@Borat Sister,
Contrary to all the food posting recently, I typically eat very little of both, too. Lots of fresh veggies and protein, though I had/ have a sweet tooth, which I *usually keep under control. Certainly better for the waistline and energy levels! Good bread is a double edged sword, because I like it, but too many days of it is a no go.
You've got ready access to fresh potatoes which is a dream! A few weeks back a relative planted a bag of old sprouted potatoes for a lark, but they all took, so I might get my hands on a few this year too. Potatoes is another one of those things that I don't regularly eat. And corn! One or two feasts of fresh corn every summer for sure.
Re damper and soda bread, I had to look up both. Never had or heard of either one (soda bread niggles something in my memory maybe). Craving food from days gone by is familiar though. The fire, the sense of family or friends and belonging. Hot piping bread to boot? Ambrosia. Now I want damper too.
And now, as another aside, I've never cooked or baked with buttermilk which I see is an ingredient in soda bread. I wonder what I'm missing.