Let's fire Trump

Wed 27 May, 2020 02:46 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Just like George HW Bush who had a 90%+ approval rating and less than 2 years later was a one term President.

And then look what all happened after that!
Wed 27 May, 2020 02:52 pm
no lets hear your spin on what happened "next"
0 Replies
Wed 27 May, 2020 02:52 pm
And then look what all happened after that!

16 years of elitists and 8 years of a traitor. Now someone who actually loves this country.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 27 May, 2020 03:08 pm
eight years of the best stock market, lowest unemployment, lowest deficet, highest reserves, most people taken off welfare, the largest growth of PoC into the middle classes. Decreasing criminal rates. One of the best Presidents ever.
Wed 27 May, 2020 03:14 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
except for the happy pants thing.
Wed 27 May, 2020 03:20 pm
16 years of elitists and 8 years of a traitor. Now someone who actually loves this country
The traitor has only been in office almost 3.5 yers. We will take care of him unless he pulls the ultimate fascist step and declares the election as a fraud. I dont think the Senate has any backbone at all, but they will have to recognize that Trump is just another disease.

He loves america like Ilove liver. He hates this country unless he can rebuild his crashed Trump empire of Bunco artistry.
Wed 27 May, 2020 03:40 pm
The traitor has only been in office almost 3.5 yers.

Absolutely 0 proof of that. Nice try.
0 Replies
Wed 27 May, 2020 04:18 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

eight years of the best stock market, lowest unemployment, lowest deficet, highest reserves, most people taken off welfare, the largest growth of PoC into the middle classes. Decreasing criminal rates. One of the best Presidents ever.

Unfortunately some people don't realize that big growth culminates in big recession. Democrats praise fiscal stimulus while it's happening and then turn things over to the Republicans to deal with fallout of the recessions and wars/terrorism that follow.

There's a way to have a sustainable economy and it's not by stimulating the status quo. Conservatism and anti-inflationary habits among consumers and businesses need time to develop, and they can't when there is always the threat/hope of more stimulus/bailouts lurking around the corner.

Look at all the pedestrian/bike infrastructure and transit and other anti-sprawl change we tried investing in without considering how the resulting economic growth would just bring back and strengthen the automotive-sprawl economy.

Democrats have the right idea about going for sustainability and securing prosperity, but they take it to a level that just stimulates more of what they're trying to change. What they should do is work with Republicans to pursue their sustainability reform goals, fight discrimination, and achieve economic prosperity for all; but do so within budget levels that Republicans can approve of, i.e. stop trying to 'close the gap, level the playing field, or whatever you call it and just work on helping lower income people achieve more with what they have.

Yes, there might be some environmental/sustainability goals that require making laws against things people don't want to give up, but propose those laws in a way that doesn't come across as redistribution-socialism in disguise. E.g. don't tax carbon, just set limits to how much fossil fuel can be harvested per year and let the market figure out how to divvy it up. Make it clear that if they don't reform infrastructure and economies to fit within carbon limits, the price is going to keep going up and hurting those people/states/cities that haven't figured out solutions for living without fuel.

Now if Biden or some other Democratic Party candidate started promising all the things I want to hear, though, I still wouldn't believe them because I think they promise whatever they think people want to hear to vote them in and then they just cooperate with the global market to do as Bill Clinton said and create 'a rising tide that lifts all boats.' Well, that same rising tide drowns the environment in pavement and development and sustains unsustainability, so there has to be a more conservative path forward, but until the Democrats cooperate with Republicans to achieve it, there's no trusting the Democrats.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 27 May, 2020 04:41 pm
And then they elected another guy who's all happy pants with high unemployment record debt, lessening middle class ....
Wed 27 May, 2020 04:48 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
high unemployment record debt, lessening middle class ....

People know it is not Trumps fault or they are beyond stupid. I guess that is who Democrats appeal to. Razz
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 27 May, 2020 07:43 pm
Poll: Trump Hits Lowest Rasmussen Net Approval Since 2017
rump on Wednesday reached his worst approval rating in over two years on Rasmussen’s daily index, with just 42 percent of respondents approving of his performance while 57 percent disapproved.

