The ethical thing to do.

Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 10:31 am
This is some of the saddest **** I've ever seen here.

Blame the US for terrorists killing people... Was the Khobar Towers Bush's fault? Was the WTC bombing in '91? Was Kuwait? The Cole?

Did hatefilled madrassahs spring up all over the ME because of Bush?

As long as people write and agree with **** like this, there is something dramatically wrong within this country. Plenty of wars have been waged in this world. Plenty of richer countries have dabbled around in the dramas of other countries. The worst thing we did re motherfucking OBL was help him out against the Communists who were threatening to occupy them. If you think in doing that, we deserve to be murdered by terrorists; you and your children first.

He is a twisted maniac who was pissed at Saudi Arabia for letting us infidels into SA. The Sauds ASKED US to help them, and we've been in a mutually satisfying relationship for generations. Because a freakin lunatic is on some schizophrenic "mission from Allah" like other disgusting fundamentalist murderers doesn't make US CULPABLE for anything.

Did you know OBL went to the Sauds and begged them to fund him and his lunatic towelheads to liberate Kuwait from Saddam and he got laughed out of SA? He was JEALOUS and FURIOUS that we were asked to come in and help. He's IMPOTENT like the rest of the ME Arabs. They are living in a stone age--and they hate that their society has stagnated and ALLAH hasn't made them more successful. Allah has taken an omniscient dump on them, and nobody deserves it more than they do.

They must be just like their schizophrenic government--maybe all that beating themselves in the head has caved their useless towelheads in--they know they better publicly condemn Western TV, society, womens' rights and basic decency--but in private, they are the greediest, perverted consumers of prostitution, and children kidnapped around the world and sold into sexual slavery. Guess Allah can't see everything. There is NO hypocrit like a MUSLIM hypocrit.

Anyone who takes the history of Wahhabism, OBL, Saudi Arabia and boils it down to George Bush's fault is an idiot.

I am so god damn sick and tired of such lame bullshit.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 12:07 pm
Thanks McGentrix and Lash for your comments............I know Dys is embittered but I never dreamed in my worst nightmare that he would utter such drivel.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 12:12 pm
rayban1 wrote:
Thanks McGentrix and Lash for your comments............I know Dys is embittered but I never dreamed in my worst nightmare that he would utter such drivel.

First of all rayban, you don't know jack, second, I am hardly embittered and lastly, the drivel is consistenly your own.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 12:14 pm
Bravo, dys, for having the courage to speak truthfully. Only when enough Americans realize these things will the situation start to change.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 12:57 pm
Lash wrote:
This is some of the saddest **** I've ever seen here.

Did you know OBL went to the Sauds and begged them to fund him and his lunatic towelheads to liberate Kuwait from Saddam and he got laughed out of SA? He was JEALOUS and FURIOUS that we were asked to come in and help. He's IMPOTENT like the rest of the ME Arabs. They are living in a stone age--and they hate that their society has stagnated and ALLAH hasn't made them more successful. Allah has taken an omniscient dump on them, and nobody deserves it more than they do.

They must be just like their schizophrenic government--maybe all that beating themselves in the head has caved their useless towelheads in--they know they better publicly condemn Western TV, society, womens' rights and basic decency--but in private, they are the greediest, perverted consumers of prostitution, and children kidnapped around the world and sold into sexual slavery. Guess Allah can't see everything. There is NO hypocrit like a MUSLIM hypocrit.

Anyone who takes the history of Wahhabism, OBL, Saudi Arabia and boils it down to George Bush's fault is an idiot.

I am so god damn sick and tired of such lame bullshit.

Nothing much posted on A2K has really shocked me until you posted this blatant racist screed, Lash. Shame on you!

If you had engaged your brain before you typing fingers got in such a snit, you would have realized that Dys and those who agree with him, including me, are apologizing for the injury to the innocent people of London by the rabid radical Islamists terrorists (at least it appears to be their work). Our foreign policy is inflaming them and the innocent suffer at their passionate hands. How you interpreted what Dys said as support for the terrorists I cannot understand.

If I hear one more US leader (or those of other countries) say one more time that the terrorists are attacking us because of our lifestyles, our ideals, our freedoms, etc., I will puke. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that they are attacking us because of our foreign policies, which include stationing troops in Muslim countries in addition to many other cultural offenses.

While I'm ranting, has it ever occurred to you that the real reason for attacking Iraq might be to allow us to build the 13 or 14 military bases we've nearly completed? Why? Because we had to get our troops out of Saudi Arabia or that dictatorship government would fall. So it was Iraq's misfortune to be the country chosen by the Bush administration to provide the land we needed to protect our oil interests in Saudi Arabia and our interests in the area. Do you really believe that when we finally are able to pull our troops out of Iraq (if ever) that we will give up these bases no matter how much a future Iraqi government might want? We still have basis and troops in the countries we defeated in WWII and in the Korean war.

