Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Sun 9 Jan, 2022 02:27 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It just seems to me like throwing snowballs at someone with no arms or legs.
Sun 9 Jan, 2022 02:31 pm
Yeah, I can get a chortle or two from the first couple that smack him in the mouth, but after that it runs out of entertainment (or any) value.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 10 Jan, 2022 12:51 am
Lithuania pays Guantánamo ‘forever prisoner’ Abu Zubaydah €100,000 over CIA torture
Compensation for allowing torture at Vilnius black site indicates changing attitudes in Washington, lawyers say

Lithuania has paid more than $110,000 to Abu Zubaydah, the Guantánamo detainee known as the “forever prisoner”, in compensation for having allowed the CIA to hold him at a secret site outside Vilnius where he was subjected to forms of torture.

The €100,000 ($113,500) payment comes more than three years after the European Court of Human Rights ordered the Lithuanian government to pay compensation for violating European laws banning the use of torture.

It marks a significant shift in the treatment of Zubaydah, who has been detained by the US without charge for more than 20 years.

Zubaydah was captured in Pakistan six months after 9/11. The CIA and lawyers for the Bush administration attempted to justify his torture by claiming he was a very senior figure in al-Qaida. It emerged that he was not a member of the organisation and he has never been charged with involvement in 9/11.

For much of the time since his arrest, Zubaydah has been held incommunicado, at the insistence of the CIA as part of its efforts to prevent details of his torture from becoming public.

Lawyers for Zubaydah believe it is highly unlikely that Lithuania would have made the compensation payment without approval from Washington.

“The situation is a lot less incommunicado when you pay €100,000 to someone and the whole world knows about it,” Mark Denbeaux, one of Zubaydah’s legal team based in the US, told the Guardian.

“This move is consistent with the idea that the US is softening its position on the detention of the forever prisoners. The US could clearly have kept Lithuania from handing over this money and the question is, why didn’t they?”

News of the Lithuanian payment comes just days before the 20th anniversary of the military prison at Guantánamo, which received its first detainees on 11 January 2002. In recent months there have been other signs of a shifting attitude towards Zubaydah and the torture that was inflicted upon him by CIA agents and contractors.

In October, the US supreme court heard arguments in a case in which the US government is seeking to block two CIA contractors from testifying in Poland about torture Zubaydah suffered in 2002 and 2003 at a secret or “black” site in that country. In the course of the hearing, several of the justices, including conservatives, broke a legal taboo by openly using the word “torture”.

In Zubaydah’s case against Lithuania, which was led on the European side by his lawyer Helen Duffy, the European Court of Human Rights heard that Zubaydah was held at a CIA black site in that country from February 2005 to March 2006. The site, codenamed Violet, was on the outskirts of Vilnius.

The most brutal forms of torture endured by Zubaydah occurred in 2002 when he was held at a CIA black site in Thailand. An entire program of torture, euphemistically referred to by the CIA as “enhanced interrogation techniques”, was devised for the prisoner by two psychologists under contract to the agency.

Zubaydah was waterboarded – a type of controlled drowning – at least 83 times in August 2002, as well as being placed in a coffin-sized box for days on end.

European judges heard that Zubaydah was unlikely to have suffered from the harshest forms of torture while in Lithuania. But he was subjected to techniques that still amounted to torture, lawyers argued, including sensory and sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, loud noise and harsh light.

The money transferred by Lithuania is now in a bank account. Zubaydah is unable to receive the sum given his detention in Guantánamo and because his assets have been frozen by the US treasury.

A similar freezing of his assets by the United Nations security council was reversed two years ago, after a petition by his lawyers.
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Mon 10 Jan, 2022 05:24 pm
I don’t understand why people are getting excited about Jim Jordan and some other scumbags possibly being questioned by Congress.
Can’t they just take the fifth over and over?
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 05:54 am
These are two tweets in two threads about the need to be patient with the DOJ. The first one is exhorting patience about Mueller's work; the second is an aside about Merrick Garland's.

0 Replies
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 06:00 am
Wouldn't that be an admission that they have done something wrong and could incriminate themselves?

