Wed 17 Jun, 2020 07:09 pm
I some how got this white scar on my penis Frenulum on the side of it and its highly sensitive and can cause pain when I masturbate. Dose anyone know anyway to get rid of it.
The first place I’d go to if I had such a problem is an Internet forum, instead of my primary care physician.
Was it a Marx brother bit or Three Stooges who delivered the line "Doctor, it hurts when I do this...Doctor responds 'Well don't do that'"
Don't know where it came from, but I first saw it on Hee Haw. Not that I ever watched such stuff.
No, of course neither. It conflicted with the Gong Show.
Here it ran opposite The $1.98 Beauty Show
I loved the Gong Show.....Gene Gene the dancing machine, the unknown comic, way too much fun.
wheres year frenulum? It sounds like its located near the Primal Crasmas.
How bout the "Legendary Stardust Cowboy"?? That dude could sing
"Frenulum" would be a cool name for a 1970's prog rock band.
I'm thinking sci fi species.
"Captain, the Frenulum are attacking!"
Singing the Bette Middler bit “You’ve Gotto Have Fren-ulums”
Noacitol for six weeks should help alleviate the pain. If not, another six weeks may do the trick.
farmerman wrote:
wheres year frenulum? It sounds like its located near the Primal Crasmas.
I don't think I have any of that stuff.......I do know what a Primal Scream is...does that count?
farmerman wrote:
How bout the "Legendary Stardust Cowboy"?? That dude could sing
Well he was rather incoherently melodious .... I miss the Gong show.