Quote:The way I see it, this board has never really decided whether it wants to be a forum for exchange of ideas (which implies a broad tent approach to membership) or a social media for making friends and maintaining those friendly relationships through chatter (which implies a narrow membership because you don’t want the average troll to ruin the party). It can’t really be both at the same time as the ethos is not the same (what you value in one case is not what you value in another).
In the open model, what is valued is a frank exchange of ideas, as well as the capacity to listen to other people's POV. So if a 'friend' (someone you often find yourself in agreement with, e.g. a fellow dem, or a fellow rep) says something you disagree with, and an 'enemy' says something you agree with, your duty in the open model is to side with your 'enemy' against your 'friend" and say what you think.
However, in the closed (frenemies) model, what matters most is the quality of the relationship you build with friends. So in the situation above, your duty is to side with your friend against your enemy. It doesn't matter that you secretly agree with your enemy. You'd be an asshole to say it out loud. So you will side with your friend, even if that creates an echo chamber.
And this is how a poster like Max, who loathes tribal allegiances and fixed ideological lines, can be simultaneously a good guy in the open model and a bad guy in the closed model. Your take on him depends on what you expect from a2k, what model you prefer. If you want a quiet chatter with friends, at the risk of verging on the self-congratulating echo chamber, then maybe don't invite him, but if all you want is a frank debate and don't care to make imaginary (sorry, virtual) friends too much, he's top...