maxdancona wrote:
I am curious what your plan would be Lava?
It's not a centralized plan but rather decentralized risk avoidance/minimization. Avoid all unnecessary social contact and work on solutions for logistical and economic problems that are being encountered.
For me the challenge is figuring out what to do when free individuals fail to take responsibility at the decentralized level and whether to exercise institutional authority to correct/discipline them and if so, how.
Quote:Of course, if something happens outside of these data, they can change it, or step back on their own.
How exactly is all that going to work? How are they going to be looking for data 'outside the data?' If they change it or step back, damage is already going to have been done.
Basically what you're talking about is a controlled method for increasing risk-exposure, while measuring the effects. It's like taking a smoker who has quit smoking because something showed up on a lung xray and gradually easing them back into smoking in a controlled way and monitoring them for further changes.
Quote:1. Do you agree that at some point they need to reopen the state?
The concept of 're-opening the state,' is based on the assumption of a collective status quo that is just not relevant. What is relevant is whether people are getting enough to eat and otherwise sufficing. If there are shortages, those need to be studied and solutions devised and considered.
An 'open economy' is not a necessity for survival. Certain economic activities are, however, so it is important to assess when people/businesses are facing challenges in achieving those economic activities that are necessary, and then solve those challenges in a way that minimizes risk.
Quote:2. Do you agree that this should be based on objective data?
Objective data can be represented and interpreted/analyzed in ways that obscure the fact they are not objective just because they are based on data that is objective.
What's more, there are issues at the level of data collection, reporting, and research design that are subjective, but the moment anything resembling 'objective data' is produced, critical thinking is turned off and people just start swallowing whatever claims are made 'hook, line, and sinker" because they are taken as 'objective.'