Quote:And even with all that, could you elaborate on what any of that has to do with the GOP supporting Clinton's high court nominations?
Part and parcel of the Republican far right wing, middle wing, and part of the joint bone of kneeling knee center is obtuse opposition in the pursuit of power. They don't know what exactly to do once they get in power except trounce on attempts to secure individual rights and lower taxes on the rich. Illumination of some of their activities reveals much about the rest.
BTW: you have the history wrong:
Quote:it was the DEMOCRATS who iwere in charge when Congress instigated an investigation of Whitewater that, at the order of Janet Reno, eventually expanded into the Paula Jones/Lewinsky scandal, all with a special counsel hand picked by Clinton and Janet Reno.
Nope. Look up the difference between Special Prosecutor, there were three of them, and Office of the Special Counsel, appointed by a three judge panel, two of whom were in the pocket of Richard Scaife, look for their names to be placed in nomination soon.
I have to hand to the radical right, their lust for power has been focused, unyielding and far beyond any democratic, large or small D, to repel. I think it's going to be up to folks like you and Tico to keep them in check,
hence I have little hope for this nation's future in either keeping our rights secure or exporting any semblance of democratic governance abroad.
The message is clear. No one must waver from the Party line, on judges, on abortion, on the war, on 'reforming' Social Security, on up/down votes, global warming, Terri Schaivo or Tom DeLay's warped sense of honest government. And that will include anyone offered up for the Supreme Court.
I don't how we are supposed to export such a politic, the repressive regimes already operate that way.
Joe(What part of the Constitution do you think is dispensable?)Nation