Toay I had to get a tractor tire repaired. I undid the tire an rove it to town to a garage that has a coffee room attached.Iwas wearing my mask an glovs an when I went to th door there were about 5 guy sitting aroun , table side just BSing. I dint go in because my mask would protect THEM from my wxudates. They id Nothing to reciprocate. I called in for somon to get th John Deere wheel and tire. I dumped it nxt to a gas pump and said Id pick up the repaired tire this PM. when I returned I explained the concept of what masks accomplish to the proprietor. Oh thats why you turnd around when you came by before. Its kinda fruustrating how uncaring the people who dont wear masks are . A mask DOES HAVE SIGNIFICANT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that it protects the pople aroun the mask wearer. They did some tsting using the hommae masks with paper , like a coffee filters in a pouch inside the mask. The results were that If there were 2 people , one with the virus and they were in a small room only 4 ft apart.
1If the covid affected one did NOT ear a mask, there was a 80% chance of him infecting the other peron (who is wearing a mask)
2If the covid affeted one WAS WARING a mask, the chances of the other person being infected is about 1%.
If the distances are maintained and each is masked . The infection possibility is reducd to that of gtting infected by touching impwrvious surfaces which may have containwd "Shed" viruses.
The evidence is overwhelming no matter what the tabloids try to whip up. There really is NO disagreement .It boils down to
"How much do you really care for the wellbeing of your fellow humans.
I think that with high air exchanges , everyone wearing masks, and using plexi "Sneeze gurads " at xheckputs in stores, the infection potential goes waay down.
But you gotta care, otherwise please dont get all "free to be me" crap and demand to be served in a takeout restaurant that has th rules clearly printed and pasted to the IN doors.
The small businesses are the ones most egregiously ignoring good safety policy. The supermarkets in our area have " face mask Bouncers "at the IN doors. They have also outfitted the checkouts with lexan shields, and have floors marked with distance (6') tapes .
They have a guy wiping down the carts and checkout lines are controlled like at an airport so that minimum distances are maintained.
The heck of it is that weve already adapted to this "New normal". Those people that try to enter the store without a mask are given a mask that i marked as store equip. The mask is added to your bill . They charge 3 bucks for it.
The worst offenders of isolation distances, facemasks, and handling things are at the Amish Stores. The AMish appear not to really unerstand or else they dont care (Its in God'a hands). I hope thir god washes his hands often enough.
These masks are CDC approved and a certain proportion are tested