these are two of my favourite artists at the moment. i discoeverd glenn barr maybe 2 years ago, i saw an article on him in a tattoo magazine and thought the pictures looked like something i might do myself....if slightly better than mine. maybe
then i found out he used to do backgrounds and character styling on 'ren & stimpy' and thought maybe he influenced me without me knowing it. i really like the way he paints female figures, reminds me of the old tex avery cartoons with li'l red in etc. i'm a sucker for old cartoons. also his use of colour is really interesting to me, the way a lot of his pictures are areas of colour with the detail done over it without trying to stick to it. again it was a direction i was going in and loved seeing it done well.
the type of art is referred to as 'low-brow- or 'pop-surriealism' but art is art as far as i'm concerned.
blaine fontana i found on a website called a few weeks ago and again i like the use of colour and the use of lettering lends a nice quality to the work imo.