Hitler’s genocide, evil. Yahweh’s genocides good; say Christians, Muslims & Jews! -- ?

The Anointed
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2021 12:05 am
@Greatest I am,
It seems to me, that to accept Jesus as our messiah or scapegoat, means abdication our responsibility for our sins and placing it on the messiah or scapegoat. If you are religious, is this the sin that you think you did to deserve hell?

In this post you have revealed that you are ignorant as to who the scape goat is, and I'll bet you haven't any idea as to what the eternal fire that has been prepared for the unrepentant sinners, really is.

It is quite obvious that you have never been a biblical student.
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2021 05:26 pm
@The Anointed,
I'll bet you haven't any idea as to what the eternal fire that has been prepared for the unrepentant sinners, really is.

Well, what is it?
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2021 05:46 pm
It could be that the eternal fire is there to guide the unrepentant sinners home.
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The Anointed
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2021 08:56 pm
Well, what is it?

After all physical life forms on this planet has occurred as revealed in Zephaniah 1: 2-3; The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, 3all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken.

Verse 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth.

This happens after the thousand years rule of Christ, "THE LORD'S DAY" the seventh day, from the day in which Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and died in that day at the age of 930.

Jubilees 4: 30; And he (ADAM) lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ’On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason he 31 did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.

Paul says that the weekly Sabbath was but a shadow of the coming reality, which is the day of the Lord.

After the Great Sabbath, heavenly fire incinerates all that is upon this planet and the oceans have all evaporated, all the disembodied spirits, who have all suffered "THE FIRST DEATH", which is that of their physical bodies, stand before the throne of the Son of Man, the MOST HIGH in the creation.

Matthew 25: 30. Jesus speaks of the day when ‘The Son of Man’ divides the sheep from the goats, the sheep inherit everlasting life, the goats are consigned to the fire that has been prepared for Satan, etc.

For over two thousand years Christians have prayed; “May thy kingdom come on earth just as it is in heaven.”

Revelation 21: 3-8; John the beloved disciple, who was spiritually carried to the ends of the ‘LORD’S DAY’, says; I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “NOW GOD’S HOME IS WITH HUMAN BEINGS! (Their prays are answered) He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared.”

5Then the one who sits on the throne said, “And now I make all things new!” He also said to me, “Write this, because these words are true and can be trusted.” And he said, “It is done! I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end. To anyone who is thirsty I will give the right to drink from the spring of the water of life without paying for it. Those who win the victory will receive this from me: I will be their God, and they will be my children.

8But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the immoral, those who practise magic, those who worship idols, and all liars — the place for them is the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death.”

Hell is the death of the mind/spirit that had developed with the physical body, the SECOND DEATH, everlasting oblivion, no more pain or suffering, but everlasting death, from which there is no return.
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2021 08:06 am
@The Anointed,
the SECOND DEATH, everlasting oblivion, no more pain or suffering, but everlasting death, from which there is no return.

I don't see the down side to this. No awareness of one's condition of nonexistence.
The Anointed
Reply Sat 21 Aug, 2021 04:01 pm
I don't see the down side to this. No awareness of one's condition of nonexistence.

Why! Do you want to see the unrepentant spirit of the sinners suffer eternal torment as taught by established Christian religion?

All have sinned and all must die ONCE and pay the blood price for the sins committed in your past life, then go off into judgement. Once you have suffered the first death, which is that of your body, You the disembodied mind, must go off to be Judged.

The penalty of unrepentant sin, is death, not everlasting life in burning terrific torment. The 'SECOND DEATH' is the death of the mind.

The empty and lifeless soul is then cast back into the refining fires of physical life once more, where it is given a new body in which to grow a new mind.

A wild and woeful race he ran
Of lust and sin by land and sea;
Until, abhorred of God and man,
They swung him from the gallows tree.
And then he climbed the Starry Stair,
And dumb and naked and alone,
With head unbowed and brazen glare,
He stood before the Judgment Throne.

The Keeper of the Record spoke:
“This man, O Lord, has mocked thy name.
The weak have wept beneath his yoke,
The strong have fled before his flame.
The blood of babes is on his sword;
His life is evil to the brim:
Look down, decree his doom, O Lord!
Lo! There is none will speak for him.

The golden trumpets blew a blast
That echoed in the crypts of Hell,
For there was judgment to be past,
And lips were hushed and silence fell.
The man was mute, he made no stir,
Erect before the Judgment seat. . .
When all at once a mongrel cur
Crept out and cowered and licked his feet.

It licked his feet with whining cry.
Come Heav’n, come Hell, what did it care?
It leapt, it tried to catch his eye;
Its Master, yea, its God was there.
Then as a thrill of wonder sped
Through throngs of shining seraphim,
The Judge of All looked down and said:
Lo! Here is one who pleads for him.

