Hi Bombom, and welcome!
Can I suggest you start a new thread to ask your questions on, with a title indicating what you are interested in knowing? That way you are likely to get more answers - and not just from Australians - and the information will be more available to others, as well, when they search the net.
I am just barely managing to cling to the fridge this afternoon! Totally traumatized by an aggressive hairdresser this morning, I am!
Checking in to say I've listened, am listening and will listen. Have some small hope of keeping my mouth shut.
Oh, give it up, osso.
Still, I'll try.
A small bit of talk in that I have to say I've been glad to see pramatic and goodfielder here on a2k.
Ok, quiet now.
Prince is back in office. Could do with a double expresso - trouble is secy hasnt arrived as yet
msolga wrote:I am just barely managing to cling to the fridge this afternoon! Totally traumatized by an aggressive hairdresser this morning, I am!

When dealing with an aggressive hairdresser I've found it is a good tactic to have a go at them when you have left the chair - not while you're still in it
Oh, I SHOULD have had a go! My word I should have!

But I was too gob-smacked at the time.
Anyway, where on earth are all the Australins, I ask?

Come on, out you come! Speak! Am I to speak to myself here, or just make coffee for the Prince? Talk!
Looks that way, Francis.
They don't want to talk!
Now is there anything at all you'd care to discuss about Oz or France?
or France - what about Oz
and France and the historical connections? I still think our two gulfs in South Australia would have been much better named after Josephine and Bonaparte (as I understand they were fleetingly named). We could have been a French colony in Australia - a sort of Down Under Quebec
I'm leaving shortly...
If not, I likely (and happilly) discuss "outback".
Hmmm ... Thinking, thinking. Oz/French connections .... hmmmmm
I'll second that, Francis!
I've been looking up Victorian connections. All I can fine is cafes & restaurants.