Should I follow my crush on Instagram??

Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2019 07:03 pm
Sooooo I'm in high school, and I have a crush in one of my classes. We've only talked maybe 3 or 4 times, but the conversations were short and not very important. Still a good step though because of my severe social anxiety. Anyway, now it's winter break and it's been over a week since I've seen him and talked to him. We're both on instagram, and I have been thinking about following him. I want him to notice me and I thought this is maybe a good way to do that. However, he has a lot more followers than I do, so I feel like I'd look like a loser if I followed him. I have around 150 followers, while he has nearly 800. And he also doesn't follow back everyone who follows him. So I'm afraid that if I do follow him, he won't follow me back and then I'll overanalyze it. At the same time, if he followed back, I would be reallyyy happy. So, basically what I'm asking is; do you think it's worth the risk? I just thought I'd come here for some advice. I mean, if he likes me back, he would follow me, right? And if he doesn't follow back then I'll just have to move on, I guess. I don't know, let me know what you think.. It makes me nervous but I might be willing to take the risk. If anyone has any experience with this sort of thing, please give me some advice. Thanks
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2019 08:38 am
Set social media aside.

It means zero, nada, nothing, zip, zilch in this context.

Follow him, or not. He may follow you back, or not. Don't analyze it.

It. Does. Not. Matter.

You want him to notice you? Then say hello, in person, and don't hide behind a keyboard. With so many people hiding behind keyboards these days, you will actually stand out this way.

And please quit overthinking everything. It's giving into anxiety and it doesn't help or solve anything.
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2019 01:22 pm
Yeah, that's true.. I probably won't follow him because it'll just lower my self esteem if he doesn't follow back lol Worrying about this is just contributing to my anxiety. I'll just have to work on trying to talk to him when I return to school from break. Anyway, thanks for the advice Smile
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2019 01:28 pm
If this guy not following you back is enough to lower your self-esteem, then your self-esteem is about as durable as a china doll being used as a football.

I get liking someone, I do! And I haven't forgotten about angst/exaggeration. I would say, though, that many a truth is said in jest.

Cultivate interests, and that includes not just things that make you feel good, but things which you can accomplish and feel good about.

Unfortunately, the world is full of situations where you're snubbed. Knowing your own personal value, and not depending it on anyone's judgment, attention, or opinion will help you combat this.

<Insert obligatory statement that I am not a doctor>
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2019 01:59 pm
I think that I see him following me back as like some sort of approval, if that makes sense. Like, "oh he followed me, he likes me now". I know I sound ridiculous and overdramatic lol I just want that sense of approval, so for that reason, I want to follow him. In my head, this whole thing is a huge deal but it's really not. He probably wouldn't even think much of it but I just have it all in my head that he would think of me differently or something.
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Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2019 07:40 pm
welp... I followed him. Wish me luck haha I'm very nervous
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Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2020 09:00 pm
Well if he's in one of your classes then sure he'll follow you back, no? I mean, if his account is public, then just try to see if he follows anyone else from this class with whom he isn't particularly close. And after all, just try it and if he doesn't followback for like... a week or two, just unfollow and know he isn't interested. Simple as that, he isn't interested and move on.
Also, it's really just instagram like if he judges you for the number of followers you have, then he's a douche.
Just try it girl Wink
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