God's existence and existence of virtual particles

Reply Wed 9 Sep, 2020 11:46 pm
Dear Halcyon, you state:

". . . if they (gods?) can create anything, that would include things they (gods?) are incompatible with."

Please, let you and me work as to concur on a mutually agreed on concept of compatibility.

Here is my concept of compatibility:
"It is the coherency and consistency among the members in a collection of things or ideas." (16 words)

Please produce your concept of compatibility in the least number of words you can manage with.

From Halcyon

[ . . . . ]

Does god have to be compatible? It depends on what you believe god is and what they did. If they are the infinite creator, then they have a say in all things, still if they can create anything, that would include things they are incompatible with.

[ . . . . ]

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Sep, 2020 02:18 am
Piggy’s humble opinion is that virtual particle can be compatible with hell.
More and more such conceptions as “virtual particle”, “massless particle”, etc, have lead modern physics to the edge of losing physical meaning. What’s the use of such thing / what physical or astronomical hard nuts can they solve except help emit more and more “?” into the night sky?
In the 21st century, physicists will separate into two groups: some guys will keep on pursueing delicate math models, perhaps they are dubbed “the authentic”; some guys will try to seek a bit more physical meaning and clear new land for physics research, perhaps they are dubbed “the eccentric”.
Reply Thu 10 Sep, 2020 11:11 pm
Dear htam9876:

I can understand your concern owing to the physics literature on virtual particles.

From my own part, when physicists come up with concepts like virtual particles, I try to see how they can be accommodated in the big picture of existence.

Now, existence can be in the realm of thought in man's mind, or in - and this is with almost most if not all instances of existence, in the realm of actual things like babies and roses in the neighborhood, and the nose on our face, this realm is outside and independent of man's mind, meaning they exist even when a man has lost his mind.

So, as God is the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning, man's mind is also of course created and kept in existence by God.

There, on that basis virtual particles can be and are in fact created by God - in man's mind, which man's mind is of course created by God.

That is why I say that God and virtual particles are compatible.

Annex 1
Susmariosep Post: # 7,050,310 Fri 21 Aug, 2020 03:11 pm
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God's existence and existence of virtual particles

virtual particles

My question is the following:

Are God and virtual particles compatible?

From my own personal self thinking on facts, truths, logic, and the best ideas in the history of mankind, I say YES, they are compatible, because God creates them, that's why.

What do you guys here say?

Annex 2
htam9876 Post: # 7,056,256 Thu 10 Sep, 2020 02:18 am
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Piggy’s humble opinion is that virtual particle can be compatible with hell.
More and more such conceptions as “virtual particle”, “massless particle”, etc, have lead modern physics to the edge of losing physical meaning. What’s the use of such thing / what physical or astronomical hard nuts can they solve except help emit more and more “?” into the night sky?
In the 21st century, physicists will separate into two groups: some guys will keep on pursueing delicate math models, perhaps they are dubbed “the authentic”; some guys will try to seek a bit more physical meaning and clear new land for physics research, perhaps they are dubbed “the eccentric”.

Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2020 01:51 am
Lord that you are willing to give full credit and belief in a god that control the total reality of our universe, with only religion myths that are no difference in kind to all the others religion myths mankind had dream up over the hundreds of centuries, behind them.

Amazing that fully adult minds can accept this nonsense with the likely aid of strong religion indoctrinations as children.
Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2020 03:47 am
Dear God:
Soldiers in battle field said: “we believe in G*, but we can’t find where’s G*”.
We got Mark here, modern physics seems not necessarily be hopeless. (see the thread of "how to understand the energy - momentum equation in the natural way" in the Relativity column)
But if Mark can’t make a break - through in the physics community, that will mean modern physics doomed. If Mark be controlled by the First Order, that will mean human civilization doomed.
Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2020 03:13 pm
Dear BillRM and everyone:

That is why I now know that robots cannot be as good (or more correctly as bad) as humans, in particular militant atheists, because only humans in particular militant atheists, can lie to themselves, that is why only humans see their fellow human professionals called psychiatrists to fix themselves, considering that you lie to yourself, you get sick in mental health.

Okay, dear BillRM, tell me, ultimately who or what is the cause of say the human species?

Please employ only honest intelligent productive thinking, no lying allowed.

Here is my concept of God:

God in concept is the creator cause of man and the universe and everything with a beginning.


