Are "vs. questions" and/or "vs. discussions" allowed here on Able2know?

Tue 23 Jul, 2019 03:16 am
I'm glad when my younger brother, older sister and I were coming up, the LGBTQI agenda wasn't something that was being taught in schools and wasn't something that was being imposed upon young children and youth.

When my siblings and I were coming up, homosexuality was something that was LOOKED DOWN UPON. Something people USED TO MAKE FUN OF.

We knew what homosexuals were, and they were talked about them in school, but NO ONE was trying to impose homosexuality or any part of the LGBTQI agenda on us.

No one was trying to sway young people into becoming LGBTQI people.

I didn't know what "LGBQTI" was about until Obama came along and gave the LGBTQI community a voice.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 03:19 am
That's not true. I had one gay Catholic penpal whom I met through Yahoo! Answers.

He wanted to break ties with me when he learned what I said about homosexuality elsewhere online.

I'm praying for him.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 05:04 am
So you refused to accept him for what he is and are praying to have him forcibly changed.

What you're doing is wrong, and calling yourself Christian while spreading hate is a real insult to all those Christian martyrs who died.

Bigots have been twisting religious scripts to spread their own hateful ideology ever since religion came along. Various priests have claimed that God made people black to mark them out as suitable for slavery.

There's loads of pseudo science out there about how black people are inferior mentally to white people.

Your horseshit is more of the same except you're attacking people's sexuality instead of their skin colour.

It's still hate, and it's still wrong.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 05:06 am
Did you enjoy making fun of homosexuals. Did you enjoy driving them to commit suicide? Did it make you feel big?

Lots of LGBT people are driven to take their own lives because of people like you.

You should be praying for yourself.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 05:17 am
I did not make fun of gays. I don't know where you got that idea from.

Homosexuality is WRONG.

http://www.firstdallas.org/icampus/blog/what-god-says-about-homosexuality/ :

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act.
–Leviticus 20:13

What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Leviticus 18:22 says, “[Men] shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” Leviticus 20:13 says, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act.” God’s Word says the homosexual act is detestable; it is an abomination.

Some people say, “You Christians pick and choose which verses of the Bible you want to obey. The book of Leviticus also prohibits what you can eat and prescribes animal sacrifices. Why do you disregard those rules but adhere to these rules?” There is a simple answer. The only rules of the Old Testament that apply to us today are the rules that are repeated in the New Testament. We don’t live under the old law. We live under the new law of God. The New Testament says nothing about dietary restrictions or animal sacrifices, but it does repeat the commands about adultery, premarital sex, and homosexuality.

In Romans 1:26-27, Paul said, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” The Bible says homosexuality is against God’s natural law with severe consequences. You can be forgiven of homosexuality. You can be forgiven of any sin. But to be forgiven of a sin, you must admit you have sinned. The Bible prohibits homosexual behavior.

The New Testament also prohibits homosexual marriage. Jesus talked about this in Matthew 19. The Pharisees said, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” (v. 3).
Jesus answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (vv. 4-6). Jesus was saying, “If you want to know the answer to the divorce question, then let’s look at God’s original plan for marriage. Genesis says marriage is one man with one woman for a lifetime.” By affirming God’s standard, Jesus was saying that any deviation from that standard–not just gay marriage but any deviation, such as adultery, premarital sex, or unbiblical divorce–is sin because it doesn’t measure up to the perfect standard of God. Jesus said marriage is one man with one woman for a lifetime.

Some people say, “I wish we didn’t talk about gay marriage; it is so controversial.” We do not do the world a favor when we stay silent. God has spoken about this issue; we dare not be silent."

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New King James Version (NKJV)-
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Hebrews 13:4-
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 05:35 am
Pics of males kissing each other are disgusting and offensive. That is why I reported those posts that contained that pic of Superman and Batman kissing each other.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 06:21 am
Your hateful attitude is disgusting and offensive, two men kissing is no more offensive than a man and a woman kissing.

You're the one with the problem, and you'd best watch your back because those who have no problem discriminating against LGBT people usually don't have a problem discriminating against people of different ethnicity.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 06:28 am
More horseshit. Leviticus says lots of things are wrong, like wearing mixed fabrics, shaving, eating shellfish, and a whole host of other innocuous activities.