Lash, I think you owe Dys an apology. I think you owe the rest of us an apology for your disgusting racist comments.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:16 pm
Show me a racist comment.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:20 pm
While you're at it, show me where I said dys supported terrorists.

Your crap is among the worst heard in American society. You try to create divisions. When you can't see them, you invent them.

Everything I said was against terrorists and hypocrit Muslims. Not to be confused with average Muslims and Arabs who don't follow OBL.

What a knee-jerk response.

You owe me an apology for your false accusations.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:37 pm
[quote="Lash"]This is some of the saddest **** I've ever seen here.

Blame the US for terrorists killing people... Was the Khobar Towers Bush's fault? Was the WTC bombing in '91? Was Kuwait? The Cole?

Did hatefilled madrassahs spring up all over the ME because of Bush?

As long as people write and agree with **** like this, there is something dramatically wrong within this country.
Plenty of wars have been waged in this world. Plenty of richer countries have dabbled around in the dramas of other countries. The worst thing we did re **** OBL was help him out against the Communists who were threatening to occupy them. If you think in doing that, we deserve to be murdered by terrorists; you and your children first.

He is a twisted maniac who was pissed at Saudi Arabia for letting us infidels into SA. The Sauds ASKED US to help them, and we've been in a mutually satisfying relationship for generations. Because a freakin lunatic is on some schizophrenic "mission from Allah" like other disgusting fundamentalist murderers doesn't make US CULPABLE for anything.

Did you know OBL went to the Sauds and begged them to fund him and his lunatic towelheads to liberate Kuwait from Saddam and he got laughed out of SA? He was JEALOUS and FURIOUS that we were asked to come in and help. He's IMPOTENT like the rest of the ME Arabs. They are living in a stone age--and they hate that their society has stagnated and ALLAH hasn't made them more successful. Allah has taken an omniscient dump on them, and nobody deserves it more than they do.

They must be just like their schizophrenic government--maybe all that beating themselves in the head has caved their useless towelheads in--they know they better publicly condemn Western TV, society, womens' rights and basic decency--but in private, they are the greediest, perverted consumers of prostitution, and children kidnapped around the world and sold into sexual slavery. Guess Allah can't see everything. There is NO hypocrit like a MUSLIM hypocrit.

Anyone who takes the history of Wahhabism, OBL, Saudi Arabia and boils it down to George Bush's fault is an idiot.

I am so god damn sick and tired of such lame bullshit.[/quote]

Lash, I suggest you reread your post. If you can't find your accusations against Dys and your racist comments, then you need glasses or a brain adjustment. Apparently you also don't have enough ethics to apologize for your comments. Sad, I had thought better of you.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:39 pm
Lash wrote:
Show me a racist comment.

if BBB doesn't mind my butting in...from the list of ethnic slurs on Answers.com:

(U.S.) anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans. Australia, wearers of religious headdress, particularly Sikhs; considered derogatory.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:47 pm
yitwail wrote:
Lash wrote:
Show me a racist comment.

if BBB doesn't mind my butting in...from the list of ethnic slurs on Answers.com:

(U.S.) anyone who wears a head turban. Derisively applied towards Middle Easterners and Muslims, but rarely applied against people who wear other types of turbans. Australia, wearers of religious headdress, particularly Sikhs; considered derogatory.

yitwail, thanks for the racist citation. I underlined and in bold highlighted Lash's comments that I find disappointingly racist and inappropriate. Lash was condeming Dys for his opinion comments in his opening post. It is really sad that someone would you this forum for such vile screeds.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 01:50 pm
Yes, I apologize for the fundamentalist neocons who think might makes right. Who has the temerity to attack a country that was never a threat to the US, and have gotten us into a quagmire not seen since Vietnam. These fundamentalist neocons think our sacrificing three soldiers every day and five billion every month in Iraq is to bring democracy to the Middle East - a country where tribal warfare have been going on for centuries. They can't get it through their simple brains that a country the size of the US which makes up about five percent of the world population cannot be the police or the sacrificial lamb for all tyrants in this world. We just don't have enough manpower or money to fund stupid wars. Our military was established for the security of the United States, not to bring democracy to the world, nor to overthrow all the tyrants. It's the responsibility of the world community to control the tyrants. The US cannot do it alone; it's logistically impossible.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 02:02 pm
Could you guys, just once, say something bad about the terrorists without saying anything bad about the US?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 02:06 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Could you guys, just once, say something bad about the terrorists without saying anything bad about the US?