From BillRM Fri 11 Sep, 2020 01:51 am

Lord that you are willing to give full credit and belief in a god that control the total reality of our universe, with only religion myths that are no difference in kind to all the others religion myths mankind had dream up over the hundreds of centuries, behind them.

Amazing that fully adult minds can accept this nonsense with the likely aid of strong religion indoctrinations as children.

Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2020 04:35 pm
Dear everyone and in particular, militant atheists.

I notice that militant atheists, they can't think beyond the horizon reached by their eye sight.

Atheists claim to not see God, asking where is God that is within their eye reach.

That is the sad reality with militant atheists, they neglect to employ their brain at least to wonder what is beyond the reach of their eye sight, now that man can see with technological equipment to beyond even the edge of the known or observable to mankind, the known universe, and that is only just 4 percent of the totality of the universe.

What can you say, dear militant atheists, about your concept of God that is only to be within the scan of your eyes - you are living in the primitive stone epoch of mankind.

htam9876 says on Fri 11 Sep, 2020 03:47 am
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Dear God:
Soldiers in battle field said: “we believe in G*, but we can’t find where’s G*”.
We got Mark here, modern physics seems not necessarily be hopeless. (see the thread of "how to understand the energy - momentum equation in the natural way" in the Relativity column)
But if Mark can’t make a break - through in the physics community, that will mean modern physics doomed. If Mark be controlled by the First Order, that will mean human civilization doomed.

Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2020 05:54 pm
Dear God:
Actually, piggy agrees with your comment of “roses in the neighborhood” very much. But the “roses in the neighborhood” are not something virtual. They are something true and substantial, just not in your command. The “physics literature” (or name) for such particles did have problem. Piggy argued a lot over the “virtual particles” with authentic theoretical physicists in physicshelpforum in the past few months. Just because of the disturbance of “the First Order”, piggy left.
In cases such as photon – electron collision, photon – photon collision, etc, we can feel something odd. Photon is neutral particle, where does the collision force come from? Such particles as electron, positron, proton, etc, are formal particles which you can command (roses in your yard). But nature is much more than that. Piggy considers the “roses in the neighborhood” are a kind of informal particles. Yes, they are a hidden realm, which might be the new land for modern physics. But nowadays few people know how to sail to the new land. A Ukraine posted “ball lightening” topic in physicshelpforum about two months ago. That means the Ukraine is sailing that way.
But some people were committed to the “virtualization of natural fundamental forces” and said “electromagnetic force is exchange of virtual photon”, and so so…what’s the use of that conception except help emit more and more “?” into the night sky? Can they solve any hard nut in physics or astronomy? Just useless things.
In fact, after the Manhattan project, no glaring achievement appeared in the respect of research of particle physics. Only expensive machines look spectacular in large labs.
Under instruction of wrong theory, what can achieve?

The most important thing in 21st century is:
Liqiang Chen
Sept 12, 2020
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Sep, 2020 08:14 pm
Actually piggy agrees with your comment of “they neglect to employ their brain at least to wonder what is beyond the reach of their eye sight” very much.
Below is a thought experiment piggy posted elsewhere last year. I move it here now for fun.

Next play a game of philosophy.
This tramp in cosmos read some astronomic materials. They said that the visible world is about ** billion light years. Don’t mind the exact number. The question here is: what’s outside the visible world?
A. The visible world is infinite big. This answer is somewhat alike the concept of some ancient people about the ground. “The ground is infinite wide.”
B. Nothing. This answer seems a bit fishy. It might render people wonder if it is an answer.
C. Invisible matter worlds.
D. No one knows. This tramp in cosmos guesses that some people might appreciate this answer most. Actually it’s the best answer to any question…

The most important thing in 21st century is:
have a lovely weekend, boys. haha...
Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 02:09 am
You ask, dear htam9876:

"The question here is: what’s outside the visible world?"

It is all existence, no matter that it is not visible to mankind.

Before the arrival of living entities with sight, the question of visibility or invisibility was completely of no relevancy.

Then with the arrival of homo sapiens, there is now the question of God exists or not, and the answer to do credit to man's intelligence aka sapiency or what was called wisdom, the answer is Yes.

So atheists have been into an anti-cognition rebellion against ultimate intelligence.