I must admit I don't know, we don't have it over here so I don't know how it works in practice.
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 06:24 am
I suppose it may be an implicit admission of being guilty of something. But it still makes their sworn testimony a useless waste of time. Sworn testimony is a powerful piece of evidence. That is, it's supposed to be. But we have normalized lying, alternate facts, and now defiance of the law.
Fun times.
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 06:28 am
Over here wehave a prime minister who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. There were a series of parties in Downing Street during lockdown when the rest of us couldn't go to funerals.

He was involved and it looks like he lied to parliament about it.

The last time that happened was the Profumo affair, he at least had the decency to resign when found out.
0 Replies
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 07:56 am
(I didn't completely format this – too much work – but if you go to the source there are links provided)

Good Luck “Learning to Live With the Pandemic” — You’re Going to Need It

Why “Learning to Live With the Pandemic” is an Intellectual Fraud and a Moral Disgrace

There’s something ugly happening which even I find shocking. And if you read me regularly, you know that’s saying something. I’ve toyed long and hard with writing this post and putting it the way I’m going to. I’m going to give it to you straight, in five steps.

Every day that I go on Twitter — which isn’t every day, thankfully — a sight that’s spectacularly foolish and repellent greets me. No, not the bigots or supremacists or fanatics. In this case, it’s just…doctors and scientists in positions of power…government advisers and so forth…who are politicising the pandemic. In an especially ugly way, which everyone should call out.

The pandemic is now being overtly politicised, even by doctors and scientists who have no business politicising a pandemic. This group of people is telling society three things.

One. It should “learn to live with the virus,” and throw caution to the wind, because Covid is now “just the common cold.”

Two. Because of that, society should aspire to reach the “endemic phase,” because then life will be “back to normal.”

Three. If there’s some death and illness along the way, so what? The pandemic is over.

All of that is flatly false. It is so false that it makes good doctors and scientists more than a little furious at hearing over and over again, because it flatly unscientific and wrong.

All that is a shockingly embarrassing, unethical, and profoundly ignorant message for a public health professional of any kind to send.

It’s not just stupid, it’s obscene, and I don’t use those words lightly.

But who really has much shame left in our societies? Not those aspiring to power, anyways, which is what folks like this appear to be.

Let me spell out for you what it really means to “politicize the pandemic.” It just means to contradict, ignore, or deny the science. The science is unequivocal. There is no “debating” it. It is just a set of facts. The first several are bioscientific, and the next set are facts of social science. Let me quickly take you through them.

Here is the first set of facts, which are about the pandemic. This is most likely not the last variant. The variants will not magically cease. Covid is not “becoming the flu” or “becoming a cold.” None of that is remotely true. The scientific facts, for those who are interested, go like this. Coronaviruses are highly recombinogenic, which is why they mutate so hard and fast, and viruses don’t “evolve” towards less severity — that is a profound misunderstanding of virology. If they did, hepatitis and polio wouldn’t still be killers.

Next, the second set of facts, about vaccines. We are using a vaccine for Delta (Alpha, even) against Omicron, whose boosters wane after ten weeks, to less than 50% efficacy. Omicron can happily reinfect people, aka escape even the boosters. Add that up, and the virus going endemic already looks nothing like what these so-called professionals wrongly proclaim, which is la-la land life returning to “normal”: it looks more like people get Covid over and over again, and new variants keep on emerging, and systems just go on breaking, from healthcare to the economy to schools to universities to high streets.

But which people are we talking about who get hit by all this? Now we’re coming to the really ugly part of all this, the part which isn’t just stupid, but obscene.

Any sensible person should be able to understand that an “endemic phase” looks not an iota like the la-la land of “life returning to normal,” but more like endless waves of Covid battering societies like tsunamis, every season.

So who is that going to affect? Well, all of us. Have you had Omicron yet? You’re probably going to get it again. And again. And again. Even if it feels mild for you, because you’re a relatively healthy adult, there are many people for whom it’s not mild. Like who?

Like kids. Who are packing hospital wards to breaking point. Kids on ventilators, which are, by the way, life support. (And no, it’s not simply because under-5’s aren’t vaccinated.)

