One of the things you notice about terrorism is that the whole idea depends entirely upon the assumption of the victims being more civilized than the perpetrators. What I mean is, that you will look in vain for any sort of a story about terrorist acts being perpetrated against Chengis Khan, Tamerlane, or Adolf Hitler. Or at least, you will look in vain for more than one or two such stories, or for such a story producing any sort of an outcome favorable to the terrorists.
The story of the little town of Lidice is one such story of a terrorist act in which a single nazi official was killed.
This is what happened in consequence:
Compare that with the American treatment of terrorists at Gitmo. We actually read one account of a poor terrorist suffering from somebody having the airconditioning set too high, and this while American soldiers swelter in the 120 degree heat of the Iraqi desert, and for that we hear Dickless Durbin crying and caterwauling and carrying on and comparing the soldier who set the AC wrong to the guys who massacred the village of Lidice.
Pretty amazing, isn't it?