Oh my, I didn't know you would be so easy to please. All terrorists are vile people. Now, does that make you feel better?

Could you, just once, admit that the US is not always right or on the moral or ethical side?

I happen to love my country, but that does not blind me to it's faults and missteps.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 02:11 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Could you guys, just once, say something bad about the terrorists without saying anything bad about the US?

Oh my, I didn't know you would be so easy to please. All terrorists are vile people. Now, does that make you feel better?

Could you, just once, admit that the US is not always right or on the moral or ethical side?

I happen to love my country, but that does not blind me to it's faults and missteps.


You couldn't do it. You had to get a jab in. Why?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 02:14 pm
Jabs are sooooo easy.....and fun.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 02:15 pm
Mcg, guess.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 03:03 pm
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
[quote="Lash"]This is some of the saddest **** I've ever seen here.

Blame the US for terrorists killing people... Was the Khobar Towers Bush's fault? Was the WTC bombing in '91? Was Kuwait? The Cole?

Did hatefilled madrassahs spring up all over the ME because of Bush?

As long as people write and agree with **** like this, there is something dramatically wrong within this country.
Plenty of wars have been waged in this world. Plenty of richer countries have dabbled around in the dramas of other countries. The worst thing we did re **** OBL was help him out against the Communists who were threatening to occupy them. If you think in doing that, we deserve to be murdered by terrorists; you and your children first.

That comment stands. If you don't think we deserve to be murdered by terrorists, it doesn't apply to you. What makes you think it is levelled at dys? How do you know it wasn't YOU I was talking to?

He is a twisted maniac who was pissed at Saudi Arabia for letting us infidels into SA. The Sauds ASKED US to help them, and we've been in a mutually satisfying relationship for generations. Because a freakin lunatic is on some schizophrenic "mission from Allah" like other disgusting fundamentalist murderers doesn't make US CULPABLE for anything.

Did you know OBL went to the Sauds and begged them to fund him and his lunatic towelheads to liberate Kuwait from Saddam and he got laughed out of SA? He was JEALOUS and FURIOUS that we were asked to come in and help. He's IMPOTENT like the rest of the ME Arabs. They are living in a stone age--and they hate that their society has stagnated and ALLAH hasn't made them more successful. Allah has taken an omniscient dump on them, and nobody deserves it more than they do.

They must be just like their schizophrenic government--maybe all that beating themselves in the head has caved their useless towelheads in--they know they better publicly condemn Western TV, society, womens' rights and basic decency--but in private, they are the greediest, perverted consumers of prostitution, and children kidnapped around the world and sold into sexual slavery. Guess Allah can't see everything. There is NO hypocrit like a MUSLIM hypocrit.

Anyone who takes the history of Wahhabism, OBL, Saudi Arabia and boils it down to George Bush's fault is an idiot.

I am so god damn sick and tired of such lame bullshit.

Lash, I suggest you reread your post. If you can't find your accusations against Dys and your racist comments, then you need glasses or a brain adjustment. Apparently you also don't have enough ethics to apologize for your comments. Sad, I had thought better of you.


Until terrorists are designated as a race, these comments are not racist.

I will call terrorists towelheads, assholes, sonsobitches, stupid, ignorant, murderers and anything else I please. You can try to defend them to me, but it won't get you anywhere.

They are of no value to me, and I'd kill every single one of them if I could.

Good try, but nah.

Towelhead is a slur if it is hurled at a race of people. Obviously, here it was not.

The rest of the ME Arabs are impotent. I've read this in several articles by students of the problem with the ME. You and others like to blame the US for terrorism. Bernard Lewis, Fareed Zakaria and Thomas Friedman and others who have made study of the ME their life's work say the Arab population in general and the Wahhabi fanatics in specific are frustrated because their society has failed and been surpassed by the the West (Infidels to the extremists). Read something besides Dems. com once in a while, and you'll learn something. They aren't in their hideous situation because of their race, however their standard of living is a glaring symptom of their inability to prosper. They are largely living in the Stone Age. This isn't an opinion. It is a fact.

Note to BBB-- The word "they" has more than one use. LOL!!!

Anyone who takes the history of Wahhabism, OBL, Saudi Arabia and boils it down to George Bush's fault is an idiot.


I hate terrorists. The ones I hate right now are all Arab Muslims. I won't apologize for that.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 03:09 pm
There are Arab Muslims and there are "Arab Muslims." To hate all of them is myopic and stupid. It's called racial bigotry.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 03:13 pm
Jeez, CI. READ.

I said the TERRORISTS I hate are all Arab Muslims.

I didn't say I hated all Arab Muslims.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Jul, 2005 03:15 pm
Could'a fooled me!

"The ones I hate right now are all Arab Muslims."
0 Replies

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