Until recently I was only interested in dating divorced women that were 20 or more years my junior.
Nothing was ever complete, nothing lasted for very long because it was mainly for fun times. Having a social life like that is not cheap nor does it lead to anywhere worth staying for very long.
I would be the last to discourage anyone for trying it. You can find out for yourself, it will play itself out sooner or later. I never had any interest in getting married again some of the women did. When you realized you are going nowhere?
On the other hand if a woman wants to get married bad enough for whatever her reasons may be she will overlook anything derogatory about an older man as long as she believes he has enough money because first and foremost, a woman wants and needs security, someone to take care of her before she loses her appeal.
Ideal situation is to marry very young, stay together and appreciate each other when you are both wrinkly and gray.
In the meantime if the old guy wants to pick up younger women for fun? More power to him. After all, this IS America.