You do display certain behaviours associated with being a closet, but I'm not going to speculate any further it's not my place and I'm not accusing you of anything.
I remember you devoting a lot of time to your desire for Chinese women, which isn't a good idea. The racism in China is quite upsetting, the kid was there for a year and taxi drivers often refused to pick up someone if they were black, and one Chinese student said the Nigerian students he was associating with would murder him.
If you are asexual then your behaviour is also outside the norm, and doesn't really fit in with the go forth and multiply parts of the Bible. It also suggests you have a lower sex drive than normal so really can't appreciate what it's like to have a high sex drive.
Asexual people also suffer from discrimination, so you shouldn't really be pushing for more intolerance.
Quote:Whilst social awareness is growing, asexuality is still not widely recognised, and prejudice against asexual people remains largely unexamined. The little research that there is in this area has uncovered strong bias against asexual people. Relative to heterosexual people, and even to lesbian, gay and bisexual people, asexual people were found to be the target of more prejudice, avoidance and discrimination. Of all the sexual minorities studied, asexual people were the most dehumanised, viewed as “machine-like”- cold and emotionless. This demonstrates the need to address anti-asexual bias and that asexual people are at risk of experiencing violence, abuse and discrimination.