Bigots tend to miss all of that out and instead focus on homosexuality, but Leviticus makes no such distinction. If homosexuality is a sin then so is wearing a pair of socks with a cotton nylon mix.

And if you do any of the things condemned in Leviticus but only condemn that which you despise you're not only a bigot but a hypocrite as well.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 07:16 am
I'm not arguing. My friend Bill (Wmwcjr) was right about you.

This is the last message he left me in PM:

"I knew this would happen. You have my complete sympathy. Many of the members of this website hate the Bible and Christianity. They're militant atheists. Izzythepush even despises anyone who believes in the Genesis account of the Flood. The member who posted the offensive picture was deliberately trying to provoke you. He knew how you would respond. He was baiting you. You must remember that these people are spiteful in the extreme. They hate anyone and everyone who believes in biblical morality such as you and me. They are completely unreasonable. They're also extremely hypocritical. They rail at the religious right in this country, but also defend Islam even though people like them would be the first to be executed. Izzy favors unlimited immigration of Muslims to his country even though homosexuals are treated very badly in Muslim countries. For example, in Iran gays are executed. They're tossed off the roofs of tall buildings. Jason, this website is not what it is billed to be. It shouldn't even be called "able2know." Its real purpose is not to provide information. It's purpose is to provide a forum for arguments in which many of the members are allowed to engage in abusive exchanges. You won't see me post in this forum ever again. I will eventually cease visiting this forum/website because it only offers trouble. I have nothing but contempt for most of its members. There are a few nice members, but just a few! You deserve a forum that is more supportive of your convictions. As far as most of the A2K members with whom I've had contact, I wouldn't even give any of them the time of day if I met him in real life. They're ignorant, hypocritical, intolerant people with whom you shouldn't waste any of your time. Don't cast your pearls to swine!

Best regards,

Tue 23 Jul, 2019 07:42 am
I don't know why you are dragging race and/or ethnicity into this.

I recall around the time I first started using this site, you and a handful of other people thought I was a Caucasian male. You all had a hard time believing I was an African American.

I recall you posted this pic to annoy and/or spite me in an old thread:

Tue 23 Jul, 2019 07:52 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

I'm glad when my younger brother, older sister and I were coming up, the LGBTQI agenda wasn't something that was being taught in schools and wasn't something that was being imposed upon young children and youth.

When my siblings and I were coming up, homosexuality was something that was LOOKED DOWN UPON. Something people USED TO MAKE FUN OF.

We knew what homosexuals were, and they were talked about in school, but NO ONE was trying to impose homosexuality or any part of the LGBTQI agenda on us.

No one was trying to sway young people into becoming LGBTQI people.

I didn't know what "LGBQTI" was about until Obama came along and gave the LGBTQI community a voice.

0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:05 am
That is why I reported those posts that contained that pic of Superman and Batman kissing each other.

Come on! The whole superhero comics form is homoerotic. Skintight spandex codes for super-masculine strength but also makes for sexy bulges and evocatively tight leotards...
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:19 am
Don't ruin comics for me.

And what about how female characters are presented in superhero comics? Don't you think there's a double standard?
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:22 am
I'm dragging race/ethnicity into this because bigots don't tend to stick to one area, and if you like hanging around with homophobic bigots don't be surprised when they start treating you the same way.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:26 am
That person is an Islamophobic bigot, and a racist.

I can see why he's your friend, he also has a lot of hate.

I've not mentioned homosexuality at all until you started your tirade of hate.

Only an idiot could believe the biblical account of the flood. It didn't happen, there's no evidence it did happen.

I wasn't baiting you at all. I've tried really hard to be pleasant to you, but you decided to crow about your bigotry.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:28 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

Don't ruin comics for me.

And what about how female characters are presented in superhero comics? Don't you think there's a double standard?

Lesbians do exist in comics. Therefore, no double standard is present.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:33 am
I am not talking about that. I am talking about the way female characters are objectified and sexualized.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:36 am
I've been accused of being gay, when I am not. I don't know any homophobic bigots who don't like African Americans.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:39 am
I've not accused you of anything other than homophobic bigotry, but you might want to ask yourself why you're so obsessed with what other people get up to in their bedrooms.
Tue 23 Jul, 2019 08:51 am
Really man? That's NOT what I am talking about either.

I say I am asexual and others construe that as being gay.

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