The fifteen-point net disapproval reflects the bleakest picture for the president since December 2017. Rasmussen, whose results tend to skew positively for the president, also found that 30 percent of respondents strongly approve of Trump while 47 percent strongly disapprove, his worst rating since January 2018.

Trump has drawn criticism for repeatedly tweeting about a conspiracy theory involving the death of a former aide to MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. He tweeted Wednesday morning that Scarborough is “rattled” over “all of the things and facts that are coming out on the internet about opening a Cold Case.”



White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended the president on Tuesday, saying the theory was not “an original Trump thought” and that Scarborough should answer for the matter.

Wed 27 May, 2020 07:54 pm
Unfortunately some people don't realize that big growth culminates in big recession. Democrats praise fiscal stimulus while it's happening and then turn things over to the Republicans to deal with fallout of the recessions and wars/terrorism that follow.

woooeee th smoke is gettin thick . What planet you livin on boyshik
Wed 27 May, 2020 07:56 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
It was pretty bleak election day 2016. Killary had a 84% or 87% chance of winning according to the polls.
0 Replies
Wed 27 May, 2020 07:57 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump has drawn criticism for repeatedly tweeting about a conspiracy theory involving the death of a former aide to MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough.

is Trump just disintegrating as we watch?

What happened to "Obamagate"??

Both Trump AND PINKY are somehow being restrained on that topic
Wed 27 May, 2020 08:09 pm
is Trump just disintegrating as we watch?

You tell me, people have been saying that since the day he took office.

What happened to "Obamagate"??

Nothing, the Durham report is coming, and unlike Mueller, Durham actually knows what is going on.

Anymore questions?

Wed 27 May, 2020 08:27 pm
Does he really?

Rosenstein to testify as first witness in Senate Judiciary's Russia probe
Brooke SingmanBy Brooke Singman | Fox News

The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that Rosenstein is scheduled to testify before the committee on June 3 at 10:00 a.m.

The hearing, according to the committee, will be titled “Oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: Day 1.”

“Crossfire Hurricane” is the FBI’s internal code name for the bureau’s original investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign were colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election. That investigation was launched by the FBI in July 2016. Former special counsel Robert Mueller's team eventually announced that it found no evidence of coordination.

“Mr. Rosenstein will testify about the new revelations contained in the Horowitz report concerning the FISA warrant applications and other matters," Graham said in a statement Wednesday. "This will be the first in a series of oversight hearings regarding all things Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller investigation.”

Rosenstein is the first witness called to testify before the panel as part of its investigation, which Graham laid out the parameters for earlier this month. Graham noted that the committee will, among other things, look at "whether Robert Mueller should have ever been appointed as special counsel.”

Rosenstein, in May 2017, appointed Mueller as special counsel.

Rosenstein also penned the “scope memo” for Mueller’s investigation in August 2017, which outlined the authority of Mueller. Earlier this month, the memo was released in full, and revealed for the first time that Mueller’s authority went significantly beyond what was previously known.

Previously, it had been revealed that in May 2017, Rosenstein authorized Mueller to probe "i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; [and] iii) any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws].”

But, Rosenstein's later August 2017 scope memo had remained largely redacted. The newly released version of the document makes clear that Rosenstein didn't hesitate to explicitly authorize a deep-dive criminal probe into the Trump team that extended well beyond Russian interference efforts.

The newly released version of the 2017 scope memo further makes clear that Mueller could look into whether Michael Flynn "committed a crime or crimes by engaging in conversations with Russian government officials during the period of the Trump transition.”

Additionally, the scope memo stated that Mueller was charged specifically with investigating whether several former Trump officials -- including Carter Page, Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort -- had "committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States."

Meanwhile, Rosenstein is slated to testify the day before the committee votes on a slew of subpoenas for documents and testimony from top Obama officials. That vote is expected to take place on June 4.

The potential subpoenas would cover documents, communications and witness testimony in a public setting or behind closed doors for any “current or former executive branch official or employee involved in the 'Crossfire Hurricane' investigation.”

