Just had one of those "why didn't this occur to me before?" moments.
I don't make a lot of trash. Just one bag a week usually. I had bought a nice metal kitchen trash can with a lid.
No matter how well I rinsed, soaked in soapy water, etc. The cat food cans would stink by trash day.
Every time I opened the lid, by the end of the week, it would be gross.
At first I thought to keep a plastic bag in the sink and put the rinsed ones in there. No surprise that didn't work well.
The weekly trash was picked up this morning. I looked in the fridge and realized I had forgotten to throw out the remains of a now too old to eat roasted chicken.
So I sighed and thought "I guess I'll just put it in the freezer in a bag, like I did last time, until next trash day"
I facepalmed myself realizing I could just keep the rinsed cans frozen in a separate bag as well.
Doesn't anyone else put things in the freezer until you can toss it properly?