<jingle jangle>
Peace&Love and Jack (super Border Collie) enter the Cafe, just in time to hear Diane's joke...
<laughing> Oh, Diane, That's great!!
<scratching Cheshire on the head> Hey there, Ches!
Woof! (translated: Stop Petting The Cat! Throw the frisbee! Throw the frisbee!)
Sal, how about one of your wonderful double-vanilla-lattes? Oh, thank you!! Your's are the best!
Jack sees Prissy and starts running. His feet are slipping on the freshly waxed floor of the Cafe, so that he is running in place. He finally gets some traction, and skids around the corner of the counter. He sits pretty for Prissy and lifts up his right paw to 'wave'.
Prissy says Good Boy, Jack, here's some cheese!
Viz, have you met White Rabbit? He has a cage out back, by the seals' pool, but usually he is hopping around the Cafe, as if he's late for an important date.