The local indigenous people often go barefoot.
One of the police we went up with once was terrified of snakes at first...we had to walk her from one place to another.
Where I live now, they occasionally end up in the houses. A snake catcher pops over and grabs them. I certainly don’t want one in the house! I’ll be snake proofing the house before next summer.
When I was a little kid out bush once, I had caught a few horses to take them to be saddled.
On the way I saw a huge stick and imagined one of the horses stepping on one end and getting scared....one of them was an ex racehorse and a total idiot....so I picked up the stick in the middle to move it.
I had just realised that the stick was supple and scaly, when I saw the head of the six foot king brown I’d just picked up turn and look at me. I dropped it and it took off at a stunning speed. The horses ran off, with me desperately trying to keep hold of them.
Not sure who was more scared...the snake, me or the horses.
I’d never believed a snake could look like a stick until then.