Graham is seeking testimony from former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and others.

The subpoena authorizations would also cover any documents, communications and testimony “related to any aforementioned matter” from current and former officials, including Trisha Anderson, James Baker, Dana Boenta, Mary McCord, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Jonathan Moffa, Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Joseph Pientka, John Podesta, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Bill Priestap, and Sally Yates among others.

The authorizations would also cover individuals involved in the Steele Dossier, including Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and Nellie Ohr.

Graham announced earlier this month that his investigation would specifically focus on unmasking, abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel in May 2017.

Graham said that his panel will “begin holding multiple, in-depth congressional hearings regarding all things related to Crossfire Hurricane starting in early June.”

The first phase of the panel’s investigation “will deal with the government’s decision to dismiss” the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, as well as “an in-depth analysis of the unmasking requests made by Obama Administration officials against Gen. Flynn.”

Graham said the second area of inquiry for the committee would take place later this summer, and would be focused on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses outlined by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Graham said that section of his investigation would focus on the FISA warrants obtained against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 28 May, 2020 07:03 am
Have you notice how far forward he leans lately:






Trump’s Bizarre Forward-Leaning Stance Could Be an Early Symptom of Frontotemporal Dementia

By Jason Miciak
May 22, 2020


First the disclaimers. One, the person who controls the Twitter account cited below is not a neurologist. He is not a doctor. He is an extremely well-educated economic-finance type who has had to do extensive research on PSP or Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, which is often associated with frontal lobe dementia. He went through it with a parent, each stage, talking to doctors and researching the topic. He lived it rather than studied it.

Next, I cannot independently confirm that this drawing is from an 1888 french doctor. It “looks like” one – but I cannot confirm it. I cannot see why Tom would “make it up,” he doesn’t appear to be that type. But I cannot independently confirm the drawing.

Having given those two caveats, look at this picture and ask yourself if one person doesn’t “jump” to mind. In fact, it almost seems weird that the picture was drawn before Trump was born.

See anyone you know? This pic was part of a lecture given in 1888 by Jean-Martin Charcot a renowned French neurologist & professor of anatomical pathology. He was noting precise differences & characteristics of the PSP form of Frontotemporal Dementia even b4 it had it's own name pic.twitter.com/UisrhqmA02

— Tom Joseph (@TomJChicago) May 22, 2020

Do you recall the picture from Stephen Miller’s wedding? Because it was my first thought:


In case you need to see more, there are many more.

This makes sense.#TrumpDementia#DementiaDon pic.twitter.com/jt6x5ihU5q

— 🆘mammawatchdog ✒️🗳️ (@redtiegrifters) May 22, 2020

There's also a great collection of Steve M snoozing at different Trump speaking events.

Thu 28 May, 2020 10:57 am
farmerman wrote:

Unfortunately some people don't realize that big growth culminates in big recession. Democrats praise fiscal stimulus while it's happening and then turn things over to the Republicans to deal with fallout of the recessions and wars/terrorism that follow.

woooeee th smoke is gettin thick . What planet you livin on boyshik

Once again you express disagreement without explaining why in the slightest.

You imply that growth can just continue on indefinitely and recession will never happen.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 28 May, 2020 12:17 pm
Trump Tweets Video Declaring That 'The Only Good Democrat Is A Dead Democrat'

By Cristina Cabrera
May 28, 2020 10:01 a.m.

President Donald Trump early Thursday morning retweeted a video of one of his supporters declaring that Trump’s political opponents ought to be dead.

“Thank you Cowboys,” Trump tweeted with the video posted by Cowboys for Trump, which shows Couy Griffin, the group’s leader, ranting about Democrats in violent terms during a gathering at a New Mexico church on May 17.

“I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to a conclusion where the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin said as the crowd cheered.

The Trump supporter insisted he wasn’t talking “in a physical sense.”

Thu 28 May, 2020 12:24 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump Tweets

Trump retweets. Stop lying. Blatham regularly wishes people dead. Fact, not gossip. Have any of you called him on that?

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