Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2019 10:49 am
October 7, 2019
Bernie Sparks Billionaire Panic
#TheDamageReport #JohnIadarola #TheYoungTurks
Wealth gap: Bernie's statement purposefully misunderstood

Bernie Sanders: "Billionaires should not exist...."

Christina Alesci: "Maybe Bernie Sanders shouldn't exist" says Blackstone's Schwarzman in response to (someone) asking him to defend billionaires, which Sanders says should NOT exist".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Billionaires should not exist" does not mean certain people should not exist. The ascent of billionaires is a symptom and outcome of an immoral system that tells people affordable insulin is impossible but exploitation is fine".

The Damage Report asks:
"Do you think individuals should be allowed to have a billion dollars?"

Luxin: Yes, but anything in excess of a billion should go straight into legitimate environmental endeavours, or purchasing land for refugees to become self-sufficient farmers and land restoration experts.

John Iadarola: "The system should not have existed in a way that allowed them to accrue the wealth that they have. As you probably heard many times ... maybe disagree ... no person, ever, in the history of humanity, has earned a billion dollars. They've GOTTEN a billion dollars, but they haven't EARNED a billion dollars, certainly not by themselves, and we are allowed to say, as a society, that certain ways or types of making money are not acceptable. If I could make a million dollars for each person I shoot, you would not think that was an OK way for me to get wealthy. And while exploiting people and keeping them in poverty and all of that isn't as bad as murdering them, we are allowed to say it's unacceptable, we're not going to allow it any longer. You've benefited from the system long enough; you bought off the politicians; you got the policies and the regulations that you wanted; you accrued SCI-FI levels of wealth, and that needs to end, and so what we're going to do is set up a wealth tax ... You're so wealthier than I will ever be. You're so wealthy that you could spend more money every day than you could possibly the end of that day you could dive into a whole bunch of coins Scrooge McDuck style, but you're not gonna be as wealthy as you were, because the rest of us are hurting, and it's time that it ends". ... (Elizabeth) Warren is willing to put in a wealth tax as well ... Long past due".

Luxin (no connection with The Damage Report): Amen. The existence of the "billionaire condition" (not the person) is proof that a huge adjustment of and equitable distribution of wealth is long overdue. I don't threaten individuals, but the disastrous outcome of the French and Russian revolutions is absolute proof of the curse of excessive wealth. Schwarzman and all his fellow plutocrats should, at least eventually, if wealth gap adjustment is law, be content with being "moderately wealthy" and hopefully protected from the fate of the wealthy in the above-referenced revolutions; they should also consider what Nick Hanauer speaks of.

Critique of Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of The Blackstone Group, who suffers from incurable foot-in-mouth disease ( ). I recommend that Mr. Schwarzman, apologize for his hasty response. Schwarzman is, in my view, a corporate fascist or "Nazi" who loves to have buildings named after him. There is no indication of any environmental concerns in Schwarzman's "philanthropy".

"In June 2007, Schwarzman described his view on financial markets with the statement: "I want war, not a series of skirmishes... I always think about what will kill off the other bidder."

Mr. S. is close to the "Nazi" racist and dictator lover Donald J. Trump:

"Schwarzman is a Republican. He is a long-time friend of President Donald Trump and provides outside counsel, and served as chair of Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum.[20][3] In response to criticism for his involvement with the Trump administration, Schwarzman penned a letter to current Schwarzman Scholars, arguing that "having influence and providing sound advice is a good thing, even if it attracts criticism or requires some sacrifice."[3]

"He raised $100,000 for George W. Bush's political endeavors".

Evidence of Mr. S's foot-in-mouth disease:

"In August 2010, Schwarzman compared the Obama administration's plan to raise the tax rate on carried interest to Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939.[22][23] Schwarzman later apologized for the analogy".

"He had previously made a donation to (Sen.) Marco Rubio in 2014". Rubio is the Senator most critical of the danger of China and the CCP, as Steve Bannon is.

"In late 2016, Schwarzman "helped put together" a team of corporate executives to advise Trump on jobs and the economy. The group, which includes JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Walt Disney boss Bob Iger and former General Electric leader Jack Welch, became Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum.[28][29] In February, Schwarzman was named as chair of the 16-member President's Strategic and Policy Forum, which brings together "CEOs of America's biggest corporations, banks and investment firms" to consult with the President on "how to create jobs and improve growth for the U.S. economy.""

Mr. S invested in a school in China (government is the criminal "Nazi" CCP):

"On April 21, 2013, Schwarzman announced a $100 million personal gift to establish and endow a scholarship program in China, Schwarzman Scholars, modeled after the Rhodes Scholarship program. Schwarzman simultaneously announced a fundraising campaign with a goal of $200 million. The Schwarzman Scholars program is housed at Tsinghua University, one of China's most prestigious universities. The first class of 100 students graduated in 2017, upon completion of Schwarzman College, designed by Robert A. M. Stern, Dean of the Yale School of Architecture".
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Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2019 07:18 am
October 8, 2019
The US should raise the minimum wage:
Blackstone's Steve Schwarzman
18 Apr 2019

The words in the above video on raising the minimum wage in the U.S. (hopefully Canada will follow) are to Mr. Schwarzman's credit, but words alone without action don't cut it.

Since it appears that you may be among those who are pioneering the thought, Mr. S, you have a moral responsibility to be a pioneer for action in the matter. Or are you just a hypocrite pretending to have democratic socialist ideas like Bernie Sanders? Your veiled threat regarding Bernie suggests hypocrisy.

Your Schwarzman Scholars initiative in China suggests you have no concern regarding the CCP's severe human rights abuses. Your silence on China's many human rights abuses is VERY MUCH TO YOUR DISCREDIT. In fact, you could well be the basic soulless "monster" I believe you are, concerned about nothing but money and feeling all puffed up with pride about the scholars you plan to educate, each one proud to call themself a "Schwarzman Scholar".

If it was up to me, I would not allow ANY interaction with corrupt "Nazi" China -- neither business nor tourism. The people are not the real problem; it's the CCP, which, in agreement with Steve Bannon, I say the Chinese people will rise up against. The CCP could become history sooner than we think.

Mr. S, so far you seem to be, like your "Nazi" friend Trump**, just a narcissistic NOTHING with a fortune you haven't earned, and, not only no clue as to how to invest philanthropically, but no real potential as to how to care for the majority, not just academics and investors.

** Trump has touched you, Mr. S, and as Rick Wilson's book title says "Everything Trump Touches Dies". Of course, you must be dead already, just one in an army of the dead surrounding the predator-in-chief or chief of the dead.

But if you generate a momentum that actually results in a minimum wage increase, you'll get a point for that. However, if you are not a hypocrite, it's best that you not make ignorant comments about Bernie, because you would theoretically be allied with him in working on the wage gap.

The current global revolution involves the wealth gap, human rights, and the most crucial human right without which we are all finished, a functional Nature. Here I stress that true revolutionaries must be committed to all three aspects or they are phonies, because the three are inseparable.

Mr. Schwarzman, you appear to be a squeaky wheel in the revolutionary cart. Would be nice if you could prove me wrong, but I won't hold my breath.
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