An increase in fruit consumption can cause the same reaction..beth is right..
And even if you are NOT diabetic, you will feel strangly after eating more fruits.. espically around your period time. Sugars offset te balance of a womans hormones and can cause symptoms to get worse other then better ( even though we crave sugars/chocolates at that time anyways
Mood swings, sleeplessness, higher appetite, lower sex drive, watery bowels, yellow/greyish skin tint...
and a few other really off the wall things can happen with a big change in sugar intake.
Sugar doesnt just equal processed white sugar. Anything that is high on the glycemic index
(meaning, digests easy, raises or lowers the natural insulin levels of the body ) is in my mind ' sugar '. Fruits, some veggies, even energy bars.. all effect the body like a straight dose of granulated sugar does.
being a woman sucks some days out of the month doesnt it!