No one will give up anything that gives them an undue advantage over others, even if that advantage is shared to stalemate.
I see the problem to be "hypocracy"; the clarification of "motives" within arguements between honest and decent combatants always shames them into compromise. The secondary problem is finding "honest and decent combatants"!
And I will pre-empt obvious comments by pointing out:
There is only one problem in this world; oversimplification!
while i realize the rather constant allegations of the "liberal" media, i was just walking thru the living room where the T.V. is on (entertaining my parrot) and its MSNBC with footage of "anti-war protesters" that seques into a clip of families of US military demonstrating in support of the troops but this time labeled "patriots." bias in language?
What? Bias in American mainstream media? Dyslexia! What Is Wrong With You??!!
If one wishes to avoid biased media, American or otherwise, one limits one's self to weather, TV listings, and the stock market ticker, and is specifically enjoined from considering analysis, opinion, and commentary.
Free press is a joke, except in the nooks and crannies where the great mass of the people never gets exposed to it.
timberlandko wrote:If one wishes to avoid biased media, American or otherwise, one limits one's self to weather, .
i think otherwise, we have had a record breaking snow here in Denver, taken me 4 days to dig out the driveway--I consider this a right wing plot of the neo cons in the Bush administration. :wink:
Please take a break from all that shoveling, dyslexia. Even as we speak, so to speak, there is a radical right snow plow headed your way.
to bury you driveway under an additional 12'.
I have discerned a very simple and easy way to determine whether a media source is biased right or biased left.
If it carries the photo of Hussein and Chirac happily chatting, it's right wing.
If it carries the photo of Hussein and Rumsfeld happily shaking hands, it's left wing.
Here is how the administration will be supporting the troops after they come home:
Edgar -- I heard about that because sometimes at night I turn my radio dial to the Joyce Riley show -- and she is having fits about this and the lack of preparation for chem-bio warfare. The Pentagon has acknowledged that the masks don't work (faulty gasket or something), but haven't replaced them. It's very typical of what the administration and Congress are doing -- they've discovered that if they talk up one thing and do another, no one notices. (And those of us who do get slammed by the Foxies who think the news comes in one easy sentence with a sports/entertainment/Dow crawl.)
Ban the Bomb but not firecrackers
army, lethal to the country.
The subject above is translated from an ancient chinese book on war and army,written by sunzi.
It basically means there are two aspects if a country has a very strong army. anybody can get that?