Or like elderly people. Did you not notice how just as Omicron hit, a wave of famous elderly people began to drop like flies? Not a coincidence, a pretty obvious relationship. Death rates are indeed beginning to rise. The South African story was a nonsense, because life expectancy in South Africa is…wait for it…just 64. So obviously it didn’t cause a huge wave of deaths in the elderly there…because there aren’t very many of them. In societies with elderly populations, though, the wave of death that rose at the beginning of the pandemic hasn’t really stopped one iota.

Go ahead and think about it for yourself. 2600 people died of Covid yesterday in America alone. The number last year was 3250. That’s a decline, but not much of one. The idea that somehow people aren’t dying of Covid anymore is a stupid, fatuous, and ugly myth. Sure they are.

People are very much getting seriously ill with and still dying of Covid, in huge and bleak numbers. They’re just people we don’t care about. Or at least people that our leaders are telling us not to care about, because their lives are now an acceptable price to pay.

Which people are those? The young, the elderly, the immunocompromised. They are what might simply be called “the weak.” They are the most vulnerable members of our societies.

Our leaders are now explicitly saying something very much like: “Only the strong should survive. If the weak die off? That’s perfectly acceptable.” They are saying with a shrug and a smile — not just politicians, but, more shockingly, doctors and scientists.

We should all feel contempt for doctors and scientists who are cavalier about human life this way. They disgrace medicine and science. They violate the oaths they take, and they demean centuries of thought and reason.

But I want you to really understand why you should feel that way, angry, contemptuous, disgusted.

The position that our leaders are beginning to take is indistinguishable from fascism and eugenics. “The strong should survive, and it’s acceptable if the weak perish” is a position that is indistinguishable from fascist eugenics.

I know that’s a strong claim to make. I don’t like sounding like Alex Jones. So please, pick a hole in it if you can.

I want you to think about this with me. The conservative side politicises the pandemic this way. It denied it existed, blamed it on China, goes on denying vaccines work, and so forth. But the liberal side now espouses an ethic of “let the strong survive, and the weak should perish, so life can go on for the strong as usual.”

These are just two forms of the same belief system, which is fascism. The conservative side politicises the pandemic in a strong way with fascism — but the liberal side is doing it too.

Do you really think it’s OK to say something like: “Well, it’s OK if old people die off, and if kids end up on life support, and if the already sick get sicker — that’s great! Life can go back to normal!”

It’s not acceptable. Not just because it’s morally monstrous, which it is. But also because it’s ignorant. Because it’s false.

What happens to societies which adopt…fascism…as the basis for governance? Well, they don’t survive very long. They tend to corrode from within. They implode in paroxysms of hate and violence and stupidity and rage. That is precisely where all this will end, too, because, of course, you can’t fight science with stupid, of which fascism is just a kind.

Let’s imagine that in the la-la land of the doctor-pundits who espouse all this, and the politicians who believe them, that life does go back to “normal.” For the latte sipping trophy mom and dad. Meanwhile, grandpa’s dying in the hospital, and little Johnny’s on a ventilator again this winter. Even if said latte-sipping mom and dad are OK with all that, society will still pretty much grind to a halt, its basic systems — healthcare, economy, schools, universities — all ground down into dust.

You can call all that “normal.” But I don’t want my kid to end up on a ventilator. I don’t want my one last living grandparent to die of a virus they didn’t have to get. And there are a whole lot more people like me that there are stupid enough to fall for all this. How do I know that? Because by now the people preaching these lines are laughingstocks around the world, like Rochelle Wallensky at the CDC.

You cannot force the idea that mass death and suffering are “normal” on a society — and have it not be fascism.

The end result of all this, by the way, is that it aids the actual fascists, the ones vying for power. Because the result is a vacuum, a state of total chaos. Joe Biden and his team have made a total, total mess of Omicron. Trying to gussy it up with minor-league fascism-lite isn’t going to save them. It’s just going to get Trump elected, as people turn away in disgust from such incompetence.

Eugenics is a dangerous word to use. I don’t use it lightly. When our leaders effectively say that “it’s OK for kids to end up in the hospital, it’s OK for elderly people to die, it’s OK for those who are immunocompromised or already ill to die off, too”…there is no other way to describe that position other than eugenics. None.

