, or will that be too chancy for lenders to accept?

Maybe we can get rid of child labor laws, families are hard strapped and maybe those 14 year olds can drop out of school for awhile to help with the family expenses. There are just tons and tons of liberties all of us have been enjoying that we really don't need. Perhaps it would be a great thing to level out outrageous expectations like having cable TV, cell phones, all the ridiculous reality shows and all the other stuff we use to entertain ourselves.

Maybe all the Christian Churches can get together and decide which faith we should all follow. Some people might want to be Episcopals, some Lutheran, maybe a few Calvinists, Mormons, and the like, but the voters can smooth that all out by picking the church or synagogue or temple or mosque we should all belong to. I agree with Bulma, we can fix everything just fine and dandy by eliminating all those unnecessary social ills and live like Bulma and the other people like him believe we should live. Perhaps then he would stop being such a crybaby about EVERYTHING and just shut up for a while.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 09:13 pm
Sen. Warnock and Hershel Walker have scheduled a debate for October 16th.

This is one person’s prediction of how it might go:

Walker: Milk will in cases loofa frog chickens, because the left.

Warnock: Good evening, I am proud to represent the people of Georgia… lists important issues and solutions

Walker: 8 toes for salad bar, you ever see birds? Guns, jumping rope. Still dollar for peach shrub.

(from C Omega on Twitter)

-It gave me a laugh. But on the serious side, Walker will never show.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 09:24 pm
That's what I don't get. They get speech, worship, arms, the vote, free travel .....

What freedom do they not have?

We won't even sort through the elements in his personal life (all of which he's written about), a life-style that, whether genetic or assumed, his fellow RW/Libertarian Protestant wannabe goose-steppers totally condemn.

There's a sad story here.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2022 10:23 pm
Exactly how limited? What sort of opinion of me do you have?

I am talking about the failures of the left, and their pie-in-the-sky programs and how they care far more about things sounding good than working. A charity for the poor? Sure, sounds fine. But if it costs more in taxes than it gives to the poor, guess what? It makes the poor poorer. This is what I'm talking about, and it's something leftist politicians sidestep while pointing fingers at the right and claiming they are some sort of barbaric group that wants to undo people's rights.

So let's be real here.

How limited should the rights of Americans be?

Not at all limited.

Women can and should vote and hold jobs if they want. You know what else? If they want to have children and they are a minority, they should not be told they are being selfish and persuaded to have an abortion. It isn't a choice if you're coerced into having it, and then told its your choice (that's bullshit, btw). You know what else? If a rapist tries to grab a woman, she should be within her rights to blow his brains out in self-defense and not have some gun control nut tell her that she doesn't have the right to defend herself. Is it alright for her to get a loan? Sure, even though she will be in economic slavery for years of her life. Loans are generally a bad deal. You see, it used to be that most everyone could afford a car. But education, housing, and cars have overshot inflation. What do these things have in common? Student loans, financing plans, and mortgages. They all have a means to defer cost. The rules of supply and demand say that price goes down when people are unwilling to pay, so if you bypass price, price keeps going up. This is why medicine also has overshot normal prices. Yes, you know, anyone who needs to buy something can apply for a loan. This is normal. In Europe since 800AD, women have been able to own their own property. Women have had inheritance rights, on and off since 3100 BC. In 1100 AD, for instance, men and women were seen as one entity, and didn't own property themselves. Even during this time, widows and spinsters did own property. And since 1848, the following was true:
A woman wasn’t automatically liable for her husband’s debts; she could enter contracts on her own; she could collect rents or receive an inheritance in her own right; she could file a lawsuit on her own behalf. She became for economic purposes, an individual, as if she were still single.

(Rolls eyes)
You have been propagandized.

Meanwhile, what about 14 years olds who want to work? Will child labor laws claim they are being coerced? What about families that are so poor, they need help? Oh no, the poor child might have to get off their asses and stop playing video games long enough. But no, it's more important to prevent exploitation than to give families the right to defend their economic interests. What happens in child labor laws is that the family unable to make ends meet gets a visit from child services. They get taken away. Compare this to the right not to be separated. Child labor laws should protect children from dangerous or exploitative jobs (prostitution, for example), but they should not force a family into poverty just so you can feel morally superior. For that matter, any person at any age that wants to do any job ought to be able to. You call this a liberty, but it's actually a restriction.

As for things like phasing out cable, cellphones, and the like, you can blame your Green New Deal for working their hardest to make alot of things unaffordable. And you can thank the Affordable Care Act for making my healthcare unaffordable.

You haven't properly read the First Amendment. It guarantees freedom of religion. You're confusing me personally disliking your religious views for the idea that somehow America should have an official religion (or lack thereof). Enshrined in our Constitution is the idea that no, we do not have an official religion. This is not the same as saying the official religion is atheism. In such countries, religion is forbidden. No, this is the same as saying that you or I can be anything from atheist, Muslim, Aum Shinrikyo, Buddhist, Hindu, whatever, as long as we do not attempt harm to other people.

None of these things are in any danger. You've been misled. How many rights should Americans have?

All of them.

Including things you would consider criminal now, so long as other people are not directly harmed. I should have the right to be a prostitute if I think it's the easiest way to make money. But I should be free of rape, abuse, payment in drugs, or control by a pimp. If I want to rob a bank, the crime should be if I hurt one of the guards or tellers (of course in that case, the guards do have a right to fire at me). In the event of a robbery, every person who has money in the bank should be insured. Otherwise, what good is a bank?


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