rayban1 wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:the slimer squad will be after ritter (again) any time now.
If the Bush administration is even a fraction as bad as the libs on this forum suggest.......Ritter would have disappeared long ago.
well?? seems to be the sop. sliming the bejeezus out of anyone that comes out against the cheney whi... er, i mean the
bush whitehouse is immediately st upon by the goon squad. mark my words, this is gonna pop up on the hannity / limberger shows. just as soon as the official talking points come in.
o'neill. clark. ritter (the first time), wilson.
plame, cbs. newsweek. deep throat.etc.
"oh he's bitter about not getting a job." bla,bla,bla.
and some people just keep on accepting whatever fodder is hand fed to them.
i don't. i even questioned a lot of what clinton did. so there...