The ten commandments you show above are art.
The pyramids are art.
Angkor Wat is art.
Christ the Redeemer is art.
These are things that raise the value of humanity. They make them feel things, make them think, and teach them of their own worth. Art fulfills the purpose God gave us.
Quote:In many professions — for example, in nursing, teaching, the police or prison service, etc. — there is a clear aspect of service, something which is clearly compatible with a Christian outlook. But being an artist seems neither very "useful" nor very Christian to many. Can you relate painting pictures to Biblical principles?
The arts, no less than science, agriculture, understanding and wisdom are a gift from God. In this sense, art needs no justification, just as a mountain or a star, or indeed man himself need no justification. Their meaning is that they have been created by God and are sustained by him.
So art has meaning as art, because God thought it good to give art and beauty to mankind. Exodus 31:3 tells us that Bezalel was "filled with the Spirit of God ... to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze". This is the first mention in the Bible of a man being "filled with the Spirit of God", and it is not for the purpose of preaching or priestly activities but for artistic ability. Also, Exodus 25 tells us about the building of the Tabernacle, with instructions for decorative schemes and beautiful adornments representing natural forms. These incidents show us that God loves beauty and has given us a sense whereby we too can enjoy it.
The function of art is both to be a "mirror" to our culture and to exert an influence on that culture. The arts are also one of the greatest gifts God has given us, cheering the heart, stimulating the mind and enriching human life. Ultimately, as with all gifts, art is there to give glory to God, the greatest creator.
Right? Okay, so what do we define modern art, where such things as minimalism, brutalism, and artistic satire pervade? They do not enrich human life, they
degrade it. They do not give glory to God, they reject God in favor of authoritarianism, and anti-life principles. "To rule faith with tempered reason"? In other words, to push faith out of the way and declare "rational thought" only is permitted. Nevermind that secular humanism is not and has never been rational. They go on to say that nature and not the beauty of the human experience is valuable, literally equating humanity with a cancer, and telling to limit it to 500 million, just over the population of the US alone. Btw, population is not the problem, but bad government.
It is one thing for humans to live in balance with other animals. It is quite another to be forced into population control by evil and misguided idealists.
Yes, I do have a problem with things that are not art. Which cut down or degrade humans. Here's an example from Harry Potter.
Here's another. Extremists are literally oppressing the dead through defacing of real art.

This same article tries to tell us "why these statues need to go", but I think having colonial and confederate people kiss the ground speaks for itself.
The Georgia Guidestones is one real example of oppressive "art."
And the Denver Airport murals appears to be made by the same dangerous idealists. It depicts longingly the destruction of most of the world's population and some sort of green utopia. Actually, what happens when you start devaluing and destroying humanity is that it never stops.