rayban1 wrote: Man when are you going to recognize the hypocracy in your posts which deny everything that is good in this country and apologize for everything that is bad in other countries
he. mister attack dog. is there any particular reason why you have to be such a bomb thrower on every single occassion, or are you just another one of those folks that feels a need to flame the bejeezus out of anyone that doesn't bow and scrape at the name "bush" ?
get a grip.
i don't deny anything that's good in america, so save the "you hate america" crap. it's tired, trite and it ain't gonna cut it anymore.
conversely, i'm not gonna be a good little boy and ignore or overlook bad decisions the government makes. i didn't do that all the years that i voted republican, i didn't do it when i voted for clinton and i'm sure as hell not gonna do it for the keystone cops occupying the whitehouse now.
if you could take a minute from stickin' pins in your "liberal voodoo doll" collection and reread my post, you'll see that i didn't offer an opinion either way as to what the t-times printed. i said
only, "this might be of interest". period.
the only opinions i offered where those of young iranians i heard interviewed, persians i know personally and my own.
if you can't work with that, too bad.