That's okay. Honestly, I get it.
I've got things weighing on me which have really constrained my creativity and it's come down to the continuation of COVID and climate change. The ******* pandemic has pretty much sidelined musical performance and I've hung my band of ten years out to dry. Meanwhile COP21 was a total cop-out and I have
no confidence that we're going to avoid a bunch of environmental **** that would have already been bad enough even without our political system going to hell before our eyes.
Your concerns are just as important to you. I know that the apparent impunity of rich white assholes and the timidity of the legal response has been a concern, a flashpoint even, and I can only imagine how frustrating it is. (Personally, I try to convince myself that a lot more is being done behind the scenes but I know that's probably just hopium.)
It's not surprising that our contributions and our replies will reflect our unease and our impatience.
Just imagine how it's going to be when the newly-elected Republican majority impeaches Joe Biden in 2023.
One other thing. The 2nd Amendment will be the literal bullet through the head to democracy in the USA.