Full of half truths as ever. The government can't control teaching, it can control funding, if they want money from the public purse they have to fulfil certain criteria.
Laws from 'not that long ago' are irrelevant. Stick to the here and now, unless you want to start justifying McCarthyism, which I wouldn't put past you.
You're talking bollocks about political ideology, it's about hate speech which is clear across the divide whether it's from religious or political extremes, it tends to target already marginalised people who can't help being themselves.
Don't tell me what I mean, what I mean is what I say, and you're being as vague as ever. You did briefly mention the Gay News story so why not go into specifics? It's because it's all puff and nonsense, minor fine apology all done. I've not even bothered looking it up that's how well I know you're full of it.
You're full of bluster, why do you think hate speech specifically should be protected? Let's keep it simple, Holocaust Denial. Why do you think a political organisation should be able to leaflet a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood with claims that the Holocaust never happened?
No more vague bollocks, try to deal with the specifics for once.