# 7,057,239 htam9876 Sat 12 Sep, 2020 08:14 pm
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Actually piggy agrees with your comment of “they neglect to employ their brain at least to wonder what is beyond the reach of their eye sight” very much.
Below is a thought experiment piggy posted elsewhere last year. I move it here now for fun.

Next play a game of philosophy.
This tramp in cosmos read some astronomic materials. They said that the visible world is about ** billion light years. Don’t mind the exact number. The question here is: what’s outside the visible world?[/b]
A. The visible world is infinite big. This answer is somewhat alike the concept of some ancient people about the ground. “The ground is infinite wide.”
B. Nothing. This answer seems a bit fishy. It might render people wonder if it is an answer.
C. Invisible matter worlds.
D. No one knows. This tramp in cosmos guesses that some people might appreciate this answer most. Actually it’s the best answer to any question…

The most important thing in 21st century is:
have a lovely weekend, boys. haha...

Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 06:29 am
what is beyond the reach of their eye sight” very much.

Making up gods is not the solution to filling in the blanks of our current understanding of the universe in fact it is a very dumb and worthless thing to do.

It was Franklin and similar men probing the unknown at some risk to their lives not by reading a religion text that gave us an understanding of lighting.

To the point that the tall towers of churches could then be protection by the use of lighting rods not by prayers.

Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 07:03 am
Okay, dear BillRM, tell me, ultimately who or what is the cause of say the human species?

http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/944 The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin

Now that is how we and other animals came to be now who or what set up the universe where the nature laws produce such results is not known yet however making up gods from your imagination is not helpful any more then praying that you will not get hit by a lightening bolt to some Zeus like god you had made up.n

Be it known that like Franklin and his kite there are men and women at this very moment now probing the nature of the universe at such places as France–Switzerland border super collider.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 11:40 am
“ultimate intelligence”! It’s so excellent a term. It might lead to new cognition.

When we discuss that thought experiment in PHF, even authentic physicist would not choose answer A.
“It is all existence, no matter that it is not visible to mankind.” That means you choose answer C.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 11:43 am
If somebody ask piggy: are you atheist? I can tell him the best answer (answer D). Piggy tells you a fun thing in physicshelpforum: sometimes the authentic physicists themselves have different opinions, guys joke “in God we trust”.
Piggy has not yet read any religion text. If god can arrange piggy to American so that piggy can escape from the absolute cruel dark sanction from the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city, piggy would like to read the whole version of Bible.
If somebody believes in God and would not suppress “ultimate intelligence”, why not it’s a good thing for science?
“It was Franklin and similar men probing the unknown at some risk to their lives…” No bad a comment.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Sep, 2020 05:41 pm
Dear everyone, I am so glad that you guys are contributing to my thread, thanks!

Now, for your orientation, please refresh your heart and mind with the OP.

Post: # 7,050,310 Susmariosep Fri 21 Aug, 2020 03:11 pm
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God's existence and existence of virtual particles

virtual particles

My question is the following:

Are God and virtual particles compatible?

From my own personal self thinking on facts, truths, logic, and the best ideas in the history of mankind, I say YES, they are compatible, because God creates them, that's why.

What do you guys here say?

So, dear everyone, whether you be knowers of God, I am one knower of God, or you be non-knowers of God, for example, militant atheists, let us all get to focus on a platform, so that we will be into the same topic, is that okay with everyone?

From my part, I propose that the platform we all must adopt should be existence, and why?

Because we exist and we exist in exisetence, that no one with the trait of homo sapiens can deny - anyway, if you deny you exist or there is no existence, then your being here is not coherent and not consistent with your position that you don't exist and there is no existence: on that consideration I will have to dispense myself from interacting with you, because you are obviously and most grievously a candidate for the mental asylum.

Now, for us all who are not aspiring to be candidates for residency in the mental asylum, what do you say, Do you agree with me that we should adopt the platform for our exchange of ideas, in re God exists or not, the platform of existence?

What is your pleasure?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2020 11:07 pm
Dear everyone here in this thread of able2know.org of yours truly:

I ask you all the question, shall we all adopt the platform for our exchange of ideas, namely, the platform of existence: as no one has objected, and as the rule about silence means concurrence, therefore: we all concur that in our exchange of ideas in re God exists or not, we all will adopt and keep to the platform of existence.

That means that for folks who are not adopting the platform of existence, they are not on the stage, so they have to stay at most on the floor, but staying or being kept on the floor, they still don't have any floor as to enjoy access and use of the public address system - but they can still listen though.