Think about it. Eugenics literally means “good genes,” from the Greek prefix “eu”, the same in “eudaimonia,” or “good life.” When our leaders say that the weak — the most vulnerable in our societies — are now acceptable casualties, they are treading on the very, very thin ice of fascist eugenics. Old people had no value in Nazi Germany, either. If a kid wasn’t tough or strong enough, what good were they? And the already seriously ill? Just liabilities.

This worldview, “we have to learn to live with pandemic, and that means being OK with it killing off the weak” is actual eugenics by any other name. It is effectively saying that society should be reduced to the herd of those who are the fittest, with the strongest genes, the greatest natural resistance or other traits which shield them, and that is what is morally and socially right.

Our leaders are overtly saying that the job of society is not to protect us — but to expose us and cull us. They are now openly saying that those who find themselves without the genetic or economic gift of protection are not worthy of protection.

But in that sense — did you catch that? — fascism is a self-defeating paradox. “The strong survive” is a foolish and stupid axiom to try to build a society precisely because it has something of Zeno in it. There is always going to be weakness and vulnerability. The job of society is to protect and shield it.

That brings to the socioeconomic lessons. Remember when I said there are facts of bioscience at play here — and also facts of social science? Facts which make this attitude — “let the pandemic rip!! We’ve got to learn to live with it!! — not just pseudo-intellectual, but obscenely foolish?

Those facts of social science are very, very simple. What is civilization? Civilization is not just collective action — even the Nazis had that. Civilization is what the Nazis did not have. It is the project, the endeavour, of nurturing every life, beginning with the most vulnerable. Nurturing every life to fruition.

As we undertook that project, little miracles began to happen. This life became a Galileo, despite the church accusing it of heresy. That life became a Michelangelo. This one, an Einstein, and so on. As we nurture every life, beginning with the most vulnerable, to fruition, so too the miracle of civilisation comes into being, and into focus. We are all better off that way.

Better off that way than the way the Nazis tried, which has recurred throughout history — treating the most vulnerable as hated subhumans, liabilities to be exterminated.

This is the most basic fact of social science that there is. Anyone who does not understand this simple fact and who claims to be an educated person is little more than a fool.

That goes double for the doctor and scientist pundits advising politicians to simply give up and let society “live with the pandemic.” Would these idiots have said the same thing during the Plague? What would they have said about smallpox and polio? If these malignant ignoramuses had been in charge then, we’d never have had vaccines for any killer disease in history. We’d still be learning to “live with” everything from polio to smallpox to tetanus to rabies.

Sound like civilisation to you? Or the idiocy of barbarism?

When I put it that way, hopefully it becomes a little clearer to you.

We have reached an incredibly dangerous point when our leaders are openly espousing what can only be described as eugenics because they are out of any other solution. It is flatly disgraceful that they are being advised to adopt eugenics by people who describe themselves as doctors and scientists.

Such people shame and disgrace science and medicine in the most obscene way that there is — and the gift of human knowledge itself. Ignorance, malice, folly, self-serving careerism — all these caused can be imputed. They have given up on the project of human civilization.

There is no lower shame, really, than that — and that is why we should all hold them beneath contempt.

0 Replies
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 11:16 am
The leader of the Scottish Nationalists in the House of Commons has just been interviewed on the BBC.

He has said it's the end for Boris Johnson, he has lost the trust of the British people and has to resign, or the Tory 1922 committee should issue a challenge.

The latest poll says 66% believe he should resign.

