neptuneblue wrote:
I've explained my POV, You ridiculed me. And you should apologize.
I'm sorry if it felt hurtful. From my perspective, you are mean and aggressive, so I just felt I was standing up for myself.
I'm also sorry if my difficulty respecting your opinion/POV is due to some lack of insight I have. I know this sounds double-edged or back-handed, but there is the possibility that there is something in your POV that I can't understand and that's why it seems biased and wrongheaded to me.
If we can't grasp each others' POVs, and we hurt each others' feelings, maybe better to avoid one another. I doubt this apology is going to make you trust or respect me any more, and I'm not actually convinced you are sincere and not just manipulating me by asking for an apology because I demanded one from Sturgis when he was being a jerk.
I know some of you are part of a long Ask2Know clique that's gotten to know each other for a long time, and I distrust your loyalties for that reason. I am not looking to join any clubs and I dislike people who do instead of acting independently as individuals.
Regardless of the ways in which we agree or disagree, though, I am sorry for any hurt you might have felt because of something I said. I know I don't like it when I feel hurt by things said to me, and I know I'm supposed to treat others as I want to be treated. Unfortunately, this is the internet and people lie and manipulate all the time. It is hard to be decent in the midst of savagery.