Okay, everyone, we must now still adopt some premises that are beyond questioning, for all exchanges of ideas are grounded on common irrefutable premises, without which members of the tribe homo sapiens will not be able to make sense to others of what they are communicating with language, to everyone else members of the tribe homo sapiens.

The first fundamental premise to come to communal consent is what is existence at all - even though we have already adopted that platform of existence for our exchange of ideas, we still have to come to the explicit statement of what is existence at all, by answering the how question, scil. how do we come to know what is existence?

To that end I propose that we come to know what is existence by examining our conscious experience of existence.

What about this conscious experience of existence, namely, we look at our face on the mirror and with any finger touch our nose, is that a conscious experience of the existence of the nose on our face?

Okay, everyone or anyone with conscious experience of touching your nose, even though you don't use a mirror, but just with your fingers, what do you say, Do you have a conscious experience of the nose on your face?

Post: # 7,057,616
Susmariosep Sun 13 Sep, 2020 05:41 pm
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Dear everyone, I am so glad that you guys are contributing to my thread, thanks!

Now, for your orientation, please refresh your heart and mind with the OP.

    Quote: Post: # 7,050,310 Susmariosep Fri 21 Aug, 2020 03:11 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - God's existence and existence of virtual particles God's existence and existence of virtual particles My question is the following: Are God and virtual particles compatible? From my own personal self thinking on facts, truths, logic, and the best ideas in the history of mankind, I say YES, they are compatible, because God creates them, that's why. What do you guys here say?

So, dear everyone, whether you be knowers of God, I am one knower of God, or you be non-knowers of God, for example, militant atheists, let us all get to focus on a platform, so that we will be into the same topic, is that okay with everyone?

From my part, I propose that the platform we all must adopt should be existence, and why?

Because we exist and we exist in existence, that no one with the trait of homo sapiens can deny - anyway, if you deny you exist or there is no existence, then your being here is not coherent and not consistent with your position that you don't exist and there is no existence: on that consideration I will have to dispense myself from interacting with you, because you are obviously and most grievously a candidate for the mental asylum.

Now, for us all who are not aspiring to be candidates for residency in the mental asylum, what do you say, Do you agree with me that we should adopt the platform for our exchange of ideas, in re God exists or not, the platform of existence?

What is your pleasure?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2020 11:37 pm
I say YES, they are compatible, because God creates them, that's why.

Reply Tue 15 Sep, 2020 01:48 pm
Thanks, nacredambition, for your concurrence on my expatiation in re what is existence and how it is most important: for the foundation of honest intelligent productive exchange of ideas in re the issue God exists or not.

Now I await with bated breath to read the contributions of our wise posters in this able2know.org forum thread.

Dear readers, continue to watch this thread,

Yours truly.
Reply Wed 16 Sep, 2020 12:18 pm
This morning I want to tell everyone that we exist and we live in existence, and so does God, except this big difference:

We have a beginning but God does not have a beginning, He is always and everywhere existing, so that God and existence are synonymous.

So, atheists are mistaken with stating that if anything at all is without beginning, it could be the universe instead of God.

Atheists are mistaken because scientists tell us that the universe has a beginning some 13.8 billion years ago.

There, and who made virtual particles talked about by quantum physicists?

Who else but God, and quantum physicists tell us that they virtual particles are popping in and out of existence, but quantum physicists do not add that God makes them all the time, popping them in and out of existence, at least inside the mind space of quantum physicists.

Scientists are very strict with being scientific, for they all concur that they must not bring in God, because God is a magician, and science has no place for a magician like God, why?

Because without God, them scientists can continue in their livelihood of doing science in everlasting quest for the theory of everything, even though they know in their heart of hearts that God satisfies the theory of everything.

And atheists wrongly (because they are very good with arbitrary fake information) conclude that them virtual particles just pop in and out of existence without God - because atheists harbor this bias against God, namely, that God does not exist because God is an orbiting teapot in space, and more recently a flying spaghetti monster and other things ridiculous.

Reply Thu 17 Sep, 2020 03:02 am
Sorry the big bang happen roughly 15 billions years or so however that said nothing about the conditions of the universe or universes before the big bang.

Bringing in some super being explain nothing at all anymore then lightening bolts from heaven was explain by the god Zeus.

Nice however that god is working hard to created virtual particles for some reason.


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