And who shall love of these the least,
And who by word or look or deed
Shall pity show to bird or beast,
By Me shall have a friend in need.
Aye, though his sin be black as night,
And though he stand ‘Mid men alone,
He shall be softened in my sight,
And find a pleader by My Throne.

“So let this man to glory win,
From 'LIFE TO LIFE' salvation glean;
By pain and sacrifice and sin,
Until he stand before Me…..clean.
For he who loves the least of these
(And here I say and here repeat)
Shall win himself an angel’s plea
For Mercy at My Judgment Seat…..The wonderful Robert Service.

Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2021 07:29 am
@The Anointed,
Why! Do you want to see the unrepentant spirit of the sinners suffer eternal torment as taught by established Christian religion?

No. That wouldn't be right.

I'm just making the point that nonexistence is not something to dread; nothing lost, nothing gained.
The Anointed
Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2021 06:41 pm
I'm just making the point that nonexistence is not something to dread; nothing lost, nothing gained.

Of course not, but the weeping and gnashing of ones teeth, when they realise that which they have missed out on, before entering into the second and final death.

Everlasting life, or everlasting death has been offered to all, it is our own choice.

I remember once in the lunch room a mob of us blokes were talking about an old ninety nine year old man down the road, when one young fellow said; "Who the hell would want to live to be ninety nine?" To which all of us answered; "Everyone who is ninety eight and still in reasonable condition."

Everyone who refuses to believe that there is such a thing as everlasting life, and who says that the thought of everlasting death doesn't worry them, might change their minds when they realise that the promise of everlasting life was there for them to choose, but they didn't.
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2021 04:35 pm
@The Anointed,
Of course not, but the weeping and gnashing of ones teeth, when they realise that which they have missed out on

Yeah but in reality, one cannot reflect upon an experience that has not occurred.
Everlasting life, or everlasting death has been offered to all, it is our own choice.

Everyone who refuses to believe that there is such a thing as everlasting life, and who says that the thought of everlasting death doesn't worry them, might change their minds when they realise that the promise of everlasting life was there for them to choose, but they didn't.

But the unrepentant sinner is not going to realize what was promised because it's not for them. And they're certainly not going to dwell on it after they die.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2021 05:07 pm
But the unrepentant sinner is not going to realize what was promised because it's not for them. And they're certainly not going to dwell on it after they die.

According to the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 25; 31; the unrepentant sinners will realise what they had missed for the goats will be there when the Lord says to the sheep, the people on his right, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world."

Having heard the reward that the righteous receive, the Lord then turns to the unrepentant sinners on his left, and says to them; " Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels!

According to Revelation 21: 5-8; That is the second death. The death of those disembodied minds that are separated from the souls, which lifeless souls are given new bodies in which to develops new minds/spirits.

It is not the intention of the Lord God, to see anyone suffer everlasting torment, but simply to ban the unrepentant sinners from ever entering into the everlasting Kingdom of peace, where all love their neighbour as themselves.

Enoch the righteous, wrote that God created an ‘EIGHTH’ day also, so that it should be the first after his works, and it is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one aeon, etc, etc, and all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in Space-Time, but not in our time.

From the Book of Enoch the Prophet 108: 11-13; “And now I will summons the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who, in the flesh were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my holy name, and I will seat each one on the throne of his honour, And they shall be resplendent for times without number.”
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2021 07:14 am
@The Anointed,
According to the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 25; 31; the unrepentant sinners will realise what they had missed for the goats will be there when the Lord says to the sheep, the people on his right, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world."

Having heard the reward that the righteous receive, the Lord then turns to the unrepentant sinners on his left, and says to them; " Away from me, you that are under God's curse! Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels!

Now why would a person or messiah arrange for the people who've chosen to live their own life to first see what they've missed out on before being extinguished? Why is it important to Jesus or the god to arrange for the unrepentant to experience distress before being shut off?
The Anointed
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2021 11:35 pm
Because there is the great day of Judgement, when the disembodied spirits of 'ALL' mankind will be gathered before the Judgement seat of the 'MOST HIGH' in the creation.

For your benefit: “According to the ancients, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time. A universe that exists in the two states of seemingly visible matter and invisible energy.”

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being too non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

The days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara, or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds would seem as an eternity, or but a moment in time.

‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day, a period of universal activity of light and life, as seen in the six days of creation in Genesis. ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day, and is seen as the period of rest for the “GREAT THOUGHT’. The six periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis 2: 4; as the “GENERATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE.”

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth,” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; it is written concerning the six days of creation; “These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc.” And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth eternal day in which those who attain to perfection, are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, (while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles of endless rebirths that perpetually revolve within the eighth eternal cosmic cycle.)

Enoch the righteous, wrote that God created an ‘EIGHTH’ day also, so that it should be the first after his works, and it is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one aeon, etc, etc, and all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in Space-Time, but not in our time.
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