Pm's questions tomorrow, he can't avoid that.
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Tue 11 Jan, 2022 03:24 pm
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Tue 11 Jan, 2022 05:27 pm
The stakes are simply too high for us to just be Democrats or Republicans.
I've watched what's been going on in this country over the past year. Quite frankly, I'm scared. Never, in a million years, did I think I would see Americans attack our government. Never, did I think that I'd see the concerted effort to drag this nation back to the days before women and People of Color had basic rights to citizenship.
But, that time is here.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
All of us have to decide what we are in this time. This time has to be bigger than party labels.
There are many of you who believe in the American vision of a free and equitable nation but do not desire to be constrained by the label, Democrat.
The world doesn't need more Democrats. This world needs more decent people of all partisan beliefs or no partisan beliefs. We don't need you to be a Democrat; We need you to stand up and be counted as a decent person willing to work towards the goals that are important to you. I'm asking you to join me in an alliance of decent people.
The only requirements are a commitment to respect for all people, equality for all, equity, and decency. We will not all agree in every instance. We are not expected to agree. We will establish a framework and opportunity for you to work on the items of importance to you. We will work jointly where we all agree and in sub-groups where we differ. But most importantly, we will work not talk.
This Thursday at 6:15 pm, the alliance will meet to discuss a plan to alter the destructive course of our government- locally and statewide. Pulaski County Democrats will meet at 6 pm, conclude our partisan meeting at 6:15, and launch the alliance.
Where: The Village, 228 Old Route 66 Saint Robert, MO 65584
6:00 pm: Pulaski County Democratic Club Meeting
6:15 pm: The Alliance
When what you're doing isn't working, do it differently! What we've always done isn't working. So join me in a RADICALLY new approach. I hope to see you Thursday.
Yvonne Reeves Chong
0 Replies
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 05:33 pm
Martin Luther King III, the eldest son of late civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, also suggested he was disappointed by how little the White House had accomplished to counter a wave of voting restrictions passed by several Republican state legislatures in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

“I don’t even understand how anybody would be against expanding and protecting the right to vote and preserving democracy,” Martin Luther King III said. “It’s a very sad position … where we are right now. And absolutely, I think that a lot of this should have already been done.”

Martin Luther King III went on to urge the White House to tackle the stalled voting rights bills with the same force Biden used to muscle a mammoth, $550 billion infrastructure package through Congress last year after months of back-and-forth negotiations.

“What we are saying to the president is, we need to see and hear today how you’re going to get these bills passed. … We want him to use his full weight,” Martin Luther King III said. “We know that the White House, when it really wants something done, they have a lot of influence that they can use. And that’s what we expect to hear and see.”
0 Replies
Tue 11 Jan, 2022 11:34 pm
It appears that there is some movement to hold the Republicans who forged an electoral college document in favor of Trump when he didn't win their state (Arizona, Georgia (I think?) Michigan, and a couple of others) as criminals; according to Rachel Marrow tonight. This is the very least that should be done to hold insurrectionists guilty of a crime as severe as bringing our country down and destroying a working democracy!

It has to be done to hold future eggheads in line. The penalty should be severe - no less than 15 years minimum, IMHO. That would be about 25-30 years at hard labor. And, it should be at state level so no future R-President in
the future can pardon them!
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 01:15 am
10 Worst Presidents According to US News and World Report

1. James Buchanan
2. Donald Trump
3. Andrew Johnson
4. Franklin Pierce
5. William Henry Harrison
6. Warren G. Harding
7 (tie). Millard Fillmore
7 (tie). John Tyler
9. Herbert Hoover
10. Zachary Taylor


Note: Trump still has a chance to get to #1, and he is trying hard to do it!
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 02:40 am
That's a bit unfair on William Henry Harrison, I thought he only lived for a week as president. Shouldn't he get a pass or something?
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 03:22 am
A month, but I still agree with you. Maybe it was because he had the gall to die after just a month when his VP was Tyler and he had adjourned Congress with the need to pass a moneys act to further government?
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 03:29 am
But Tyler still performed better than him.

Our funny pm is Spencer Percival, the only prime minister to have been assassinated.

The ironic thing was he was not targeted personally, the assassin had a problem with Parliament and wanted to kill an MP, any MP. It just so happened that the first MP that came into view was the prime minister.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 07:02 am
Boris Johnson has finally admitted being at an illegal gathering during Lockdown. He has apologised but opposition mps have said he's only apologising because he was caught out.

Tory mps are asking questions about anything other than the party.

Labour, the SNP, the Liberal Democrats and the Alliance Party from Northern Ireland have all said he should resign.

Labour MP Toby Perkins has said in the Commons that Johnson has debased the office of prime minister.
Wed 12 Jan, 2022 08:15 am
This is how I've felt for the last six months...
0 Replies

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